
Chapter 413 The Lotus Stone Road is dangerous every step of the way!

Chapter 413 The Lotus Stone Road is dangerous every step of the way!
Tong Yan stopped looking at Wu Erliang, but took a deep breath, and followed the "half-old child" out of the room.

It was already pitch black outside the room, but the Wu family disciple who came to spread the word carried a lantern.The shape of the lantern is a little strange, but it was deliberately tied into the shape of a phoenix. It seems that the Wu family really has a special liking for the phoenix.

The lantern is not very bright, and the range it can illuminate is only about three meters in radius.But even if there is no lantern to illuminate, with Tong Yan's spiritual eyesight, he can still see everything around him clearly.

Tong Yan didn't say a word along the way, because he needed to think about the situation he might encounter next.Maybe the purple light of the phoenix's blood is an auspicious omen when blood drips to recognize relatives, but it is also very likely to be a bad omen.

Of course, Xiangzhao is the best. It will definitely be convenient for him to recognize such a mysterious and huge family as relatives.But I'm afraid it's a bad omen. At that time, in the old house of the Wu family with such a master, he is really not sure whether he can leave alive.If the Wu family really turned against him, he had to think about the way to retreat and the way to leave.

Just thinking about it all the time, a group of three people have already walked out from the wall behind the old house.From the looks of it, the so-called ancestor of the Wu family did not live in this old house of the Wu family with his clansmen.As for where he lives, it will only be known after he arrives.

Outside the back door of the Wu family's old house, a stone pavement was also built, but there was a relief of a lotus flower a few meters away on this stone pavement.In Buddhist terms, this is called step-by-step lotus, and a leaf of the lotus represents a child, and the implication is nothing more than the meaning of many children and blessings, and the prosperity of the population.

The Wu family has been passed down from ancient times to the present, which has a lot to do with the prosperity of the population.Any family is people-oriented. If there is no one in the family, the family will perish. This is the reason.

After walking along Lianhua Road for about half an hour, a huge stone tablet suddenly appeared in front of us.I saw that the stone tablet was carved out of white jade, with four spirit beasts engraved on it according to the directions of up, down, left, and right. They are the four elephants in the legend, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu and White Tiger.In the middle of the four elephants, there is a huge ancient character "Yang" engraved on it.

Tong Yan stared at the word "Yang", feeling puzzled.Why is the word Yang engraved here?It's kind of weird.

But when they bypassed the stele and came to the stele, Tong Yan was suddenly startled.Because he saw a huge ancient character "Yin" on the back of the jade tablet, and four strange beasts were also engraved on the top, bottom, left and right of this Yin character.However, what is engraved this time is not the four sacred beasts, but the notorious four fierce beasts.The four fierce beasts are Chaos, Qiongqi, Zhuwu and Taotie.

Does this also mean that the road ahead will be extremely dangerous?

After Tong Yan looked at it intently for a while, he only frowned slightly, and followed the two Wu family members ahead as if nothing happened.

He didn't say a word here, but the "half-old child" in front spoke a little bored.

"Little brother, why didn't you say a word all the way? Could it be because you were afraid of meeting our ancestors?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Senior, you just joked, if I am also a member of your Wu family, it will be something to be happy to see your ancestors later, why would I be afraid?"

"Semi-old child" chuckled and said, "It's good that you are not afraid, it will be here soon."

Tong Yan let out a soft sigh and stopped talking.

He is indeed not afraid now, but worried and curious.People are full of curiosity about unknown things, this is human nature, and everyone is like this.And the reason why he didn't want to say anything more was because he knew that even if he asked, these guys probably wouldn't tell the truth, so it's better to keep calm.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, the three of them finally came to the end of this "Lotus Road".There are no houses here, but thousands of strangely shaped trees are planted.The branches of each tree are as thick as an arm, but the leaves on them are very rare.There is only a pinch of leaves on the top of the tree, as if people only grow hair on the top of their heads.

When they got here, the two people who were leading the way stopped.

The "half-old child" turned to look at Tong Yan, and then said, "Little brother, close your eyes now. Remember, I won't tell you to open them, so don't open them. Otherwise, you will be trapped in the hole for the rest of your life." In this wood."

"Half-old child" said it seriously, not like a joke.

Hearing this, Tong Yan looked forward intently, and thought to himself: "Could it be that there is some maze in this woods?"

He hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Senior, is it dangerous and unpredictable in this forest? But why am I the only one who closes my eyes? Don't you need to close your eyes?"

Hearing this, the "half-old child" chuckled and said, "Of course we also have to close our eyes. If we open our eyes, we will also get lost here."

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll close my eyes now. Please take me forward."

Seeing Tong Yan close his eyes, the "half-old child" immediately reached out to grab his arm, and then led him forward slowly.

Although Tong Yan really wanted to open his eyes and take a look, he really didn't dare to take the risk.The habitat of the Wu family is full of weirdness, so it's best to be careful.

After walking a few steps forward, there was a sound of "tongtong" under his feet.Judging from the sound, Tong Yan was sure that he should have walked on the wooden board.But he clearly remembered that there were only trees in front of him, and no boards at all?
After taking a few more steps forward, he actually felt his body shaking a bit.Could it be... Could it be that he is walking on a suspension bridge paved with wooden planks at this moment?

That should be the case, otherwise he wouldn't be able to feel this way.

If this is the case, it means that everything he saw with his eyes before was false, but what he feels with his heart now is real.

"Illusion? Could it be that the numbers I saw just now were born of an illusion? The reason why I didn't let you open my eyes was because I was afraid that I would fall into an illusion?"

Tong Yan speculated in his heart, and continued to walk forward steadily.

Only when the wobbly feeling disappeared, the "half-old child" who led him forward stopped.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan quickly opened his eyes and looked forward.Seeing this, he almost cried out, and then couldn't help but look back.

After seeing everything clearly, cold sweat broke out unconsciously on his forehead.Behind him, there was indeed a bridge covered with wooden planks, but what he didn't expect was that the wooden planks were not connected by ropes at all, but just floating like that.

And under this wooden bridge, there is a bottomless abyss.

What does the mysterious ancestor look like, and what is going on here?

(End of this chapter)

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