
Chapter 412 Hesitant to talk, what ancestor?

Chapter 412 Hesitant to talk, what ancestor?
Tong Yan had been praying that the bottle would light up, and it turned out that it did.But why is the bright purple light?What does this purple light represent?

Not only Tong Yan is a little confused now, even the patriarch of the Wu family is a little confused.

He stared at the bottle in the half-grown child's hand, and then asked puzzledly: "Why is this happening? Could it be because the phoenix blood in it has been used for a long time, so the reaction has changed? Do you use fresh phoenix blood? ?”

Hearing this, the half-grown child hurriedly replied: "Patriarch, this phoenix blood was just sucked a few days ago, so it should be very fresh. And I also dripped blood into it just now, and it also glowed red. Who knew this?" What's the matter with the boy's blood, I have never encountered such a purple light."

Hearing this, the head of the Wu family frowned and said, "It's really strange. You stay here for now, and I'll go to my ancestor. Maybe he can answer my doubts. Erliang, you can get up now."

Wu Erliang, who was kneeling on the ground, heard this, quickly got up, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was also very nervous during Tong Yan's blood test. It is estimated that if Tong Yan fails in this blood test, he will also be implicated.Now that the bottle was lit up with purple light, he had escaped a catastrophe.

The head of the Wu family didn't say anything, and hurried out immediately.The three remaining people in the room were a little at a loss.

"Third Uncle, you said that the bottle glows with purple light, does that mean that he is from our clan?"

Hearing this, the half-grown child thought for a while and said: "It should be like this. The blood of ordinary people can't stimulate the blood of the Phoenix. But this light is purple, which is a bit confusing. Never mind Now, when the patriarch returns, everything will be clear."

This also means that Tong Yan's heart still has to hang on.After finally making the bottle light up, it turned out to be purple light.Isn't this the rhythm of playing people?

Tong Yan stared blankly at the jade bottle in the half-grown child's hand, not knowing what to do.

Time passed bit by bit, but the head of the Wu family did not return for a long time.The originally tense atmosphere gradually relaxed as time passed.

Anyway, having nothing to do, Tong Yan asked the so-called third uncle about Phoenix.

"Senior, you said that the blood test for me was phoenix blood. But was it drawn from the phoenix imprisoned in mid-air?"

Hearing this, the half-grown child nodded and said, "Apart from that phoenix, where else do we have phoenixes?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's heart trembled.It seems that he really guessed right, the fire bird in the midair is indeed a phoenix.But Phoenix is ​​an auspicious bird, wouldn't it be against the law of heaven to lock up Phoenix?Committed a great crime?

But it's not good for Tong Yan to say that directly, or it might anger the third uncle who practiced the art of rejuvenation.

He thought for a while, and then asked insincerely: "Senior, how long has it been since this phoenix was arrested? Do we usually use it for lighting here?"

The half-grown child might also feel bored staying there, so he replied, "I don't know how long. Anyway, since I can remember, the phoenix has been hanging in the air. The phoenix is ​​really amazing, it usually The whole body is on fire during the day, but at night, it will put away the flames by itself. Therefore, people here determine the time of work and rest according to the time when it brings light. It doesn't matter, when the patriarch really confirms that you are our fellow clansman After that, you live here for a while, and then you will understand."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a low voice, and was just about to ask something else, but unexpectedly the sky darkened all of a sudden.

When the half-grown child saw it, he immediately chuckled and said, "Look, that phoenix is ​​sleeping, so it's dark. Erliang, you can see at night, go and light the candles."

Wu Erliang agreed, and hurried to the altar, and with the sound of "Come on", the room was immediately lit up.Turning his head to look, it turned out that he had struck a match.

He lit the candles in the room with a match, and the room was bright again.

"Okay, let's stop standing. Let's all sit down! The ancestor often sleeps. If the patriarch wants to see him, he probably has to wait for him to wake up."

Seeing that the half-grown children sat down first, Tong Yan picked a chair by the side and sat down.

"Senior, I heard that you have practiced the art of rejuvenation. This art is really so magical? Doesn't it mean that you can live forever?"

Hearing this, the half-grown child laughed and said, "Immortal? If you can't cultivate into a fairy, who can live forever? This rejuvenation technique can only increase the lifespan of 200 years. It's not as amazing as you think."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked again: "But isn't there a book of life and death in the underworld? Everyone's lifespan is limited. If you increase your lifespan privately, won't the ghosts of the underworld come to trouble you?"

The half-grown child chuckled and said, "Trouble me? I am a descendant of the Wu family. How could they dare to provoke you easily? To tell you the truth, our Wu family members have their own destiny. We can live as long as we can, If we really can't survive, we will go to the nether world by ourselves, and the underworld has no control over us."

Of course Tong Yan knew that the Wu family was powerful, but he didn't expect to be so arrogant that they didn't even dare to control the underworld, so what's so scary about them?Fortunately, they have been living here and in the nearby town, otherwise, the Wu family might have done something shocking.

While they were chatting to pass the time, there was a knock on the door. The "half-old child" put the bottle in his hand on the table, and then raised his legs to open the door.However, when he opened the door, it was not the patriarch of the Wu family who came back, but a young man from the Wu family.

This person did not enter the house, but directly said: "Pass on the words of the old ancestor, let this new little brother go to his old man's place to meet."

Upon hearing this, Wu Erliang immediately told Tong Yan in a low voice: "The old ancestor has a very bad temper. When you meet him later, you must be careful when you speak. Otherwise, it might be... well he will give you to..."

Before Wu Erliang finished speaking, the half-grown child said sharply: "Erliang, what are you talking about? Little brother, come with me, I will take you to see your ancestors!"

Seeing Wu Erliang hesitated to speak, Tong Yan felt that this was not an easy matter.He wanted to ask, but Wu Erliang turned around and knelt down in front of the tablets of the ancestors with a "plop".

Tong Yan looked at him and knew that even if he asked again, he wouldn't say anything, and he just needed to pay more attention later.If that so-called ancestor dared to harbor ill intentions against him, even if he risked his life, he would never sit still.

However, when he saw the so-called ancestor, he suddenly understood one thing, the ancestor of the Wu family line is not necessarily a human being, it may also be...

(End of this chapter)

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