
Chapter 438 Terrible thing, taste the poison in public!

Chapter 438 Terrible thing, taste the poison in public!

Seeing Xueer like this, the thousand-faced scholar suddenly widened his eyes.He has known for a long time that Xueer is a descendant of Nuwa, but he has never seen her reveal her real body.

But why did she suddenly transform at this moment?There must be something wrong with her, right?
The thousand-faced scholar didn't dare to continue thinking about it, and hurriedly put the noodle bowl in his hand on the side cabinet, then squatted beside Xue'er, shook her gently and said, "Xue'er, what's wrong with you? Xue'er, Don't scare me? Wake up quickly!"

With his shaking and shouting, Xueer finally slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Xu, take me... take me out of here. I can't take it anymore."

The scholar with thousands of faces was really frightened. Since Xue'er wanted to leave here, he definitely couldn't refuse.

"Xue'er, don't worry, I'll take you out of this ghostly place right now. wait, if someone sees you like this, they will definitely regard you as a monster. I'll go prepare." , he carried Xue'er to the bed first, and then walked out of the room quickly.

Xueer breathed hard, her forehead was covered with sweat.Why did she want to leave here so urgently?

As soon as the scholar with thousands of faces left, the little fox that Tan Yu transformed into on the bed crawled up next to Xue'er's face.She wiped the sweat from Xue'er's forehead with the back of her fluffy claws, and then lay down beside Xue'er.

Xue'er looked at Tan Yu from the side, and then said softly: "Sister Yu'er, don't you want to stay here? I seem to feel that there is a very scary monster here. If I stay here for a while, I will feel uncomfortable all over. .What do you think it will be?"

Tan Yu couldn't speak, she just blinked her big eyes and stared at Xue'er, maybe she heard it, maybe she just looked at it stupidly.

After a while, the thousand-faced scholar came back with a look of anger.

As soon as he entered the door, he said angrily: "Those bastard bastards don't even allow me to leave this yard for half a step. They say that no one can leave until the meeting of the poisonous sect is over. That's not fucking good. Do you regard us as criminals? Xue'er, hold on a little longer. This is the territory of the Five Poison Sect. If we force ourselves against them, we will only harm ourselves. When the owner of the valley comes back, I will definitely let her find a way to send her away. You leave. Okay?"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Xue'er naturally can't say anything more.She nodded lightly and said: "It's okay, then I...then I'll wait for Sister Guzhu to come back."

The thousand-faced scholar sighed softly, and then comforted Xue'er: "Xue'er, don't worry, if the owner of the valley can't send you out when he comes back, then I will force my way, even if it takes my life I can't let you have trouble."

Xue'er tried her best to smile and said, "Brother Xu, you don't have to worry about me. I've changed back to my original body, and it's much better than before. It's okay. You can do your work. I'll sleep for a while."

The thousand-faced scholar nodded, then closed the door and walked out.

The purpose of the Five Poison Sect is very obvious. Since they dared to send people to put the people of Baihua Valley under house arrest, they have already shown their malice this time.It's a pity that the owner of Hundred Flowers Valley doesn't know yet.Maybe when she comes back later, she will understand everything.

Above the main hall of the Five Poison Sect, there are more than a dozen heads of the Poison Sect and hundreds of disciples gathered here.

Although today's competition is for the remaining four sects, they still want to see who the Poison Sect Sanying will win in the end.

The leader of the Five Poison Sect is named Dulong, who looks like a vicious god, with a burly figure and a beard. His eyes are as big as bells. Although he is not angry, he still gives people a sense of daring to laugh.What he was wearing was not the costume of the Han nationality, but the national costume of the Miao nationality.The most eye-catching thing is the headband on his head. The left and right sides of the headband are inlaid with gemstones, but there is a slightly smaller skull in front of it.This skull should not be a human skull, and there are two sharp horns on it, which may be special, or it may be the head of some bull-shaped beast.

At this moment, he was sitting on the innermost throne, and on his left and right stood two guards in leather armor with expressionless faces.

The two rows of chairs below each have a leading sect seated.The one on the left is Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, and the one on the right is a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit and gold-rimmed glasses.

Judging from their seats, this middle-aged man should be Tang Jun, the sect master of Sichuan Tang Sect, known as Du Gongzi.

Sitting next to Tang Jun was a very beautiful girl, upon closer inspection, she turned out to be somewhat familiar.Isn't this girl Huangjiao, the daughter of the head of the Qisha sect?How could she be here?
The last time Tong Yan led the Mozong to eradicate the Qishamen, the yellow pepper escaped under the protection of Huang Tianhu's henchman.Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the master of the poisonous sect.

What is even more unexpected is that she is the head of the Poison Heaven Sect, that is, the Poison Heaven Sect who is determined to rank among the top three of the Poison Sect.

This is really incomprehensible, why did the yellow pepper hook up with the Five Poison Sect and the Tang Sect?
Du Long, the leader of the Five Poison Sect, glanced at the crowd, and then said with a chuckle: "Everyone, today is the seventh day of our Poison Sect meeting, and the only remaining sects are my Five Poison Sect, Tang Sect, Baihuagu, and Poison Heaven Sect four. It’s a sect. It’s still unknown who can finally enter the list of the three elites of the Poison Sect. Come on, without further ado, let’s start the poison competition right now. Come here, bring me the Bone Biting Powder of the Five Poison Sect!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a man dressed in Miao family clothes came out from the side room.This person wore special gloves on his hands, and carefully held a small transparent bottle in both hands. The bottle was filled with black powder. Presumably this was the superb poison that the Five Poisons Sect would show today.

The man put the bottle on the round table in the middle of the main hall, and then backed out.

Du Long pointed at the small bottle, and immediately said: "This is the bone chewing powder of my Five Poison Sect. I prepared this poison ten years ago. If a person gets a little bit of it, it won't take a while for his whole body The bones are broken into powder, so it is called Bone Biting Powder. Brothers are welcome to advise! In addition, the other three masters, please also take out the poison you showed this time."

After hearing this, Bai Jing and others ordered his subordinates to offer poison.

After a while, four kinds of poisons of the highest quality were already placed on the round table.

Tang Jun, the head of the Tang Sect, also didn't get up, glanced at the red jade bottle displayed by Baihua Valley, and immediately asked with a smile: "Master Baihua Valley, I don't know what kind of poison you are displaying today?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing laughed lightly and said: "It's not a serious poison, but if people get it, they can't live for half a moment. This poison is a kind of poison in my ancient book of Baihua Valley, which is called death. It's very simple, if you touch it, you will die, and there is no way out."

Hearing this, Tang Jun laughed and said, "Death? A good name! But is there really no way out? Let me see it!" Having said that, he immediately got up and walked directly to the front of the "Death Poison" in Baihua Valley .

Immediately afterwards, in front of everyone, he stretched out his hand and poured out a little bit of the powder in the bottle onto his hand, and...and raised his head and poured the powder in his hand into his mouth!
Is he going to taste the poison himself?

(End of this chapter)

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