
Chapter 425 Forgot everything, a small gift!

Chapter 425 Forget everything, a small gift!
Tong Yan rushed forward, the three Daoists were about to fight, but when they saw Gao Qian behind Tong Yan, they backed away one after another.

Tong Yan didn't understand, thinking that these three Daoist priests didn't dare to fight him, and immediately said coldly: "If you have self-knowledge, get out of here immediately, otherwise you will have good fruit to eat."

Unexpectedly, just as he finished speaking, a sharp claw plunged into his body with a "poof" from his back.

The severe pain caused him to raise his head and scream, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.


He didn't even look at it, and kicked back directly, as if he had kicked something, and the sharp claw that had been inserted into his body was pulled out abruptly.

Although the sharp claws didn't penetrate his body, they left five shocking blood holes on his back. Blood gushed out from the holes, and in a short while, it soaked the skin behind him. A lot of clothes.

He endured the severe pain, and immediately looked back fiercely.

But after seeing this, he suddenly froze.He never thought that the person who attacked him from behind turned out to be Gao Qian!Looking at Gao Qian's dull and cold eyes, Tong Yan suddenly realized something.

"Gao Qian, you remember who you are?"

After Gao Qian heard this, she didn't say a word, but just stared at him coldly.

Tong Yan was finally able to reunite with Gao Qian, but she never expected that she would lose herself again.Tong Yan at this moment is really in pain, but the tearing pain does not come from the wound on his back, but from Gao Qian in front of him.

"You... have you forgotten me again? Gao Qian, wake up quickly. I'm Tong Yan!" He said urgently, and walked quickly towards Gao Qian.

Seeing him walking towards her, Gao Qian immediately raised her sharp nails. It seemed that she had already regarded Tong Yan as an enemy.

Tong Yan didn't pay attention to these, but continued to walk forward.He wanted to wake up Gao Qian, and he wanted her to return to his side.

"Gao Qian, look at me, don't you really remember nothing? Didn't you say that you want to be with me forever? I'm right here, wake up soon!"

He was getting closer and closer to Gao Qian, but Gao Qian's eyes were still as cold as ice.

Seeing this, the leading Daoist standing not far away said loudly: "Don't waste your efforts, she is no longer a human being at all, she is just a walking corpse controlled by others. You want to awaken her consciousness, it is simply It’s just a fantasy. If you are really good for her, you might as well burn her with a fire, let her leave this world completely, and avoid being driven by others.”

Tong Yan ignored the Taoist's words, he didn't believe that Gao Qian was just a walking corpse, after all, a few minutes ago, Gao Qian was still holding hands with him.

He continued to walk towards Gao Qian, and was already less than half a meter away from her.It's just that Gao Qian didn't show any sign of waking up at all.

Tong Yan took another step forward, and Gao Qian, who was ready to go, finally rushed towards him.

It has to be said that Gao Qian's movements were extremely swift, but Tong Yan had already made preparations in advance.The moment Gao Qian pounced, he immediately stepped on the seven-star step, and after a beautiful dodge, he slapped Gao Qian directly on the back of the head.

Gao Qian's eyes were empty, and she couldn't be awakened in a short time.It is really not wise to continue wasting time here.

Not only that, but the three Daoists had been eyeing them all the time, so they rushed to Baihua Valley first, and then made plans later.

Tong Yan's strength was controlled just right, it only knocked Gao Qian out, but did not really hurt her body.

Seeing that Gao Qian, who was knocked unconscious by a palm, was about to fall to the ground, Tong Yan hurriedly hugged her in his arms.

"Gao Qian, I will definitely cure you. Now I can only wrong you temporarily, and I will take you out of here." Speaking of this, he directly hugged Gao Qian horizontally, regardless of the injury on his back, lifted The legs then walked in the direction of Wuyi Mountain.

Seeing that they were being ignored, the three Daoists were not willing to let Tong Yan go like this.With a flash, the three of them stopped in front of Tong Yan.

"Stinky boy, we have been patient in every way. We really think we are afraid of you? If you don't want to burn her with your own hands, then hand her over to us. If you continue to be obsessed with it, we will have to take action."

Tong Yan glanced at the three of them coldly, then suddenly put Gao Qian on his shoulders, and then swung his hand violently, the golden bracelet on his wrist immediately turned into a golden sword, only to roar towards the three of them.

The three Taoists saw the golden sword coming, one of them flicked his sleeve, and a silver dart immediately met the golden sword.As for the other two, they did not slack off in the slightest, and attacked Tong Yan from the left and right sides.

Seeing this, Tong Yan showed no panic on his face, and reached out to touch his waist, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was instantly held in his hand.

Just waiting for the two Taoist priests to approach, he shouted angrily, and immediately swept away with a pestle.

With his current cultivation, even if the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle does not touch anyone, the strong wind attached to the pestle is still extremely powerful.

These two Taoist priests really underestimated Tong Yan, they didn't even show their magic weapon, they wanted to subdue Tong Yan with just two hands.

But it's a pity that even if the three of them try their best, they may not be Tong Yan's opponent, let alone Tong Yan who is so despised now?
As soon as the two Daoist priests were rushed by the strong wind, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly backed away.

But how could Tong Yan give them a chance to breathe, he saw his body move, followed by two consecutive swings of the pestle, the two Taoist priests were knocked to the ground like this, crying out incessantly.

As for the Daoist priest who dealt with the golden sword transformed by the black flood dragon alone, his current situation is also very unbearable.

Almost as soon as the dart he shot met the golden sword, it was chopped into two pieces with a "bang".Jin Jian's speed was extremely fast, and the sword was so vicious that he was forced to parry and had no power to fight back.

Tong Yan didn't really want to end the lives of these three people. After all, it was Gao Qian who made the first mistake and burned down the Buddhist scriptures pavilion of the Taoist temple.

As long as they don't continue to mess around, he will let them go.

Tong Yan looked at Jin Jian, and immediately called Jin Jian back to his side with one hand, and then said coldly: "I didn't intend to hurt the lives of the three of you, and I hope you can take care of yourself. Farewell!"

Having said that, he turned and left.

The three Daoists were still pretentious at first, but now they are completely wilted like eggplants beaten by frost.

Tong Yan saw that they didn't intend to embarrass him, so he carried Gao Qian and hurried towards Wuyi Mountain.

However, what he didn't expect was that he had just left, and he didn't expect a black shadow to walk out from behind the big rock not far away.

The black figure stared at the three wounded Daoist priests, and then rushed up like lightning.

After three screams, the three Daoists all died on the spot.

"Tong Yan, are you satisfied with this gift? With me around for a day, you are doomed to never have peace! Haha..."

Who is this shadow?What did he intend to do by killing the three masters of the Three Star Temple?Could this be the gift he was talking about?

PS: Sorry everyone, I have a terrible headache and the update is a bit late.Will update later!
(End of this chapter)

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