
Chapter 432 Gaibu God Statue, Coffin Hidden Inside the House!

Chapter 432 Gaibu God Statue, Coffin Hidden Inside the House!
The proprietress looked at Tong Yan in surprise, and then confirmed to Grandma Long again: "Grandma Long, you said that he is the great savior we have been waiting for? But he is still a young man, does he really have such great abilities? ?”

Grandma Long smiled slightly and said, "Yes or no, I'll find out after I try it later. Alright, you can go about your business. I have to eat."

The proprietress let out a soft sigh, then turned her head and smiled at Tong Yan: "Little brother, I have invited you for today's meal, so enjoy it."

Tong Yan did not have any money, but he had to be polite when the proprietress said so. "Eldest sister, what an embarrassment, you don't get paid for nothing."

The proprietress laughed and said: "It's okay, I'll go to work first." After saying that, she turned around and went back to the bedroom.

Grandma Long picked up the steamed bun, took a bite, and started to eat slowly with the fragrant beans.

Tong Yan looked at her, and immediately asked, "Grandma, what did you mean by what you said just now? What kind of savior? Why am I a little confused?"

While eating slowly, Grandma Long said indifferently: "I'll talk about it after I finish eating, don't eat and sleep, don't you have heard of this sentence?"

Tong Yan was a little helpless, so he could only sit down again, staring at the dishes left on the plate, he hesitated for a moment, and simply swept them all away.I'm full from this meal, and I don't know when the next meal will be.

He waited patiently for more than half an hour before Grandma Long finally finished eating a steamed bun.This is even more lightning than lightning, and the speed is really not ordinary slow.

After she was full, Grandma Long took out a white handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her mouth, then got up and said, "Come with me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan quickly stood up and asked, "Grandma, where do you want to take me?"

"Don't ask so many questions, you will know when you arrive. If you want to know the location of the Five Poison Sect, just do it obediently."

Saving people is like putting out a fire, Tong Yan seemed to have no other choice but to reluctantly follow Grandma Long out of the hotel.

It is now afternoon, the sun is shining brightly, and normal people would find it a bit dazzling, but this Grandma Long is full of corpses, but she doesn't feel uncomfortable at all.

According to common sense, zombies are afraid of sunlight and fire, and are bloodthirsty like life.But I didn't see any of this from the body of the dragon mother-in-law, except for the corpse, there is nothing else.

This made Tong Yan unconsciously think of Gao Qian. Gao Qian was even weirder than this Grandmother Long. Except for the lack of blood on her body, everything seemed to be exactly the same as a normal person.If we can figure out the secrets of Grandma Long, it may be of great help to rescue Gao Qian.

Thinking about it this way, Tong Yan didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

After Grandma Long and Tong Yan walked out of the hotel, they walked towards the northeast corner of the village.On the way, I met a few people from the village, and they all greeted her warmly.It seems that she has a high prestige in this village, at least the people here are respectful to her.

Walking to the northeast corner of the village, Tong Yan discovered that this place turned out to be a bungalow with a single family.The one-story house is a bit special in this Miao village, because the houses here are all stilted buildings, and there is a one-story house, which is naturally very special.

This house should be the place where Grandma Long usually lives. Judging from her clothes, she should be of the Han nationality.Since they are Han people, it is quite normal to live in a bungalow.

But Tong Yan didn't understand, what did Grandma Long bring herself to her home?

It's not convenient for him to ask directly, and he should understand everything after a while.

Grandma Long walked to the gate of the courtyard, and with a slight push, the gate opened.

"Don't be dazed, come in!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a soft sigh, and then walked in.

The yard was cleaned really clean, not even a leaf or a scrap of paper or other debris.In Miao Village, there is a saying that the cleaner the house is, the less likely it is to step into it.Because there are a few Miao people who are good at raising Gu, and Gu insects like clean places, so when you see such people, try to hide as much as possible.Of course, this is just a rumor among the people. As for the truth and falsehood, who can say clearly.

The yard is paved with red bricks, which should be due to frequent watering. These red bricks are bright red, and it is not a special scene to lay them in the yard.

There are only two rooms in this bungalow, one of which should be a bedroom, and the other may be a living room.Seeing that Grandma Long went to eat at the restaurant in the village, she probably seldom cooks on weekdays, so she doesn't have a kitchen.

He followed Grandma Long into the house, and when he looked up, he saw a statue of a god covered with a red cloth.The idol is placed on the altar. The altar is very large, and the statue is not small, about half a meter high.

There are fruits and exquisite desserts on the altar table, and three incense sticks are inserted in the incense burner, which is emitting faint green smoke at the moment.

Tong Yan looked around the room and suddenly found something strange.Then there are no windows in this house.Except for this one door, there is no place for ventilation.

People living in such a house can't be suffocated to death?But with a person like Grandma Long, it is estimated that even if she sleeps in a coffin, she will not die so easily.

The first thing Grandma Long did when she entered the room was not to invite Tong Yan to sit down, but to come to the statue covered with red cloth on her own.

She bowed three times respectfully, and began to say something she didn't understand.It's a bit like Hmong, and it's also a bit like other languages.Anyway, Tong Yan didn't understand, so he just watched quietly.

After a while, Grandma Long stopped talking, but turned to look at Tong Yan.

Being watched so tightly by her, Tong Yan only felt a little awkward, and then said a little awkwardly: "Grandma, why do you look at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face?"

Grandma Long shook her head and said, "I just want to remember your appearance. In this way, if anything happens to you, I can also carve a villain for you and help you bury it."

Isn't this what you said, cursing people to death?Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "Mother-in-law, thank you for your painstaking efforts. But I am a lucky man, so I have to live to be 80 or [-] years old no matter what. By the way, what are you going to do when you bring me here? You You said before, let me do something for you, just tell me the location of the Five Poison Sect, what exactly is it?"

After hearing this, Grandma Long said with a blank face: "Come with me to the back room, and you will know later." After saying that, she turned and walked towards the back room.

There is a door between the inner room and this room, and a black cloth is hung on the door, and it is impossible to see what is going on in the room there.

Tong Yan felt a little uneasy, but in order to find out the exact location of the Five Poison Sect, he seemed to have no other choice.Anyway, they have come here, so I can see clearly.

Grandma Long lifted the black cloth on the door, lifted her legs and walked in.Tong Yan didn't delay, and immediately followed.

As soon as he entered the room, he suddenly discovered that dozens of coffins that were only about half a meter long were neatly placed in the room.Such a small coffin, could it be that there are children's corpses in it?

Tong Yan became more and more puzzled, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of Grandma Long?
Just when he was wondering, unexpectedly, all the coffins shook slightly.

Oh my god, isn't it filled with dead things?Could it be a living thing?What could it be?

(End of this chapter)

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