
Chapter 416 The trapped Firebird is Suzaku!

Chapter 416 The trapped Firebird is Suzaku!

Seeing Tong Yan's adoring face, the ancestor smiled slightly and said, "I know what you're thinking. Bloodlines like us do have the opportunity to reach heights that ordinary people can't reach. But in the same way, people like us usually suffer a lot of disasters." , Life is dangerous and unpredictable. I still remember that when I was young, I met an eminent monk who told me that I would have ninety-nine and eighty-one disasters in this life. I have encountered all kinds of unimaginable catastrophes. Every catastrophe is likely to destroy me physically and soul, and I will never recover. In fact, it is exactly as he said. I did almost die countless times, but fortunately I survived in the end. But this journey, to this day, I am still secretly afraid."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned and said, "Old Ancestor, what do you mean, my life is doomed to be rough and rough? If I can't make it through, I will die with body and soul, and I will never be reborn?"

The ancestor nodded and said: "Yes, although it is a bit cruel, but this is your fate. Who told us to have the strongest blood of the Wu family?"

The strongest blood of the Wu family?Tong Yan was very excited at first, but what the ancestor said was like pouring a bucket of ice water on his head. Not only did he no longer look forward to it, but he was somewhat disheartened.

"Old ancestor, do you think we are lucky? Or unlucky?"

Hearing this, the old ancestor couldn't help laughing. "Of course it's luck. How could it be unlucky? You have to know that only one of the millions of Wu family members can have the strongest bloodline. This is something that no one else can ask for. Of course, although this Life may be a bit hard, but it is impossible for a person to live a peaceful life, and more suffering is not necessarily a bad thing. Are you right? "

Tong Yan thought for a while, then smiled knowingly: "Old Ancestor, you are right. It is true that I worry too much, thank you for telling me so many things. I am honored, honored to be here, honored Knowing my family origin, I am more honored to be a part of the Wu family. I think I will cherish my life even more in the future. I want to be a person like you, guarding our Wu family, Protect the common people in the world."

Hearing this, the old ancestor nodded in satisfaction.

For the next few days, Tong Yan stayed in the main hall.There is a lot of food here, and after eating and drinking every day, he chats with his ancestors.

After these few days of getting along, the two are like grandparents and grandchildren. Not only do they get along well, but they also have endless topics to talk about.

Tong Yan told his ancestors all his encounters and experiences in life, and the ancestors also told him the history of the Wu family lineage and things about this world and the old house of the Wu family.

The fire bird above the old house of the Wu family is indeed a phoenix, and it belongs to the famous Suzaku family.The reason why the Suzaku was imprisoned in the old house of the Wu family was not because of the selfishness and cruelty of the Wu family.Instead, they are punishing the Suzaku who made a heinous mistake on behalf of God.

What crime did Suzaku commit?

It turned out that this matter was related to the legendary battle of the Four Elephants.Suzaku is one of the four elephants and the god of the southern stars.However, thousands of years ago, with the growth of the Suzaku clan and the expansion of their selfishness, they began to covet the false name of the leader of the four elephants.

As we all know, the Qinglong family is the head of the four elephants and the guardian gods of the east and the west.The Suzaku clan didn't want to always obey the Qinglong clan, so they colluded with the White Tiger clan and declared war on the Qinglong clan together, forcing the Qinglong clan to give up their position as the leader of the four elephants and become the last of the four elephants.

Dragons are a proud race, and the Qinglong clan is the most proud existence among the dragon clan.The title of the head of the four elephants is bestowed by God, and they will naturally not give it up willingly.

In this way, an almost inevitable four-elephant war broke out.

At first, the strength of the Suzaku and White Tiger clans was not enough to completely defeat the Qinglong clan.But what I didn't expect was that the four fierce beasts also joined the battle.

With the help of the four fierce beasts, the crusade army can be said to be overwhelming, not only captured the shelter of the Qinglong clan, but also beheaded all the members of the Qinglong clan.

That unrivaled battle was horribly tragic, and the Azure Dragon Clan fought almost to the last moment, just because they had a heart that would not give in.But it is a pity that although the Qinglong clan maintained the dignity of the dragon clan as the leader of the four elephants, and fought to the last second, but because of the disparity in strength, they were outnumbered, and finally the whole clan was wiped out, and no one was spared.

It may be that the heavens couldn't bear the death of the Qinglong clan, so they rescued a princess of the Qinglong clan.The princess fled all the way to the underworld, but she still couldn't escape the pursuit of the Suzaku clan.

But when she was dying, she gave birth to a dragon egg, which was later obtained by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sympathized with the experience of the Qinglong family, so he hatched the dragon egg and hid the dragon inside in a special way.

The Azure Dragon Clan has finally retained the last trace of blood, but it is impossible to revive the Qinglong Clan's former prosperity.

The Suzaku clan brutally killed tens of thousands of green dragons for their own selfish desires and for the sake of a mere fame.The sky was finally angry, not only condemned the Suzaku clan, but also chose Skywalker from the world to punish the murderer for the sky.

Coincidentally, a descendant of the Wu family was lucky enough to become a Skywalker.He joined forces with other Skywalkers, and got the help of gods from all sides, and finally broke into the nest of the Suzaku clan in one fell swoop.He captured the head of the Suzaku clan at that time alive, intending to use his blood to sacrifice to the dragon soul of the Qinglong clan.But it is a pity that Suzaku is a phoenix and has an immortal body.No matter what method is used, it can rise from the ashes.

The ancestor of the Wu family saw that the murderer could not be punished severely, so he came up with a way to seal him.Since then, there has been an extra firebird in the sky above the Wu family's underground palace.Firebird's whole body was bound with black iron chains and sealed with the Bagua Xuantian formation.

The ancestors of the Wu family had made a great wish that the descendants of the Wu family would guard the Suzaku for ten thousand years. When will it be 1 years, and when will the firebird be free.During the 1-year detention, the Wu family will absorb the blood of the Suzaku from it at regular intervals, firstly to punish it, and secondly to use the obtained Suzaku blood or take or refine elixir , Over time, the blood of the Wu family also changed.As long as it meets the blood of Suzaku, it will flash red light.

The above is the story between the Wu family and the sacred Suzaku locked in mid-air above the head. The Wu family has guarded this tortured Suzaku for generations, and it has continued to this day.

However, there was another thing that made Tong Yan feel unbelievable, and that was about the space he was in at the moment.

How is this space formed?What else is the Wu family's secret?We will continue in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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