
Chapter 434 Going to the ancient well, creepy!

Chapter 434 Going to the ancient well, creepy!
"Little brother, it seems that you are not an ordinary person. Since immortality can't impress you, I'll change my bargaining chip. I have a Feisheng Pill and a good magic weapon here. As long as you agree to my request, the difference between the two You can choose one of them. What do you think?"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked in puzzlement, "What is Feisheng Pill? What is the magic weapon you are talking about?"

Seeing that Tong Yan seemed a little interested, Grandma Long immediately raised her legs and walked to the front of the altar. After chanting a few spells, the idol suddenly turned back automatically, and then, a similar drawer appeared on the back of the idol. organ.

Grandma Long stretched out her fingers and tapped lightly on it, and the drawer opened immediately.

She reached out and took out two wooden boxes from inside, and then walked back in front of Tong Yan.

"Little brother, the wooden box in my left hand contains the Feisheng Pill. The name of this pill is Feisheng, which naturally comes from the meaning of feathered ascension. Although it is not that exaggerated, as long as you take it, your cultivation will be able to reach a thousand miles. Not to mention that you can become a god, the realm of immortality should not be a big problem. As for the wooden box in my right hand, it contains a sharp blade called Yuchang Sword, which was used by Jing Ke to assassinate the King of Qin Sword. After thousands of years of precipitation, this sword already has a spirit, and it is a masterpiece among spiritual weapons. How about it? Are you interested in your two treasures?"

To be honest, these two treasures are really fascinating.But the problem is, even if Tong Yan has the heart to take it, it may not be useful.What if I got close to the ancient well and was accidentally poisoned, not to mention turning into a big worm in the coffin in the back room, and even festering to death all over my body.His main purpose of coming here is to enter the Five Poison Sect and rescue Bai Jing, Xueer, Tan Yu and others.If they folded here, then they would have no one to rescue them.

He hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Grandma Long, can your Ascension Pill be given to wild beasts? What will happen if wild beasts eat it?"

Hearing this, Grandma Long smiled slightly and said: "Beasts can not only add hundreds of years of Taoism, but also transform into human form. But how can such a pill be given to wild beasts? Isn't that a waste of money?"

Waste everything?Tong Yan doesn't think so.In his heart, he has always remembered one thing, which is to allow Tan Yu to re-form into a human form.It was because Tan Yu protected Tong Yan that he ended up in this position.Tong Yan always thought that he owed Tan Yu, if Feisheng Pill really had such a miraculous ability, he could give it a go.

After all, it has always been his wish to restore Tan Yu's cultivation base and transform himself into a human again.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked again: "Grandma Long, there is poisonous smoke coming out of the ancient well, is there any way to avoid poisoning?"

Grandma Long laughed and said, "As long as you don't inhale the poisonous smoke into your body, how can you be poisoned? If you insist on not breathing before sealing the ancient well, then the poisonous smoke won't have any effect on you. Of course. , The mouth of the ancient well is very large, and it will not be completed in a few minutes if you want to completely seal it. However, you can also seal it in batches, so that the risk can be minimized."

Hearing this, Tong Yan took a deep breath, and finally agreed: "Okay, I promise you, go seal the ancient well. But you should at least show me your Feisheng Pill? How do I know if this medicine is real or not? ?”

Grandma Long smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, I can show you. But you'd better not make other plans, since I dare to invite you to my house, I am naturally not afraid of you snatching my treasure, do you understand what I mean? "

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, mother-in-law. If I really wanted to snatch it, I'm afraid I would have done it long ago. I hope you will fulfill your promise after I finish it."

Grandma Long was also straightforward, and directly swore a poisonous oath in front of Tong Yan.In this way, Tong Yan can confidently and boldly seal the ancient well.

With Tong Yan's current cultivation level, it's perfectly fine for him not to breathe for half an hour.If you persist, you may be able to hold your breath for a longer time.

During this period of time, it should be enough to seal the mouth of an ancient well. Of course, the premise is that no accidents will happen.

Grandma Long specifically explained the location of the ancient well to Tong Yan, and prepared something for him to seal the mouth of the well.In fact, it is a huge plastic sheet. The wellhead is covered with plastic sheeting, and then a wooden manhole cover is covered on it. After that, the wellhead is completely buried with soil, and cement is poured on it. In this way, the poisonous smoke will be released. It's hard to come out of the well anymore.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this level is quite a lot.It is indeed a bit difficult to seal this ancient well once and for all.

But Tong Yan has already agreed to the deal, so it's not easy to change his mind.He is a very courageous person, knowing that this trip may kill him, but when he thinks that he can see Tan Yu in human form again, he doesn't have so many worries.

After everything was ready, Tong Yan pulled the small wooden cart and walked towards the southwest corner of the village alone.

As he walked, he saw a forest in the distance.Grandma Long specially told him to hold her breath when she saw Lin Zi, so that she could be prepared for any danger.

Tong Yan knew that Grandma Long was kind enough to remind him, so he held his breath as soon as he saw Lin Zi.

There used to be a road in the forest, and before the ancient well was abandoned, people in the village would make a special trip here to fetch water.Later, this ancient well was willing to dry up for some unknown reason, so it gradually fell into disuse.

Going straight along the path, after a short walk, I saw an ancient well surrounded by white plants.

This ancient well is quite old at first glance. The mouth of the well is built with stones, and there are very exquisite patterns carved on it.But under the ravages of the years, the stone on the wellhead has cracked, and the exquisite carvings on it have long been beyond recognition.

Tong Yan looked at it intently, not wanting to waste time, so he pulled the cart and walked forward quickly.

After this approach, his attention suddenly fell on the white plants beside the mouth of the well.

Although white plants exist, they are rare.These white plants are somewhat like branches, covered with sharp thorns.

Tong Yan was not sure whether these white plants were related to the white poisonous smoke coming out of the well.But until now, he has not seen white smoke coming out of the wellhead.

If you want to seal the mouth of the well, these white plants are very obstructive. If one accidentally punctures the skin with a small thorn, it is likely to be poisoned.

Fortunately, there was a shovel in Tong Yan's cart, he picked up the shovel without hesitation, and shoveled at the white plants.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a terrifying scene happened.

This ancient well is really weird, it seems... there seems to be something in it!

(End of this chapter)

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