
Chapter 414 Qionglou Yuyu finally meets his ancestors!

Chapter 414 Qionglou Yuyu finally meets his ancestors!
If the scene behind him is not enough to make people frightened, then everything in front is simply beyond the scope of human comprehension.

Tong Yan even had some doubts, did he come to an illusory world?
At this moment, the three of them are standing on a circular stone platform. The area of ​​the stone platform is not large, only a few square meters in size.In front of the stone platform is a row of floating steps, the steps go straight up, extending to an extremely luxurious white palace.

Not surprisingly, that luxurious palace was also floating.Just like the fairy palace and temple in the heaven recorded in the book, floating there, it is particularly eye-catching.

Except for this step and that palace, the rest of the place is dark, only countless pieces of floating meteorite-like stones hang in the darkness.Although these stones emit a faint white light, compared with the darkness of the entire space, they are like stars in the night sky. Even though they are dazzling, they cannot compete with the vast night sky.

If talking about what it looks like here, Tong Yan thought of the universe.But it couldn't be the universe, because he was sure he was still underground.But there is still a feeling of infinity and endlessness here.Even if it is not a universe, it is at least a world.

Tong Yan was completely stunned here, he didn't understand, how could there be such a world next to the old Wu family house.He doesn't understand, is this world real, or is everything just an illusion?

He pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of a Buddhist saying.Sumeru mustard seeds, Mount Sumeru is considered in Buddhism to be the king of all mountains. It is so huge that no mountain in the world can compare with it.But such a mountain can be stuffed into rapeseed.Although it is used to describe the subtlety of Buddhism and its ubiquity, it also shows the existence of the mustard space.

According to the Buddhist cosmology, this place is probably a mustard space.

But if this is the case, the Wu family is amazing.They can open up a space, isn't that the ability of the creator?

Tong Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore, he would rather believe that everything he saw was fake and didn't exist.But whether this is the real situation, perhaps only the Wu family knows.

The "half-aged child" looked at the shocked Tong Yan, chuckled and said, "Okay, how long are you going to be stunned? Let's go to the ancestor's temple quickly, if he waits for you , carefully throwing you into this dark world."

Temple?Well, this is truly a temple.

Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, trying to calm himself down.It's not time to think about this space now, it's more important to meet the ancestor.

"Senior, please continue to lead the way. I'm fine."

"Semi-old child" smiled slightly and said, "That's good. In fact, when I first came here, I was almost as frightened as you were. But the more times I come here, the more I get used to it. Old man The ancestor can summon you in person, he must have accepted you. Otherwise, why would he let you meet him here? Let’s go, follow us. Don’t stumble and fall!”

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Yes, this junior must be careful!"

The "half-aged child" didn't say anything more, and immediately walked up the steps with the Wu family who led the way.

The steps are a bit steep, and the width and length of the steps are very limited.The feeling of walking on it is like walking on a single-plank bridge. If you are a little afraid of heights or a timid person, you may have to retreat in fear after taking two steps.

Tong Yan was fine, after all, he was a courageous person with extraordinary skills, so it was nothing to walk up such a step.

The speed of the three of them was not too fast, and it took less than half an hour to walk to the palace that seemed not far away.

Just waiting for the last step to step out of the steps, the three of them were slightly sweating.

This palace is built with white jade everywhere, if it wasn't for the darkness here, it would really compete with the fairy palace in the sky.There are two stone sculptures at the gate of the palace, a dragon on the left and a phoenix on the right.The two sacred beasts are placed at the door, which naturally means that the dragon and the phoenix will bring good luck.

There is a plaque hanging above the gate of the palace, with two big characters engraved on the plaque, the temple.

Dare to name the temple like this, it seems that this ancestor really regarded himself as a god-like existence.

But then again, if he doesn't have diamonds, doesn't do porcelain work, and doesn't have any real skills, how can he call himself a god?

Now the gate of the palace is closed, if the tall palace gate is pushed open by manpower, it is basically impossible.

The disciple of the Wu family who was in charge of leading the way walked up to the gate of the hall, then knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times respectfully, and shouted: "My son Wu Ziwen has brought the newcomer to the front of the hall. The ancestors opened the gate of the palace."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white light flashed above the palace door, and then he saw the huge palace door slowly open.

As soon as the door of the palace opened, the "half-old child" immediately said to Tong Yan: "The door is open, go in by yourself."

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked in puzzlement, "Aren't you going in?"

"Semi-old child" smiled slightly: "The ancestors didn't summon us, we are not qualified to enter the temple. I wish you all the best, we will wait for you here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you both for taking care of me all the way. Then I'll go in! Let's take my leave first!" After speaking, he took a deep breath, and then raised his legs and walked towards the main hall.

The main hall is very large, and this long corridor alone has to be several hundred meters long.Tong Yan walked on the corridor, unconsciously feeling awe.This feeling is like a commoner in ancient times, entering the palace gate for the first time to meet the Holy One.A little nervous, a little excited, a little worried.

With such an uneasy mood, Tong Yan finally walked to the end of this long corridor.From a distance, he saw the head of the Wu family standing respectfully in the hall.

The status of the head of the Wu family is already very high, but after arriving here, he doesn't even have the qualifications to sit down.It can be seen that this ancestor is the real manager of the Wu family and the highest belief.

Passing through the long corridor, Tong Yan walked directly into the lobby of the main hall.

Looking up to the innermost part, a huge screen blocked his view.There was a faint figure behind the screen, but he couldn't see clearly. It is estimated that the person behind the screen should be the ancestor of the Wu family.

When the head of the Wu family saw Tong Yan coming in, he immediately said, "Why don't you salute quickly when you see your ancestor?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly knelt down on his knees and shouted: "This junior has seen the old ancestor!" He then kowtowed three times.The Wu family paid great attention to etiquette, and he knew that if he didn't kowtow, it would be rude.

After knocking his head three times on his side, a gentle man's voice sounded from behind the screen.

"Well, good boy! Get up!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't dare to say more, and got up directly.

When he stood up, the screen slowly moved aside.

Tong Yan swallowed dryly, then quietly looked behind the screen.

But upon seeing it, he unconsciously trembled.It never occurred to him that this so-called ancestor... turned out to be a half-human monster...

(End of this chapter)

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