
Chapter 421 Going down to the town of murderous creatures, the walking dead?

Chapter 421 Going down to the town of murderous creatures, the walking dead?
"Old man Erliang, you say this road is a dangerous road? How do you say that?"

Wu Erliang looked at the stairs in the dark place below, and then said: "Young Patriarch, let's go up first. I'll tell you slowly after we go up."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said: "Okay, then let's go up quickly." After speaking, the two stopped talking and continued to walk towards the exit.

When he came to the door, Tong Yan took one last look at the stairs at the back, then raised his leg and stepped out.

Walking out of the ancestral house and feeling the air outside, Tong Yan felt a sense of time travel.If the Wu family's underground world is an illusion, then he has returned to the real world now.

"Old man Erliang, can you tell me now? Why is the passage into the old house of the Wu family called the fierce road? Where does the word fierce come from?"

Hearing this, Wu Erliang sighed softly and said, "The name of this so-called fierce road was actually given by us. Because many people died on this road. And they were not killed, but unconscious. Suicide. Because there are often dangerous things happen, so over time, this road has been crowned with the word "Minor."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "I'm unconscious? Why did I become unconscious? Didn't the ancestors and patriarchs investigate carefully?"

"Of course the investigation has been done, but even they are helpless. The patriarch said that if our Wu family's determination is not firm, it is our own destiny to die on the road of evil, and it has nothing to do with others. If you want to live for a long time, if you are not firm It is absolutely impossible. Although the words of the patriarch are not convincing to everyone, they are not easy to refute. But... But I heard something from the old man in the clan, and I think it is the same as those few related to a murderer."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "The murderous thing? What kind of murderous thing?"

Wu Erliang looked around to make sure there was no one there, and then whispered: "The elders in the clan said that our Wu family is the descendant of Skywalker. Back then, we not only subdued the mythical beast Suzaku, but also a monster against the sky. This thing is called Qiongqi, and it is suppressed deep in the ground under the fierce road."

Tong Yan's heart trembled when he heard the word Qiongqi.He seemed to have understood something, the one who talked to him with his mind must be Qiongqi.

Why did he dare to be so sure, because he had contact with Qiongqi's remnant soul more than once.Although the Qiongqi he saw was just a remnant soul, its voice was exactly the same as the voice he heard on the fierce road.

He was still wondering why the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.Now he finally understands, because this is Qiongqi's voice.

In fact, thinking about it now, it's not that the ancestors and the patriarch deliberately concealed this matter, but that Tong Yan never asked about it.If he asked, the ancestor or patriarch would definitely tell the truth.

Tong Yan is now even more proud of being a member of the Wu family. The Wu family not only fulfilled the duties of Skywalker to guard Suzaku who committed a serious crime, but also suppressed Qiongqi, one of the four fierce beasts. Take these two things casually. One piece is enough to make the world admire it.Although he was not fortunate enough to participate in the feat of the year, he believed that he would definitely become a new Skywalker, like the ancestors of the Wu family, to benefit the world and defend justice.

Tong Yan felt as if he had been reborn once after going through the process of recognizing his ancestors and returning to his clan.He felt that he was lucky, because of the essence of a three-eyed white ape, he understood so many things, and everything seemed to be destined.

Now he can leave here with full confidence, because next, it is time for him to fulfill those preordained responsibilities.

As for the essence of the three-eyed white ape, the head of the Wu family naturally gave it to him. Not only that, the head of the Wu family also taught him a set of martial arts of the Wu family.Because Tong Yan possessed foreign martial arts, he couldn't practice the Wu family's pure martial arts, but being able to learn the Wu family's martial arts skills would be of great benefit to his strength.

After bidding farewell to Wu Erliang, Tong Yan embarked on a journey to Baihua Valley alone.He delayed for too long, and believed that everyone should have stopped waiting near Longhu Mountain and headed to Baihua Valley one after another.

Fortunate to get acquainted with the big sister of Baihua Guzhu, it is extremely important for Tong Yan's follow-up revenge.

The flower poison of Baihua Valley is well-known, plus Jiang Xiaoyu, an insect master, how can the Guishenmen and Tianshan Swordmen be able to resist it?
Regarding Jiang Xiaoyu's identity, Tong Yan has already thoroughly investigated it.She is indeed the former eunuch insect master, and Daniu is her apprentice.And the reason why she turned into a eunuch is actually unspeakable.Regarding her tragic past, I will not mention it here for the time being, and I will introduce it to you later.

Based on Tong Yan's current location, it's not too far from Baihua Valley.If he hurried on the journey, it would only take half a day at most.

Tong Yan walked like flying, so he didn't dare to take the normal road, so the route he chose was a relatively remote mountain road.Seeing that the distance to Mount Wuyi, where Baihua Valley is located, is getting closer and closer, he never imagined that he bumped into a girl called Huan'er who claimed to be a tricky door on the way.

The Huan'er girl seemed to be in a hurry, but she didn't know where she was going.

Tong Yan asked Chen Xiazi to investigate the identity of Miss Huan'er, but because the plan was ahead of schedule, he never met again.

At this moment, I met Huan'er on this remote mountain road, Tong Yan wanted to pretend he didn't see it, but the two happened to meet face to face, so we can't pretend to be stupid.

"Miss Huan'er, after leaving Longhushan, I never expected to meet you here. I see you are in a hurry, where are you going?"

Huan'er glanced at Tong Yan, but left a word coldly, then brushed past him. "roll!"

The word "roll" is really hurtful, but Tong Yan, a big man, naturally doesn't have the same knowledge as Huan'er, a little girl.

Tong Yan shrugged helplessly, then turned to look at Huan'er's back, intending to watch her leave.

But what he didn't expect was that there were three or four silver darts pierced on Huan'er's back. Although the darts didn't penetrate her body, most of them sank into her body.However, it is a little strange that the dart pierced her back, but no blood flowed from her body, which is really puzzling.

Looking at the situation, could it be that she fought with someone before?Can Huan'er girl's skill, who can hurt her?
While Tong Yan was thinking, hurried footsteps sounded behind him.

Hearing this, he hurriedly hid behind a big tree beside him.

In just a few seconds, three middle-aged men in white Taoist robes rushed here.

"Eldest brother, is that walking dead hidden? How come I chased here all the way and didn't see her?"

"Don't worry, she won't be able to run very far if she gets hit by my corpse dart. Let's keep chasing, the corpse dart is on her body, as long as we follow the corpse dart, we will be able to catch her."

The walking dead?Hearing these four words, Tong Yan felt uneasy in his heart.Could this ring...could it really be Gao Qian?If this is the case, isn't Gao Qian already...

What is the truth?

(End of this chapter)

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