
Chapter 433 Mysterious ancient well, tempting chips!

Chapter 433 Mysterious ancient well, tempting chips!
"Grandma, why are there so many coffins here? Are these coffins filled with corpses? Or something else?"

Hearing this, Grandma Long smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll open it for you to see right away." Then, she raised her legs and walked to one of the coffins, grabbed the protruding side of the coffin lid, and then opened it in the child's arms. Under Yan's gaze, it slowly opened.

Tong Yan looked carefully, but wanted to see what was inside.But after reading it, he was stunned for a while.

The coffin was not a zombie or other monster as he had imagined, but a big bug with white hair all over its body.

The big bug was wriggling in the coffin, as if it wanted to get out of it.

After showing it to Tong Yan, Grandma Long immediately closed the coffin lid again, and reached out to tap on it.

As soon as she knocked, the coffin stopped shaking immediately, and became quiet honestly.

Tong Yan frowned, and then asked in puzzlement: "Grandma Long, why are there such big bugs in this coffin? Let me see what they are doing?"

Upon hearing this, Grandma Long sighed softly, "You thought they were bugs, but in fact, they are all human!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and immediately asked: "Is it a human? How can a human become a bug?"

Grandma Long stretched out her hand towards the outer room, beckoning Tong Yan to go out and speak.

Tong Yan understood, and hurriedly followed Grandma Long out of the inner room, and returned to the outer room.

There were only two small benches in the outhouse, and Grandma Long sat down on one of them, and then said to Tong Yan, "You should sit too! I usually don't have any guests here, so I didn't prepare tea or snacks, so feel wronged."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Why, it's an honor for the younger generation to come to your residence, mother-in-law, and I won't be wronged." After finishing speaking, he also sat down on the bench.

Seeing him sitting down, Grandma Long said truthfully, "I didn't lie to you, the worms in the coffin were the people from this village. It was because they were poisoned by a very strange poison that they turned into worms. This is what they look like now. If they don’t get the antidote in a short time, they will all fester and die.”

Tong Yan was a little dazed, what kind of poison could turn a living person into a worm?This is really unbelievable.But having said that, the world is so big that there are no surprises.Maybe there is really a vicious person who has refined such a poison, could it be... could it be the person from the Five Poisons Sect?
"Grandma, can you tell me how they were poisoned? And who put such a poison on them?"

Grandma Long sighed again, and then she answered: "There is an old abandoned well in the southwest corner of the village, and white smoke often comes out of the ancient well. The people in these coffins have smoked the white smoke, so It became like this now. To be honest, the person in this coffin was poisoned recently. The person who was poisoned some time ago has already died. Although the people in the village already know that the ancient well should not be approached, as long as it is When the wind blows, the white mist will still spread into the village, making it hard to guard against."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled and said, "Since the ancient well is weird, why didn't you just seal the ancient well, or move the people in the village out of here, so everything will be fine?"

Grandma Long smiled and said: "You are right, these are indeed the best two methods. But no one dares to approach the ancient well, so naturally there is no way to seal it. As for letting the people in the village move away Here, this is even more impossible. This village has a history of thousands of years, and the people in the village regard it as their home. Even if they die, they will never leave their home. Besides, their relatives have already died Here, they feel that leaving is a betrayal, so neither of these two options is advisable."

From Tong Yan's point of view, the people in this village are really pedantic, but on the other hand, this is also their attachment and belief.

In fact, not only ethnic minorities, even the Han people, there are many people who would rather die than leave their hometown.In their view, if they leave their homes and die elsewhere, they are destined to become lonely ghosts, wandering around, with nowhere to turn.Fallen leaves return to their roots, so it's not about the obsession with homeland and hometown.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and then smiled wryly: "Grandmother, you have always said that you want me to help you with one thing, so just tell me the exact location of the Five Poisons Sect. Tell me, what are you doing?" What do you want me to do? Could it be related to this ancient well emitting poisonous smoke?"

Hearing this, Grandma Long nodded and smiled, "That's right, this is exactly what I want you to do for me. I hope you can seal that ancient well for me, as long as it can be sealed. I will tell you five The true location of the Poison Sect."

Sure enough, it did not go beyond Tong Yan's expectations, and it was a bit harsh for him to take the risk of sealing the ancient well.He is not a fool, how could he not be able to tell which business is worth doing and which business is not?

"Mother-in-law, to be honest, I really want to help this village. However, this is almost in exchange for my own life. Do you think the position of the Five Poison Sect is more important than my life? Which is lighter? ? I think you understand in your heart that this deal is unfair. So please forgive me for not agreeing. "

Grandma Long was not angry when she heard this, but smiled slightly: "You are right, you are indeed at a loss in this deal. But if I add some bargaining chips, you can see if it can be achieved."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with a faint smile, "Add a bargaining chip? What bargaining chip? Let's hear it."

Seeing that Tong Yan was interested in knowing about it, Grandma Long smiled and said, "Actually, you should have noticed the corpse aura on my body. Do you think I am a zombie? Wrong, I am actually a human. I have lived for thousands of years, and I am still alive." Can live forever. The bargaining chip I want to add is the longevity technique I practice. Are you interested?"

The technique of longevity?If this technique was known to the ancient emperors, they would probably be willing to exchange half of the country.But it's a pity that Tong Yan doesn't care how long he can live.Birth, old age, sickness and death, this is the cycle of heaven.What about changing one's life against the sky, and about immortality, to Tong Yan, these are nothing but fantasy, and have no interest at all.

"Mother-in-law, to be honest, your chips are really tempting. But the problem is, for me, the temptation is basically zero. So I'm sorry, but I still can't promise you."

Tong Yan's words really surprised Grandma Long.There are very few people who have no interest in living forever.

But then she proposed a new bargaining chip, and this time Tong Yan finally did not refuse, and agreed to venture to the ancient well that would emit poisonous smoke.

What bargaining chip would make Tong Yan willing to risk his life to go to Gujing?Why does the mysterious ancient well emit poisonous smoke?Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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