
Chapter 429 Treasure Hunting in Ancient Tombs, There Are Ghosts in the Hotel!

Chapter 429 Treasure Hunting in Ancient Tombs, There Are Ghosts in the Hotel!
Just as Tong Yan hurried to the Five Poison Sect, Qing Ming, Bai Wu Ya and others were trapped in a dark ancient tomb.

Why did they come to this ancient tomb?Who is the owner of this ancient tomb?

In the corridor of the ancient tomb, Qing Ming was looking anxiously at Blind Chen.

"Brother Chen, you are a divination master, why can't even you break through this maze? If we had known this, we shouldn't have come here with you!"

Blind Chen said helplessly: "Oh... Although I can divination, it doesn't mean I can break the formation. If Brother Tong Yan was here, there would be no such troubles."

Qingming was really angry, if blind Chen hadn't said that there were treasures from the Qinglong family in this ancient tomb, he would never have come here.Fortunately, he and Blind Chen were trapped here, and even Mozong's brothers were not spared.Thinking about it this way, he felt a little sorry for Tong Yan, and he should have come with Blind Chen himself, instead of letting the Mozong brothers come here to suffer.

Blind Chen knew that Qing Ming was very anxious and had been trapped here for several days. If he hadn't prepared some dry food in advance, these people would starve to death now.

"Brother Qingming, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect there to be such a powerful formation in this ancient tomb, but the more powerful the formation, the more it shows that there are treasures in it. There is no unparalleled road, don't worry, I I will definitely break through this maze. Take everyone out of here."

As soon as they entered the ancient tomb, they were trapped in the corridor.This is neither advancing nor retreating, which is really aggravating.

The White Crow looked at Blind Chen and Qing Ming, and then sighed softly: "I don't know where the young suzerain is now, let alone whether the brother who sent the message has arrived in Baihua Valley. If the young suzerain knows that we are trapped Here, he will definitely come to us. He is a talented unicorn, and he will definitely be able to break through this maze."

Qingming nodded and said: "Yes, if Xiaotong knows we are trapped here, he will definitely come to rescue, I'm afraid that the brother who sent the message did not enter Baihua Valley. It's my fault, I'm greedy. Qinglong Clan How could it be so easy to obtain my precious treasure? Brothers, I am the one who has let you down, and I apologize to you."

At the beginning, I thought that there are more people and more power, so that it would be easier to find the treasures of the Qinglong family in the ancient tomb, but looking at it now, it is useless to have too many people.A mere formation will trap everyone here.

All they can do now is to hope that Tong Yan will come sooner, or that Blind Chen will break through the formation immediately, otherwise, these people may not be able to hold on for long.

Speaking of Tong Yan, after days of traveling and searching, he finally came to this forest bordering Yunnan and Guizhou.

The disciple of Baihua Valley didn't give a detailed address, and it was just a general direction.However, Yunnan and Guizhou are two provinces, so one can imagine the large area.

Tong Yan can only hope to meet a disciple of the Five Poison Sect, or a local who knows the Five Poison Sect, so that he can ask for the exact location.

Walking in the forest, Tong Yan was a little hungry and also a little thirsty.Along the way, he never had a serious meal at all, and he was always worried about the safety of Bai Jing, Xue'er, Tan Yu and the others, and he couldn't sleep or eat at all.

He can only continue to try his luck, hoping that God will open his eyes and let him stop this boring wandering around sooner.

As we walked, a small village finally appeared in front of us.But here, this should not be called a village, but a stockade.

As he got closer to the village, Tong Yan was almost certain that it was a village of Miao people, because he saw the stilted buildings that were often shown on TV.

Diaojiaolou is the most famous and common building in Miao Village, with a bucket-style wooden structure resting on the top of the mountain.Generally, there are four rooms and three rooms, or five rooms and four rooms, and some have six rooms and five rooms.

The front eaves pillars hang on the feet, hence the name "Diaojiaolou".The bottom layer is mostly used for raising livestock and poultry, stacking firewood, farm tools and storing fertilizers.The second floor is the center of family activities.On the outside of the hall in the middle, there is a "beauty leaning" called "jiexi" in Miao language.The main room is also the welcoming living room. When guests and relatives come, long tables are often set up here for banquets.The third floor is generally used to store food and sundries, and large families also use one or two rooms as guest rooms or daughter's bedrooms.Some even use wooden boards on the side of the stilted building as a sun-drying building, so that you can enjoy the cool and rest at night, watch the stars and the moon.

The Five Poison Sect itself has many Miao people. If the Five Poison Sect is nearby, the Miao people here may be able to know about it.

Tong Yan decided to try his luck in the stockade, even if he couldn't find out the exact location of the Five Poison Sect, it would be good to have a full meal and drink some water.

It is often said on TV that the Miao people are warm and hospitable. He felt that if he walked in so grandly, he would not be thrown out, and maybe he would receive warm hospitality.

As soon as he stepped into the stockade, he saw two strong Miao guys doing carpentry.

Tong Yan walked up to him quickly, and said politely, "How are you, two brothers. I am a tourist here, and I saw our village by accident. I wonder if I can find something to eat here. What about things?"

The two strong boys turned their heads to look at Tong Yan, and one of them said in broken Mandarin: "I want to find something to eat. There is a restaurant in the village. Go inside and have a look!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, thank you two for letting me know. Then I'll go in first." Then, he waved to the two strong boys and walked straight to the depths of the village.

This village is not big, but it can't be said to be small. After all, it is a minority, and its population is naturally smaller than that of the Han people.However, compared to other ethnic minorities, this village is considered large.

There must be a lot of tourists here, otherwise, how could there be restaurants in this village with only a few dozen households?
Tong Yan walked towards the depths of the village full of anticipation, looking around while walking.The stockade is very clean, and the people in the stockade are also very friendly.Seeing him, a foreigner, walk in, there were actually people nodding and smiling at him.

Tong Yan walked around the village for a while, and soon found the restaurant that the two strong boys were talking about, a three-storey stilted building.

There is a plaque hanging on the door of this stilted building, and the four Chinese characters "Yingke Hotel" are written on the plaque.

It's a pity that Tong Yan didn't bring his mobile phone, otherwise he could take a picture here as a souvenir.

Since it is a restaurant, it is natural to welcome guests from all over the world.He didn't feel restrained, he went straight to the second floor of the stilted building, opened the door and walked in.

"Is anyone there? I'm a tourist passing by here. I saw a restaurant and wanted to eat something. Is that okay?"

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Tong Yan shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Miao elder sister in her 30s walked out from the back room.This eldest sister is very beautiful in Miao costumes.

She looked at Tong Yan, then smiled slightly and said, "Welcome, sit down wherever you want. I'll go get you the menu right away!" Then, she turned around and walked towards the counter.

Tong Yan originally wanted to find a table to sit down, but what he didn't expect was that at this moment, from the half-hidden door in the back room... a little ghost came out!

ghost?How can there be ghosts in this hotel?

(End of this chapter)

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