
Chapter 428 Tang Sect Poison Hands, 5 Poison Trips!

Chapter 428 Tang Sect Poison Hands, Five Poisons Trip!
Seeing someone wake up, Tong Yan quickly walked to his side.

The one who woke up was a young boy with a very strong body. His ability to wake up immediately showed how excellent his physical fitness was.

There are also a lot of frostbite on his body, but since he woke up, he can recover as before with a little conditioning.

"Are you all right? Can you talk?"

The young man's face was full of chilblains, he opened his mouth hard and said, "Water...I...I want to drink water!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's ready for you, come on, I'll feed you!" As he spoke, he picked up the bowl containing warm water from the table beside him, and used the spoon inside to drink it little by little. Feed the boy to drink.

After the young man drank half a bowl, he gradually felt better.

"Big... big brother, thank you! It was you... did you save us?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, I came to Baihua Valley to visit your owner, but I found that the poisonous flowers in the valley were all burned to ashes, and I couldn't find you in the house. So I went to your valley The Lord's underground ice cellar, I didn't expect you to be in it, and then I carried you all up. Fortunately, you survived and survived. By the way, why are you in the ice cellar? Who locked you in? Where are you, Gu Master, and others? Where have they gone?"

Hearing this, the young man tried to sit up, looked around, and then cried with aggrieved face.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly comforted him: "You are a man, how can you cry so easily? Hold on, even if you feel wronged in your heart, you must stand up. Do you understand?"

The young man nodded, and then said: "Big... big brother, it's... people from Tangmen in Sichuan sneaked into our valley, and they set fire to all the flowers."

"Sichuan Tang Sect? It's the Tang Sect who ranks among the top three Poison Sects with your Baihua Valley? Why did they sneak attack your Baihua Valley? How did you get into the ice cellar? Is there no one patrolling your valley?"

The young man signaled that he wanted to drink some more water, and only after he drank all the water in the bowl did he tell Tong Yan what happened a few days ago.

The cause of the incident should actually start with the Centennial Meeting of Poison Sect Sanying. Poison Sect Sanying would have a small gathering every hundred years.It's a gathering, but it's actually a discussion with each other.The subject of this discussion is naturally poison. To put it nicely, it is called making friends with poison and making progress together. To put it bluntly, it is actually showing each other and consolidating one's position in the poison sect.Not only that, but there will be new poison sects joining to compete together. The old sects are likely to be replaced by new ones. Only the most powerful poison sect can become the last poison sect Sanying.

However, the Five Poison Sect, Tang Sect, and Baihua Valley have always been the leaders of the Poison Sect, and their title of the Three Heroes of the Poison Sect has long been entrenched. After thousands of years, there is no new sect among the Three Heroes of the Poison Sect that can be banned.

Because this party has been going on since ancient times, even if Baihua Valley doesn't want to go, it's hard not to attend.So the owner of Baihua Valley took all the experts in the valley and went to the Five Poison Sect where the Sanying Gathering was held.

However, just before they left Baihua Valley, Tang Sect took advantage of the emptiness in Baihua Valley to launch a surprise attack.

The owner of the valley and all the elders are not in the valley, only a guy who has just been promoted to an elder has become a minion of the Tang Sect.In this way, Tang Sect sneaked into the Valley of Hundred Flowers with almost no effort.

And first use poison to stun everyone in the valley in the house.

When everyone woke up, they found that there was already a raging fire in the valley.Tang Sect didn't want to commit crimes with his own hands, so he drove the awakened Baihua Valley people into the cellar of the owner of Baihua Valley.Although these people wanted to resist, they were drugged and weak, and could only be manipulated by others.

Everyone in the ice cellar tried to open the stone door to escape from the ice cellar, but the door of the ice cellar could only be opened from the outside, but it was difficult to open from the inside.In addition, these people's limbs were sore and weak, and they were exhausted, and finally fell down one after another.

If Tong Yan hadn't come to rescue them in time, I'm afraid none of them would survive, and they would all be frozen to death in the ice cellar.

Tong Yan originally suspected that it was the murderous hand of the Sly Sect, but now, it turned out to be the Tang Sect.

But why did Tang Sect attack Baihua Valley?What is the purpose of this?

Tong Yan asked the young man why, but how could he, an ordinary disciple of Gu Zhong, know this.It seems that I have to ask Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, maybe she will know a thing or two.

Wait... Tong Yan suddenly felt a little uneasy.The Tang Sect would never attack Baihua Valley for no reason. Since they dared to act at this juncture when the owner of Baihua Valley led the experts in the valley to participate in the Poison Sect gathering, it meant that they had already planned everything.

If this is the case, the trip to the Five Poison Sect by the Hundred Flowers Valley Master and the others may be more or less ominous.Or, this gathering itself is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to eradicate Baihua Valley completely.

But now there is still a question, that is, where did Qing Ming, Chen Xiazi and others go?They probably didn't come to Baihua Valley, if they did, they would definitely not go to the Five Poison Sect with the owner of Baihua Valley, so where are they now?Shouldn't something have happened?

Tong Yan tried his best to calm himself down. This series of things seemed to have nothing to do with it, but why did he feel so worried, as if someone had set up a big game to deal with him.

He could only hope that he was thinking too much, but what should he do next?

Both Xueer and Tan Yu went to the Five Poison Sect with the owner of Baihua Valley. If the Five Poison Sect itself is a trap, then their trip must be very dangerous.

It seems that I have to go to the Five Poisons Sect no matter what, I hope they will be safe and sound before I arrive.

With an idea in mind, Tong Yan immediately asked the young man about the location of the Five Poison Sect, and then specifically told him that if anyone from the Demon Sect came to him, he would let them wait here.

Everything was handled properly, Tong Yan hurried towards the direction of the Five Poison Sect regardless of his fatigue.

The Five Poisons Sect is located in the deep forest at the junction of Yunnan and Guizhou, and the majority of its members are Miao people.Since it is called the Five Poisons Sect, it naturally has a deep relationship with the five poisons.The so-called five poisons are snakes, centipedes, scorpions, toads and spiders (or gecko).

The Five Poison Sect has a very vicious reputation and is known as the leader of the three heroes of the Poison Sect. Not only that, but I heard that the Five Poison Sect is also good at using Gu poison. If you offend someone from the Five Poison Sect, you may not even know how you died.

Killing people invisible is the most frightening aspect of the Five Poisons Sect.

Tong Yan was also not sure if going to the Five Poison Sect this time could really save Bai Jing, Xueer, and Tan Yu, but he had no choice but to go.

However, what he didn't know was that the Five Poisons Sect had not only colluded with the Tang Sect, but also had a similar taste with the prince of the underworld.

This trip to the Five Poison Sect is destined to be dangerous and unpredictable, but it is also accompanied by surprises.Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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