
Chapter 417 Surprises keep coming, one more identity!

Chapter 417 Surprises keep coming, one more identity!

According to the ancestors, this space is called "Xuan".That's right, it is the ruins of the ruins.He told Tong Yan that the beginning of this space was just a stone from outside the sky.The stone had been placed on the side of the ancestral hall all the time, but for some reason, the stone suddenly exploded violently.This bombing didn't matter, even the ancestral hall was blown into ruins, and a huge black hole appeared.Entering from a black hole is such a strange space.

The ancestors of the Wu family saw that it was blown up and there were ruins everywhere, so they named it "Xuan".

Later, some of the ancestors of the Wu family with high cultivation levels entered the ruins and found that it was an excellent place for cultivation, so they built palaces and overpasses here.Since then, this place has become a retreat place for the ancestors of the Wu family to practice.

The cherished martial arts of the Wu family are all hidden in the temple in the ruins, and other clan members are not allowed to easily step into it except for the patriarch and respected people of the clan.

After being passed down to the generation of the ancestors, this place became his place of retreat and cultivation.There were no more outstanding people among the Wu family members, and the ruins gradually became deserted.

Tong Yan originally thought that this space was created by the ancestors of the Wu family, but he didn't expect it to be formed like this.This is really a big world, full of wonders.

But even if this space was not opened up by the Wu family, the glorious history and magical powers of the Wu family are by no means comparable to any other family in the world.Just one title of Skywalker is enough to honor the Wu family for generations to come.

Since Tong Yan, like his ancestors, has inherited the strongest blood of the Wu family, he naturally wants to practice the Wu family's mysterious skills.

But unexpectedly, his request was rejected by the ancestor.

"Son, it's not that I don't let you practice. You are my heir, and this place will be handed over to you sooner or later. But there is one thing I have to say first, our Wu family's skills and even pure skills If you have cultivated our Wu family’s kung fu, you cannot practice other kung fu. I see that your cultivation is not bad. If you want to practice our own kung fu, you must first completely destroy your own cultivation. If you are really willing, I can teach you the Wu family's magical skills immediately. But are you really willing?"

Tong Yan really didn't expect that there would be such a thing.This is indeed a difficult decision. With his current cultivation base, he has paid too much.If you just dissipate this body and say that you are willing, isn't that self-deception?Besides, he still has a lot of things to do now, where would he have the time to practice Wu Family Xuangong here?

He thought for a while, then smiled wryly: "Old Ancestor, since that's the case, I'd better come back to teach you the exercises after I finish dealing with my own affairs. I told you before that I still have a lot Things need to be dealt with. I really don't have that much time to stay here to practice. But anyway, thanks for telling me all this. When I really have nothing to worry about, I think I will definitely come back here. "

The old ancestor smiled slightly and said: "Yes, you will definitely come back. Well, you have stayed with me for a long time. I guess your friends are worried about you, so I will send you out now. Remember, When you come back, come here to find me. The ancestors will always be here waiting for you!"

Looking at the amiable ancestor, Tong Yan suddenly had a sore nose, then knelt down on the ground, and respectfully kowtowed three times.

"Old Ancestor, my grandson is leaving now. I will definitely come back to see you soon and bring you something delicious."

Hearing this, the old ancestor laughed and said, "Okay, you have this kind of filial piety, which is better than anything else. Take care of yourself! Child, remember, if you are wronged or bullied outside, you can come back. Our Wu family will always be your strong backing. No one can bully our Wu family, at worst, I will personally go out to the ancestors. Do you understand?"

Tong Yan has been trying his best to hold back his tears, but after hearing these few words from his ancestor, the tears finally flowed down.

He knew in his heart that the ancestor really regarded him as his grandson.Although they haven't been together for a long time, things like blood can make people build a deep relationship in a short period of time.

Just like that, Tong Yan reluctantly left the ruins and returned to the old house of the Wu family.

The children of the Wu family guarding the door already knew Tong Yan's identity, so when they saw him coming from Lianhua Road, they all greeted him warmly.

"Young patriarch, my name is Wu Si, and I live in the third house on the east end of the second row. If you are free, come to my place, and I will treat you to a drink."

"Young patriarch, my name is Wu Daren, and I live in the southwest corner. My daughter-in-law's craftsmanship is well-known in our old Wu family house. You must come and try it sometime!"

Young Patriarch?Tong Yan felt a little baffled, how could he, a prodigal son who had just recognized his ancestors, become the young patriarch they said?

But even so, he still greeted them warmly. After all, everyone is an ancestor, and they are considered family members.

When he was walking towards the village alone in a little confusion, a familiar figure ran up ahead.The person who came was none other than Wu Erliang who brought him here to recognize his ancestors.

Seeing acquaintances, Tong Yan was naturally in a good mood.As he walked forward, he said with a smile: "Old man, why are you here? Could it be that you came here to greet me?"

Hearing this, Wu Erliang laughed and said: "You really guessed it, young patriarch, the patriarch asked me to wait here all the time. He said you came, so I will take you to see him. He said he has something very important to tell you."

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, this Wu Erliang actually called himself the Young Patriarch, but how did he get this title?
"Old man, why do you call me young patriarch? The two brothers at the door also called me that, and I was a little confused."

Wu Erliang laughed and said: "Young patriarch, you have been with the ancestors all the time, so naturally you don't know. After the patriarch left the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors, he summoned the whole clan and told everyone that from today onwards, you are our Wu family." The young patriarch of the family. So, now the whole clan knows that you are the young patriarch, I'm afraid you are the only one who doesn't know. Haha..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said in embarrassment: "I just recognized my ancestor and returned to the clan, how can He De be the name of this young patriarch? I'd better tell the patriarch, don't let me be, otherwise, others will definitely Gossiping."

"Gossip? Who would gossip? You must know that you have the strongest blood of our Wu family, which is rare in hundreds of years. Well, hurry up and follow me, the patriarch is still waiting for you in the ancestral hall. Let him wait I'm in a hurry, I have to be scolded again."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded quickly, and the two immediately walked towards the ancestral hall in the village.

On this trip to hunt for beasts, Tong Yan not only had the Wu family as a big backer, but also became the young patriarch of the Wu family. The next thing will be even more interesting.

What kind of surprises will Tong Yan, who is the young master of the Demon Sect, the young master of the Guile Sect, and the young patriarch of the Wu family, bring to everyone next?

(End of this chapter)

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