
Chapter 426 Who did it?

Chapter 426 Who did all the flowers turn into ashes?
Tong Yan carried Gao Qian all the way and ran all the way, and finally arrived outside Baihua Valley after a few hours.

There was an eight-door golden lock array set up here before, and although the Qiongqi remnant soul who was in charge of guarding the array had escaped, the array was re-arranged.

Having had the experience of breaking the formation last time, Tong Yan had no time to wait for the Baihuagu disciples who were patrolling here, so he took Gao Qian into the formation.

With almost no effort, the eight-door golden lock array was broken by Tong Yan.After breaking the formation, he walked quickly into the valley.

Unexpectedly, there was such a scene in front of his eyes.

What is the Valley of Hundred Flowers? Naturally, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing.However, in front of his eyes, there was not even a single flower.The originally endless sea of ​​flowers is now replaced by black ash.The entire Baihua Valley has completely lost the beauty of the past. On the contrary, all that is left is dilapidation, depression, and despair.

"What's going on here? Why are the flowers in Baihua Valley burned? Could it be that someone invaded Baihua Valley?"

Tong Yan thought to himself, his eyes were full of shock and solemnity.

He didn't dare to continue thinking wildly, maybe he was thinking too much, maybe the owner of Baihua Valley felt that these flowers were not blooming well, so he burned them all and planted them again.Tong Yan could only comfort himself like this, but the reason was a bit far-fetched, even he himself didn't believe it.

He took a deep breath, and then hugged Gao Qian who was unconscious on his shoulders. In this way, Gao Qian might also be able to feel more comfortable.

As he got deeper and deeper into the valley, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

Even if the Hundred Flowers Valley re-cultivated poisonous flowers, it would not be worth burning all the flowers.Looking at the house ahead, he still didn't see a single flower that was well preserved.

Smelling the lingering smell of smoke in the air, it seemed that these flowers had not been burned for a long time, probably within a day or two.If he had come a day or two earlier, he might have been able to witness everything happen.

Tong Yan frowned, looking around carefully.It stands to reason that if a stranger enters the valley, the disciples in the valley will find out immediately.But along the way, Tong Yan didn't even see half a person, so it's possible that all the people in Baihua Valley disappeared strangely?

In less than 3 minutes, he came to the rooms in Baihua Valley.He pushed open the doors of each house in turn and searched each room carefully.

However, more than half an hour passed, and he still found nothing.

Everyone was gone, and most importantly, there was no sign of a fight.And the more this is the case, the more disturbing and worrying it is.

He finally set his sights on the house where Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, usually lived, although he had already looked for this house.But there was one place that he didn't set foot on.That is the ice cellar located deep underground in the house.

The ice cellar was his last hope now, if the people in the valley were not in the ice cellar, then Tong Yan could only leave here, and then find a way to contact the disciples of the Demon Sect to investigate the matter together.

Walking into Bai Jing's house again, he came to the entrance of the ice cellar quite familiarly.He remembered that last time Bai Jing tapped on the ancient painting hanging on the wall, and then a downward passage appeared below.

There must be a mechanism on this ancient painting, as long as he searches carefully, he believes that he can decipher it.

This is really not difficult for him.He knocked tentatively on several places of the ancient painting, and the passage to the ice cellar opened.

He lowered his head and looked down, then immediately raised his legs and walked down.All the people in Baihua Valley disappeared. Of course, he didn't dare to leave Gao Qian on it alone, so for the sake of safety, he brought Gao Qian into the passage together.

Walking down the stairs, Tong Yan's mood was particularly gloomy, Baihua Valley had such a big change in such a short period of time, he was really sweating for the people in the valley.

You must know that Nuwa's descendant, Xue'er, and Tan Yu's real little fox are both in the Hundred Flowers Valley. If anything happens to the people in the Hundred Flowers Valley, the two of them will be implicated as well.

The only thing he can do now is to hope that everything will not be too bad, otherwise, he may cause a lot of trouble in the future.

"Is anyone there? I'm Tong Yan! May I ask if the owner of Baihua Valley is here?" He asked as he walked down.

But apart from his own echo, he didn't get any response.

Baihuagu is one of the three heroes of the Poison Sect, and its profound background is by no means weaker than that of the righteous sect.In addition, there is an immortal guardian with unfathomable strength in this Hundred Flowers Valley.One can imagine how difficult it is to uproot the Hundred Flowers Valley.

Tong Yan doesn't think there is any sect in Jianghu that has such strength, except of course there is one sect, that is the Sly Gate.

The trick door is now being taken over by that old thief Bai Yong, and his strength has indeed been improved unprecedentedly.Being able to eradicate the Mozong in one fell swoop is enough to prove the resourcefulness and strength of this old Bai Yong thief.

But if it was really the work of the Sly Sect, then what is the purpose of that old thief Bai Yong?There is no enmity between Baihua Valley and Guimen, there is no deep hatred of life and death between them.Unless... unless it's because of him!
Tong Yan said that he had animosity with Guimen, and there should be animosity between him and Na Baiyong.If Bai Yong is really the younger brother of the corpse soul teacher Gui Jianchou, then Tong Yan killed the Qisha Gate and killed his disciples, of course this is not a small feud.

However, Tong Yan felt that the possibility of it being the work of the Sly Sect was not very high. Even if the Sly Sect was formidable, even if the old thief Bai Yong had a superb cultivation base, it was almost impossible to wipe out all the people in Baihua Valley without leaving any of them behind. possible.

Not to mention anything else, just the immortal who guards Baihua Valley is not something anyone can easily defeat.

But everything is still inconclusive, what is the specific situation, and only those who have encountered Baihuagu, or those who know about it, can figure it out.

Tong Yan continued to walk down, but after a while, he had already reached the end of the steps.

He raised his eyes to look at the passage in front of him, and saw the closed stone door at a glance.

The stone gate is still covered with frost, it seems that no matter what the season, the temperature of the ice cellar will not change much.

He quickened his pace and soon came to the stone gate.Stretching out his hand to press on the stone door, he was a little nervous.

Because whether the ice room behind the stone gate is empty or full of corpses is still unknown.

Of course he was unwilling to accept the fact that all the people in Baihua Valley died, so he felt uneasy.

After taking a deep breath, he finally exerted all his strength, and with the sound of "quack", the stone door slowly opened.

He took a closer look at the ice room behind the stone gate, his whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all!

What kind of scene is this ice room?The next chapter is revealed!

(End of this chapter)

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