
Chapter 435 Shocking poisonous weed, mother-in-law identity!

Chapter 435 Shocking poisonous weed, mother-in-law identity!
Tong Yan shoveled down with the shovel, and the few white plants immediately snapped off.Immediately afterwards, to Tong Yan's disbelief, red juice flowed out from the breaks of these white plants.This juice is very similar to fresh blood, but Tong Yan dare not breathe, so he doesn't know if this red juice also smells like blood.

There is red liquid in the rhizome of the plant, which actually exists.But then, unexpectedly, a piercing scream came out from the ancient well.

This cry can never be the voice of a human being, but it doesn't sound like a beast.

Tong Yan didn't care about that much, the most urgent thing was to seal the well, so that he could go back and ask for a reward from the Dragon Granny.

He continued to shovel the white plants with the shovel, and the white plants around the mouth of the well were all cleaned up by him in a short time.

Somewhat strangely, these shoveled white plants did not last long, and turned into red liquid one after another, directly staining the ground around the wellhead with blood red.

At the same time, the cries in the ancient well became even more ear-piercing.The noise made Tong Yan's scalp numb and his brows furrowed.

"His grandma's, what's in this ancient well? Why is it still screaming?" He thought to himself, and at the same time dropped the shovel, turned around and removed the large piece of plastic sheeting from the cart.

The diameter of the wellhead should be about 1.5 meters, which is really not small.Fortunately, the plastic sheet is bigger, even if it is folded in half, it is enough to cover the mouth of the well.

To cover the wellhead, it is inevitable to look into the well twice.

Tong Yan tried his best not to let himself see it, but...but he still saw it!He saw white tentacled branches protruding from the well, as if trying to climb out of the well.

Tong Yan suppressed the horror in his heart, quickly covered the well head with a plastic sheet, then got up and moved the wooden manhole cover as big as a millstone from the car.

The moment he put the well cover down, the plastic sheet was already propped up by the paper strips in the well.

Tong Yan pressed down the note abruptly, then quickly threw the two bags of cement and fine sand in the car on the manhole cover.

Pressing down with so many heavy objects, even if you want to figure out what's inside, it probably takes a little effort.

Tong Yan was a little nervous. He picked up the shovel on the ground and immediately dug up the soil quickly. He threw all the soil dug out from the side on top of and around the ancient well.

This is physical work, but with the current tense atmosphere, Tong Yan seems to have endless energy.

In just three or two minutes, the ancient well had been dug by Tong Yan into a big bag of soil.However, the fine sand and cement brought before were also buried.If you want to strengthen it, you can only go back to the stockade and find a way

Tong Yan took one last look at the ancient well covered by mud, and left in a hurry.

At this moment, Grandma Long and the old people in the village were waiting on the high platform in the village. When they saw Tong Yan returning, they hurriedly got off the high platform to meet him.

"Little brother, how is it? Is things going well?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Fortunately, I sealed the mouth of the well. But there is not enough cement and fine sand. You can prepare some more for me. I will go there later."

Grandma Long heard this, and hurriedly communicated with the old people in those villages in Miao language.After hearing this, several people greeted the young men in the village.

Five bags of cement, five bags of fine sand, and a large bucket of water were loaded into the car, which was enough for Tong Yan this time.

Tong Yan drank two glasses of water to restore his strength.Seeing that the things were ready, he didn't delay any longer, pulled on the cart and entered the forest for the second time.

But... But when he just saw the mouth of the well, he was completely dumbfounded.

Originally, the mouth of the well had been completely sealed by him, but after such a short time, a large white plant grew on it.

This white plant is exactly the one he eradicated before. Is the growth ability of this thing so fast?

Tong Yan was a little depressed, but he couldn't give up halfway.He reached out to touch his pocket, and happened to have a few fire talismans on him, maybe he could burn them all with fire.Reinforce it with cement later, maybe the effect will be better.

Thinking of this, he held the fire talisman with one hand and punched it out.

Four or five fire talismans left their hands together, instantly turning into five or six fireballs.The fireballs roared towards them, hitting the white plants heavily one after another.

There was only a sound of "huh", and as soon as the fireball touched the large white plant, a raging flame ignited instantly.This white plant is very flammable, otherwise, the mere fireball would not be able to burn so violently.

Tong Yan watched intently, in the burning of the flames, those white plants squirmed like worms.But after all, they couldn't escape the engulfment of the flames, and they were burned to nothing in a short while.

Tong Yan saw that it really worked, picked up the shovel and continued to add some new soil on it, and then prepared to mix the cement and strengthen the ancient well.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but Tong Yan had just mixed the cement at a ratio of one to three, and was about to cover it on the soil bag.

But unexpectedly, a frightening scene happened.

There was only a loud bang, and a white tentacle as thick as a bucket penetrated directly through the manhole cover and the dirt bag above it.The white tentacles stretched upwards, getting longer and taller, until finally they were comparable to a big tree.

Not only that, there are small holes that look like mouths on the top of the white tentacles, and only white smoke can be seen ejecting from these small holes.

At this moment, Tong Yan seemed to understand.Below this ancient well must be a strange plant that has become a spirit, and the white poisonous smoke is emitted by this plant.

Grandma Long intends to seal it in the ancient well, but this is only a temporary solution after all.If you want to keep the eternal peace of this small village, you must uproot this plant and burn it completely.Other than that, there is no other way.

The fire talisman has been used up, Tong Yan can only retreat from here first, then find gasoline and matches, and then come to kill this evil obstacle.

His idea was right, but his mistake was that he trusted that Grandma Long too much.

This plant, which has become a spirit, is actually inextricably linked with Grandma Long.It can even be said that this white plant was cultivated by Grandma Long.It's just that Grandma Long didn't expect that this plant would turn into a monster, and it would grow so fast.If left alone, not only will this small stockade suffer, but it might even become its lair within a hundred miles.

In addition, the identity of the dragon mother-in-law is by no means as simple as an ordinary witch.Her true identity is actually the saint of the Five Poison Sect!
Can Tong Yan successfully eradicate this shocking poisonous weed?What happened to Bai Jing, Xue Er and others who were in the Five Poison Sect?We will continue in the next chapter!
PS: Some readers asked when to add updates, and the answer is tomorrow.Four to five chapters will be updated tomorrow. In this case, it can be regarded as a Mid-Autumn Festival benefit for everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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