
Chapter 427 All-out effort to save people, leave without saying goodbye!

Chapter 427 All-out effort to save people, leave without saying goodbye!

The temperature in the ice room is extremely low, even standing at the door still feels icy cold.However, for Tong Yan, the coldest thing is not the low temperature in the ice room, but everything in front of him.

I saw that the ice room was full of people at the moment, each of them was covered with frost, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.These people are cuddling together, trying to keep each other warm by doing so.But even so, among them, Tong Yan still didn't see even one person who opened his eyes.

Although a few wisps of white air could be seen spewing out from their mouths and noses, but the breath was very weak, even if they were rescued now, it might not be possible to save their lives.

No matter what, Tong Yan decided to try, even if he saved a person from here, he would be doing his best.

He carried Gao Qian on his shoulder first, and then dragged the person closest to him in the ice room with one hand.

The man's eyes were tightly closed, and his body was already frozen unconscious and extremely stiff.

Fortunately, Tong Yan's strength is strong enough, even with one hand, he has enough strength to drag these things to a slightly warmer place.

After dragging the first person, the second, the third... .There were dozens of people in the ice room, and it was quite difficult for Tong Yan to get these people out of the ice room.

Fortunately, he still has the Black Flood Dragon to help him, so it took nearly an hour.Everyone was moved to the stairs by him.

The temperature here is warmer than in the ice room, but staying here can't save their lives.The men had to be brought up, and each of them soaked in a hot pool, so that perhaps some of them could be revived.

He picked two children and let Hei Jiaolong fly them out of the ice cellar first, then he grabbed two more with his arms and left quickly.

It was somewhat inconvenient to carry Gao Qian all the time. It seemed that the person who harmed Baihuagu had already left. Otherwise, he should have been discovered long ago.

Tong Yan thought so, and then put Gao Qian on the bed where the owner of Baihua Valley usually rested, and he and Hei Jiaolong rushed into the ice cellar again to save people.

Fortunately, Tong Yan's physical strength is really good enough, this up and down back and forth back and forth, at least dozens of times, but he watched the last person being carried out of the ice cellar by him.There was no fatigue on his face, but more satisfaction.

According to Buddhism, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.If he can save all the people here, it will be a great merit.

After everyone was recited out of the ice cellar by Tong Yan, the frost on their bodies faded a lot, but many of them were severely frozen, and festering and pus also appeared.

Tong Yan covered these people with all the quilts he could find in the house, and then searched for quilts and water basins in each house.

He boiled several large pots of hot water, and then mixed cold water to the most suitable temperature, letting these people soak in warm water as much as possible, even if the pot was not big enough, soaking their hands and feet would be very effective.

Time passed bit by bit, and Tong Yan was busy for six or seven hours.In fact, he himself was also injured, but he was always busy saving people, so he ignored it.

As night fell, the entire Baihua Valley was engulfed in darkness.

With excessive blood loss and physical exhaustion, Tong Yan leaned against the wall and fell into a deep sleep.

He had tried his best, and he had no idea how many people could be saved in the end, but at least he had no regrets.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the morning of the second day.Hearing the chirping of birds outside the window, Tong Yan slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

He breathed a sigh of relief, then slowly stood up.When he got up, he just felt a little dizzy.He leaned against the wall and gasped for breath for a while before he felt a little better.

In fact, with his current physical condition, he should rest longer.But there was no way, those who were rescued from the ice cellar were still alive and dead, and he really didn't have time to pay attention to himself.

I don't know whether these people have survived after a night's rest. I hope the result will not be too disappointing.

Tong Yan tried his breath for everyone one by one. Fortunately, most of these people's breathing has stabilized.This also means that many of them have already asked for death.Although their bodies are very weak, and they are severely frostbitten, as long as they are alive, they will recover sooner or later.

Tong Yan boiled another pot of water, and then drank some warm water for each of them.That's all he can do, and then it's up to their own will.

After being busy for so long, he almost forgot about Gao Qian.Gao Qian was placed in the room of the owner of Baihua Valley by him, and he didn't know how she was doing now.

But what Tong Yan couldn't believe was that the room was... so empty, not even half a person.

"Where did Gao Qian go? Did she wake up and leave here alone?"

Thinking of this, Tong Yan was a little worried, he didn't care too much, hurriedly walked out of the room, and then patiently searched in the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

But he searched for more than an hour, but did not find Gao Qian's whereabouts.

She still left, she still forgot herself.Tong Yan felt a little sad, but he was not discouraged, he knew where Gao Qian had gone.Sly door, she must have gone to the sly door.

Tong Yan didn't continue to dwell on these things. Since Gao Qian had already left during the time when he was asleep, even if he went after her now, he might not be able to catch up.What's more, the people in the Valley of Hundred Flowers still need his care, and he can't just leave these people behind.

Feeling a bit disappointed, Tong Yan turned around and returned to Bai Jing's home, looking at the people sleeping on the ground, he unconsciously shook his head and gave a wry smile.

When he carried these people away from the ice cellar, he had already looked at them carefully, and there was no one he was familiar with.This also means that Bai Jing, Xue Er, Qianmian Scholar, Gu Yanxuan and others are not in Baihua Valley.

They're not here, which means they're all safe and sound.As for where they are now, maybe these unconscious Baihuagu people will know something.

But then again, why are these people in the ice cellar?And who set fire to the poisonous flowers in the Valley of Hundred Flowers?

Tong Yan also couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it and took good care of these poor Baihuagu people.

In the blink of an eye, it was already three days later.

Under Tong Yan's meticulous care, [-]% of the dozens of people were rescued.

Although there were still more than a dozen people who died of frostbitten internal organs, but Tong Yan no longer had any regrets.

Watching the first person open his eyes, Tong Yan's doubts can finally be answered.

Who burned the poisonous flowers in Baihua Valley, and who locked them all in the ice cellar?Where did Bai Jing and Xueer go?

(End of this chapter)

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