
Chapter 424 Half Human, Half Corpse?Evil ways block the way!

Chapter 424 Half Human, Half Corpse?Evil ways block the way!
Gao Qian reached out to take the breakfast, put it under her nose and smelled it, and said happily: "Wow, it smells so good! I guess there must be my favorite soup dumpling in it. Look, I guessed it right, right? Huh? What is this? A drink?" At this point, she took out the bottle of chicken blood in the bag.

Seeing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Yes, it's a gift from the owner of the breakfast shop. It's very delicious, try it!"

Without thinking too much, Gao Qian unscrewed the cap of the bottle, then raised her head and took a sip slowly.

Tong Yan watched closely, and could understand everything immediately.

Gao Qian put the chicken blood in her mouth, and seeing Tong Yan's expectant eyes, she seemed to swallow it with some difficulty.

"This drink... the drink is so special, it tastes so weird, why does it look like blood? I'd better not drink it, let me drink it for you!" As she spoke, she handed the bottle containing the chicken blood back to Tong Yan.

When Tong Yan saw this, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Zombies are bloodthirsty, this is something that many people know.The three Daoists once referred to Huan'er, Gao Qian as a walking dead, meaning nothing more than a zombie.

So Tong Yan had to confirm this matter, if Gao Qian was really bloodthirsty, it would be really bad.Fortunately, her reaction to blood is the same as that of normal people, which is a blessing in misfortune.

But the question is, what kind of existence is Gao Qian now?Say she is a corpse, a corpse cannot walk.She is not bloodthirsty, so she cannot be a zombie.She has now remembered the past, which means that her soul is also in the body.According to this analysis, she should be in the category between a human and a corpse.Maybe it can make her change back.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.He knew little about this matter, but there were so many people in Baihua Valley, maybe some of them knew how to heal Gao Qian.

In this way, the most urgent task is to return to Baihua Valley as soon as possible. After seeing everyone, Gao Qian will be saved.

"Tong Yan, what are you thinking? Why are you so silent?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan quickly came back to his senses, smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, I was thinking about where I should take you to play. Do you like flowers?"

Gao Qian curled her lips and said, "Nonsense, which girl doesn't like flowers. Where are you going to take me?"

Tong Yan pretended to be thinking and said: "How about this, I will take you to a place where hundreds of flowers bloom all year round. After you have breakfast and get dressed, we will set off!"

Gao Qian cheered like a girl: "Good! I can finally go out and play!"

Looking at Gao Qian who knew nothing, Tong Yan could only pray for her silently in his heart, and at the same time hoped that she could live happily and carefree like today for the rest of her life.

Half an hour later, Tong Yan and Gao Qian left the hotel.The two held hands like men and women in love, with only happy smiles on their faces.

Of course, before leaving the small town, Tong Yan deliberately took Gao Qian to buy a set of clothes.Her clothes were torn and uncomfortable in the rain last night.Although it was Gao Qian's money, Gao Qian was still very happy.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Tong Yan really never bought clothes for Gao Qian, not even a decent gift.

It just so happens that he now has the essence of a three-eyed white ape, if it is embedded in a magic weapon, the power of the magic weapon must be extraordinary.And this is actually the refining method of the spirit weapon, and it is also the real reason why Tong Yan is struggling to catch up with the white ape essence.

The small shop that Tong Yan took Gao Qian to was the one where he bought clothes.Now the clothes on the two are exactly the same. Although they look a bit like the uniforms of security personnel, they still give people the feeling of a couple wearing them.

After leaving the small town, the two embarked on a journey to the Valley of Hundred Flowers.The journey is not too far, as long as the journey is safe and sound, it is estimated that we will arrive at noon.

But what made Tong Yan a little depressed was that even though Gao Qian didn't have a corpse dart on her body, the three Taoist priests still came to find her.

"The two benefactors in front, can you stay a little longer, the three of us passed by this place in poverty, and lost our way, please give me some guidance!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan turned his head and looked back. After seeing this, he couldn't help frowning.

These three damned bull-nosed people have actually chased them here, but their ghosts are really lingering.

Tong Yan didn't bother to talk to her, so she pulled Gao Qian forward.

Seeing that Tong Yan ignored them, the three Taoist priests in the back immediately quickened their pace, and stopped in front of Tong Yan and Gao Qian after a while.

The older one among the three Daoists stared at Tong Yan, then smiled slightly and said, "This benefactor, why didn't he say a word when he saw us? Do you think the three of us look like bad guys?" ?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said: "As the saying goes, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing your heart, how do I know if the three of you are fake Taoist priests? What if you are liars? It's a trivial matter to cheat money, I'm afraid it's because you have other plans The two of us, husband and wife, have to hurry, so please make it easier for the three of you."

The leading Daoist chuckled and said, "Almsgiver, if we do you a favor, who will do us a favor? You said you two are husband and wife, do you know what your wife is?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan flew into a rage, "Presumptuous, slandering my wife in front of me is not deceiving too much. I advise the three of you to get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." .”

The three Taoist priests looked at each other and immediately opened their posture.The Taoist priest at the head said directly: "Give her to us, we don't want to be your enemy. If you are stubborn, then I can only enlighten you."

Tong Yan let go of Gao Qian's hand, and was about to step forward and teach the three great masters a lesson.

But at this moment, Gao Qian, who didn't know anything, suddenly said: "Three priests, I don't know how I offended you? Where are you taking me?"

The leading Daoist sneered and said, "Where will I take you? Naturally, I will take you where you should go. You sneaked into the Sutra Pavilion of our Samsung Temple and burned down so many of our classics. Don't you Should I be responsible for what you did? Sinister, sensible person, quickly catch him. If you dare to resist, I will kill you here today!"

Tong Yan was really angry, he finally reunited with Gao Qian, how could he be willing to hand Gao Qian over to them today.

"Three bull-nosed, stop talking nonsense, let me experience your brilliant moves!" As soon as the words fell, he ignored them, stepped forward, and rushed towards the three of them.

Seeing that the fight was about to start, she never thought that Gao Qian, who was still confused, had a red light inexplicably in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, her nails grew out like steel thorns, and she walked slowly towards Tong Yan with dull eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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