
Chapter 437 Farewell to the Miao Village, Sudden Transformation!

Chapter 437 Farewell to the Miao Village, Sudden Transformation!
"Grandma Long, I remember you once said that the Five Poison Banner is a sacred object of the Five Poison Sect. Since it is a sacred object, how can I get it if I want it?"

Hearing this, Grandma Long smiled wryly and said: "Yes, it is because of this that there is basically no possibility. But little brother, you have tried your best. Anyway, I still have to thank you very much. It's just that the ascension But I can’t give it to you, but I will tell you the exact location of the Five Poison Sect, which can be regarded as a reward for your hard work this time.”

Although Tong Yan really wanted to help this village, he was helpless now, since Grandma Long was willing to inform the specific location of the Five Poison Sect.It is still more important for him to rescue Bai Jing and the others first.

"Mother-in-law, you are willing to tell the exact location of the Five Poison Sect, the junior is already very grateful. Then I will leave after eating this meal!"

Grandma Long looked at the darkening sky outside, and then asked Tong Yan to stay, "Why don't you leave tomorrow morning, it's already dark. The Five Poison Sect is still about two or three hundred miles away from here. The road is difficult, and you don't need to be in a hurry."

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "My eyes can see at night, so even if I drive at night, there will be no problem. Besides, I am really anxious to go to the Five Poisons Sect. So, please tell the Five Poisons Sect, mother-in-law. exact location."

Seeing that Grandma Long couldn't persuade her, she could only tell Tong Yan the detailed address of the Five Poison Sect.

After Tong Yan heard it, he secretly remembered it in his heart.

After a while, the proprietress came out of the back kitchen with the dishes.

Tong Yan was not too polite, and after eating a full meal, he bid farewell to Grandma Long and left the village alone.

However, what he didn't know was that not long after he left the village, the whole village was filled with white smoke. After inhaling the poisonous smoke, all the people in the village... all turned into insects.

According to Grandma Long, the Five Poisons Sect is located in a valley more than 200 miles away from here.There is often black fog in the valley at night, and there are countless wild beasts and birds in the valley. The people nearby call it the Jedi.It means that if you enter it, there is no way out.

The valley is huge, if Tong Yan doesn't go astray, he should be able to reach it.

Walking on the road, Tong Yan could not wait to use his fastest speed, as long as he arrived at the Five Poison Sect earlier, Bai Jing and the others could know the truth earlier.However, the road in the forest was very difficult, even if he wanted to hurry up, he still struggled until dawn the next day.

The terrain was getting lower and lower, and he should have entered the valley called Jedi.Now as long as one finds a disciple of the Five Poison Sect, everything will be much easier.

At this time, Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, and others were having breakfast, and this gathering lasted a bit long.Generally speaking, it will be over in three to five days.

But this time it's good, it's been seven or eight days, and it's not over yet.The main reason is the sudden emergence of a small sect called Poison Heaven Sect, which has a faint tendency to ban the original Poison Sect Sanying.

The meeting of poisonous sects is naturally a competition of poisonous ones.

How to make a comparison is actually very simple, that is to compare whose poison is more powerful.Each poison door is released separately, and everyone cracks it together.Whichever sect's poison can be cured will be eliminated, and whichever sect's poison cannot be cured will win.If one round of competition is not over, they will start to compare the second poison and the third poison. Whoever has more superb poisons will be the final winner.

Generally speaking, the three time-honored brands of the original Du Zong Sanying have such strength.Whether it's the Tang Sect, the Five Poison Sect or the Hundred Flowers Valley, there will always be several powerful and superb poisons in their sect, which cannot be dissolved by each other, so naturally they are also listed as the three heroes of the Poison Sect.

But this time, the Poison Heaven Sect also displayed several powerful poisons. The comparison between the four sects was dark, and until now there was no winner.

Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, came prepared, this time she almost brought all the precious and poisonous things in the valley.Now, at this time, it's time to compare the background, whoever can't come up with the novel and superb poison in the end will automatically lose.

Today is the seventh day of the competition, and Bai Jing has already prepared the poison to be displayed today.Later, as long as it is shown in front of the sects, if they can't crack it, then today will be considered as over.In addition, she will try to crack the poison of the other three sects together with the elders in the valley.If they can successfully crack one or two, they will undoubtedly win this competition.

However, what she didn't know was that this so-called Dutianmen was simply a cover.The reason why they were able to produce so many top-notch poisons was actually the support of the Tang Sect and the Five Poison Sect.

To put it simply, the two sects joined hands to suppress Baihua Valley, in order to make Baihua Valley unable to gain a foothold in the arena and withdraw from the list of the three heroes of the Poison Sect.

As for why they did this, perhaps only the heads of the two sects knew.

Bai Jing looked at the sky, and then said to several elders in the valley: "It's getting late, let's go to the main hall."

Several elders nodded yes, and immediately followed her out of the door.

The hospitality of the Five Poisons Sect was considered considerate, and it was specially arranged for Baihua Valley in a very spacious stilted building.This building has four floors and more than a dozen rooms, enough for the people from Baihua Valley to squeeze in.

Xue'er is sleeping late in the room with the little fox transformed by Tan Yu at the moment, and she doesn't know if there are too many poisons in the Five Poison Sect or the climate here is a bit stuffy.When Xue'er first arrived here, she felt a little uncomfortable, and she was groggy all day long.

She is not feeling well, so naturally no one dares to disturb her, even if she sleeps in, it is actually nothing.It's just that she came here this time to enjoy the mountains and rivers. With her current mental state, it seems that she can't do it.If she had known this earlier, she shouldn't have followed in the first place.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.Immediately afterwards, the voice of the thousand-faced scholar rang out.

"Xue'er, have you woken up? How do you feel today? I brought you breakfast, and you open the door."

Hearing the shouts outside the door, Xue'er slowly opened her eyes.Her face was a little pale, and her lips were bloodless. She was very sick at first glance.But both the owner of Baihua Valley and the elders in the valley helped her to look at it, and they didn't find any discomfort on her body.So I just let her rest well, eat and drink more water, that's all.

Xue'er struggled to sit up, then walked to the door slowly with bare feet.As soon as she opened the door, she saw the scholar with thousands of faces standing outside the door with a smile on his face, holding a bowl of hot noodle soup with two poached eggs on it.

"Brother Xu, you are here! Letting you take care of me really troubles you."

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar chuckled and said, "What are you talking about? The young suzerain told me to take good care of you before. He may not have finished his work yet. I must take care of you during this time." Take care. Come on, eat your breakfast!"

Xue'er nodded, and stretched out her hand to take the noodles from the hand of the scholar with thousands of faces, but before her jade hand touched the rice bowl, her head sank suddenly, and she passed out on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, something unbelievable happened.Her legs slowly closed, and then grew together at a speed visible to the naked eye.Within a few seconds, she turned into a half-human half-snake.

This... isn't this Nuwa's real body?How could she suddenly take shape?Is something big going to happen?
(End of this chapter)

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