
Chapter 422 Lost with someone, met by chance in the alley!

Chapter 422 Lost with someone, met by chance in the alley!
Tong Yan didn't dare to continue thinking about it, he decided to change his mind temporarily, and first followed these three Daoist priests who didn't know who they were or what sect they were.Maybe, he will be able to figure out the true identity of Huan'er.

Seeing that the three Taoist priests walked a little farther, he quickly followed up.

These three Daoist priests looked extraordinary at first glance, Tong Yan was worried about being discovered by them, so he always kept a distance of more than 500 meters.However, it is a little helpless that 500 meters is not far away, but because this is a mountain, this east and west circle, good guy, lost.

Tong Yan also blamed himself for being stupid, if that Huan'er really had something to do with Gao Qian, if something went wrong now, he would never forgive himself.

Now that he lost it, he could only call out the black flood dragon and let it help him find it. In this way, the chances of finding them should be higher.

After such a blanket search, Tong Yan unknowingly left the hill and entered a small local city.

Tong Yan didn't know what the name of this city was. After all, there were more than 600 cities in the motherland, and there were really not many people who could remember all the names.

Judging by the size of the city, it should be a county-level city or a small county seat.This place is considered affluent, the city is full of high-rise buildings, and the flow of people and vehicles is endless. If it is hidden in a certain corner of the city, it is really not easy to find it.

Tong Yan hesitated for a while, and decided to go to the city to try his luck. If he couldn't find the three Daoists or Huan'er, he could only return to Baihua Valley and make another plan.

From the time he was in Longhu Mountain until now, Tong Yan didn't take a good bath and change his clothes. Once he entered the city, well, he was no different from a beggar.If it wasn't for this pretty face, otherwise, she would definitely receive all kinds of blank stares.

It seems that he has not walked the streets of the city for a long time, and he has become accustomed to living in quiet and sparsely populated places.It's not that he hates the city, but that when a person is lonely in his heart, he will imperceptibly lock himself in a place where he thinks no one will disturb him.

I reached out and touched my pocket. Fortunately, there were a few hundred yuan bills inside. I should be able to go to a small shop by the side of the road to buy two clothes. In this case, it should be more convenient to find people in this small town.

With an idea in his mind, he immediately walked quickly towards the downtown area. Not to mention, a small shop selling clothes soon came into his sight.

The smaller the store, the cheaper the clothes might be.

Tong Yan looked up, then raised his legs and walked in.

In less than 10 minutes, a young man in a black jacket, black engineering pants, and black military boots came out of the store.

The person who came out was Tong Yan, such a pure black look was actually Qingming's style, but this small shop was full of such clothes and shoes.He took out all the money in his pocket, which was enough to pay for his outfit.

In any case, it looks much better than a beggar. In this way, it should be easier to ask others about the whereabouts of Huan'er or the three Daoist priests, at least it won't make people feel disgusted.

As he was walking, a few people happened to be walking towards him in front of him. Tong Yan hurried forward to inquire, but unfortunately he found nothing.He walked forward like this, asking all the way, and asked no less than 500 people, but still found nothing.

Tong Yan was a little depressed, didn't Huan'er and the three Daoists enter the small town?Didn't he have been busy for so long in vain?

He looked around, sighed, turned around and planned to leave.Although this city is not that big, it is a city after all. If you want to find three or four people in it, it is probably not much better than finding a needle in a haystack.

While the sky is still dark, it is important to rush to Baihua Valley as soon as possible. At that time, it is much better to let Chen Blind or Ma Daochang make a calculation than him to search blindly.

But he just turned around and walked back a few steps, but he didn't expect the sky to darken quickly.Immediately afterwards, a violent storm arrived.

I heard someone shouting among the crowd sheltering from the rain on the street: "This damn typhoon, it comes as soon as you say it. What a bad luck!"

This is considered a coastal city, and typhoons often come to patronize, but it is quite normal.

Tong Yan looked up at the huge water droplets falling down, and he felt even more helpless.He has spent all his money on clothes, and now he wants to go to a hotel to hide from the rain, but there is no way he can do it.

Well, find a place that can shelter from the wind and rain for a while, maybe the rain will stop after a while.

He comforted himself like this, and then quickly ran down the street.As he ran, he looked around for shelter from the rain.Finally a small alley came into his sight.

The alley is a bit dark, but it is precisely because of the obstruction of the eaves that it is the best place to shelter from the rain.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and ran all the way into the alley.

Although the alley was dark, the long eaves were enough for him to shelter from the rain.He leaned against the wall, panting for a while, then raised his eyes to look at the street that was already smoky and rainy.

The street was still bustling with people for the first 5 minutes, but now, except for the occasional passing car, there is no one to be seen.

Tong Yan laughed at himself. If he had known this, he shouldn't have wasted his time here. Otherwise, he would probably have arrived in Baihua Valley by now and eat the delicious pastry made by the owner of Baihua Valley.

Thinking of pastries, he was a little hungry instead, so he simply closed his eyes and let it boil.

After about ten minutes like this, the rain showed no sign of stopping, but there was an inconspicuous sobbing sound from the depths of the alley.

Tong Yan is not a nosy person, but he is idle now, so he simply went in and took a look, and it was time to pass the time.

He brushed off the water droplets on his body, then raised his legs and walked into the depths of the alley.

As he walked, he actually saw a girl from a distance squatting on the ground with her arms around her knees.

The girl had long hair, and her face could not be seen clearly.Tong Yan can be sure that she is not a ghost.Since it is not a ghost, it is naturally a human being.

While walking forward slowly, Tong Yan asked tentatively, "little sister, why are you crying here alone? Did something happen to you? You can tell me, maybe I can help you .”

When the girl heard this, her whole body trembled, and then she raised her head abruptly.

"Tong Yan, is that you? I finally found you, I thought I'd never see you again in my life. Woooo..."

Tong Yan looked at the girl intently, and then asked in surprise, "You... are you Gao Qian? Are you really Gao Qian?"

(End of this chapter)

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