
Chapter 430 Mysterious ghost boy, corpse smell pungent!

Chapter 430 Mysterious ghost boy, corpse smell pungent!
I saw that this little spirit looked exactly like a four or five-year-old child. The clothes he was wearing and his skin were a little pale, but his whole body was chubby and very cute, especially the pair of dimples on his face and those innocent big eyes. Eyes, when people saw him, they really wanted to hug him and play with him.

But it is a pity that he is dead, and now he is just a soul.

Xiao Ling poked his head out of the door and peeked at Tong Yan.Seemingly realizing that Tong Yan was looking at him, he quickly retracted his head.

But after a while, he stuck out his head to look at Tong Yan again, as if he was playing hide and seek with Tong Yan.

How could there be spirit in such a decent farmhouse restaurant?Judging by the age of this little spirit, could it be the deceased child of the eldest sister of the shop owner?
Tong Yan was thinking like this, but his face was flat, as if he hadn't seen anything.

Tell me about this small restaurant. There are only five rectangular wooden tables inside. The carvings on the tables are very special and beautiful. They must have been specially made by someone.There are a few paintings hanging on the wall. The content of the paintings is very simple, nothing more than auspicious and wishful festive paintings.

The small shop was cleaned very clean, the tables, chairs and floors were spotless, which was enough to tell that the proprietress was a diligent person.

From the point of view of this small shop alone, there is no problem, but there is a spirit in this shop, but it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

After a while, the proprietress came over with the freshly poured tea and the menu.

She put the tea down on the table in front of Tong Yan, and then smiled slightly: "Little brother, this is a small shop, and I am the only one busy with work. There are not many kinds of dishes in the shop, just look at it." Order." Having said that, she handed the menu directly to Tong Yan.

Hearing this, Tong Yan reached out to take the menu, looked at it hastily, and ordered two dishes casually.

After the proprietress confirmed the dishes, she asked Tong Yan to drink tea here for a while, and then she walked directly into the back kitchen.

Seeing her leave, Tong Yan poured himself a cup of tea, he was really thirsty, now that the tea was in front of him, he wished to drink himself up.

He didn't know whether it was because he was really thirsty or the tea was really delicious, but he drank three full cups before he felt that he was "alive".

Having nothing to do, Tong Yan thought of the little spirit he saw before.

He stood up slowly, then raised his legs and walked towards the room where Xiao Ling was.

Standing at the door, he hesitated for a moment, but still looked inside along the crack of the door.

This room should be the bedroom where the proprietress usually lives. Although the light inside is very dark, he can still see clearly.There is a bed and daily necessities inside, and there are a few photos hanging on the wall.

Tong Yan looked carefully at the photo, and saw the proprietress and a cute child at a glance.And isn't this child the little spirit in this room?

It seems that his speculation is correct, this little spirit should be the son of the proprietress.But he looked at all the photos he could see, but he couldn't see a photo of the child's father, which made him feel a little strange.

He frowned and looked into the room again, only to find that there was an altar placed at the east and north corners of the room.This altar is pure black, with very strange patterns carved on it, it seems to be some kind of beast, but it also looks a bit like a dragon and phoenix.

There was a golden doll on the altar, but what people didn't expect was that the little spirit who peeked at Tong Yan just now was possessing the golden doll.

What's even more unbelievable is that there is a small incense burner in front of the golden doll, and some spices are burning in the incense burner, and the little spirit is lowering his head to inhale the aroma in the incense burner, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Tong Yan was a little confused, what did Ling eat the aroma for?Could it be that he was practicing some strange technique?Or use this aroma to satisfy your hunger?

Tong Yan really didn't expect that in such a small village, there are still people supporting Gu Mantong.It seems that the spread of this kind of technique is really far.

While he was staring at the little spirit smoking incense with an intoxicated expression on his face, he never thought that someone would walk into the restaurant again.

And this person actually has a very heavy corpse aura, could it be that he is like a zongzi?

(End of this chapter)

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