
Chapter 439 It's obvious, take them all!

Chapter 439 It's obvious, take them all!
This astonishing move by the head of the Tang Sect made everyone's eyes widen. Is he crazy, or is his brain flooded?Test yourself for poison, only a fool would do that.

But would he be a fool?Maybe, he has a plan in mind.

Bai Jing stared at Tang Jun coldly, her jade hands were clenched tightly.She knew Tang Jun too well, this guy was extremely scheming, if he wasn't 100% sure, he wouldn't taste the poison himself.

But this "Death Poison" was only recently formulated by her, and outsiders have no way of knowing about it except for herself and a few elders in the valley.Why does this guy dare to taste like this?Unless he had already taken the antidote in advance.But he didn't know what the ingredients of the poison of death were, so how could there be an antidote?Could it be... Could it be that there is a traitor in the valley?

Thinking of this, she immediately turned to look at the elders behind her.But these elders all looked uneasy, and they couldn't see who was feeling guilty.

Although she was a little anxious, she knew in her heart that she must be calm now.Even if the "poison of death" is cured, it doesn't mean that Baihua Valley will be squeezed out of the top three of the Poison Sect.

If others can cure her poison, she must also be able to cure others.But before that, she still had to see how Tang Jun wanted to act.

Tang Sect Master Tang Jun smacked his lips, and then said with a disdainful smile: "What a poison of death, it's really interesting. But this taste is a bit spicy, maybe you ground the chili into powder and used it to fool you Ours? Hehe..." As soon as this remark came out, everyone who was still shocked before immediately laughed.

Tang Jun looked around, bent down suddenly, and said in a pretentious manner: "Oh, my stomach. I can't eat spicy food, so I don't want to have diarrhea when I turn around."

When he acted like this, everyone laughed even louder.

Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, gritted her teeth fiercely, and immediately said coldly: "Tang Jun, I don't know how you found out the formula of my death poison. But let me tell you, you don't need to be complacent now. Maybe in the next second, I will cure your poison."

Hearing this, Tang Jun smiled contemptuously and said: "Really? Then let me see it quickly! To tell you the truth, let alone you, I can't even get rid of my poison. Quickly let me open my eyes." Oh, I forgot to tell you the name of this poison, it’s called Miegu! How is it? It’s a good name, right?”

Kill the Valley?What kind of name is it? It clearly means the Valley of Miserable Flowers.

Bai Jing is not stupid, how could she fail to understand the implication, but she must bear it now, because only by getting rid of one of these three poisons, will she have a chance to remain in the list of the three heroes of the Poison Sect.

This Tang Jun just wanted to make himself look ugly in public and make him angry and lose his mind. If she really did this, she would follow his will.

Bai Jing read all the three kinds of poisons, then took out special small spoons from her pocket, scooped out a little one by one, put them in the high bowl specially designed for poisoning, and left the main hall together with the elders in the valley, and entered the special In the solitary room used for detoxification attempts.

There are live chickens, pigs, and mice in this single room, in order to provide experimental conditions for the detoxification sect.Because only by experimenting with living things, can we know the symptoms of this severe poison, and in turn speculate on the ingredients of the poison, so as to come up with the method of detoxification.

But what Bai Jing didn't know was that she was the only one who went to try to detoxify, while the other three were still sitting on the chairs in the main hall.

Obviously, they have reached a consensus. If Bai Jing can't cure one of these three poisons, then Baihuagu will definitely withdraw from the list of the three heroes of the Poison Sect this time.

The three sects don't need to detoxify, they just need to work together to kick Baihuagu out.

Although the heads of the Poison Sect present knew that it was unfair for the three sects to do so, but then again, there is no absolute fairness in this world.It has nothing to do with them who becomes the Poison Sect Sanying, they just have to watch the show obediently.

The time for detoxification is one day. If you can't think of a way to detoxify within one day, it is tantamount to failure.

But an hour later, Bai Jing became a little discouraged.It's not that she doesn't want to detoxify, but that these three poisons have no cure at all.She has been in the Valley of Hundred Flowers since she was a child, and she has a deep understanding of poison and medicine.What kind of poison can be cured and what kind of poison cannot be cured, she is very clear in her heart.

But she didn't understand that even if Tang Jun knew the formula of "Death Poison", it was impossible for him to figure out the antidote in a short time.Perhaps, he had already bribed an elder in his valley.

Bai Jing leaned against the wall a little disappointed, she had already given up.Even if she is not reconciled, even if she is sorry for the ancestors of Baihua Valley, but in the end she can't change it.

"Guzhu, what's wrong with you? You must not be discouraged. Although these three kinds of poisons are powerful, there will definitely be a way to break them. Or...or let me come to test the poisons myself, when the time comes, you Then I can figure out a solution according to my poisoning symptoms."

It was Elder Sun who spoke, and Bai Jing knew that he was the only person she could trust.

"Old Sun, don't waste your efforts anymore. We can't cure these three kinds of poisons. This time they came prepared. The centennial party is actually to deal with me, Baihuagu. If Tang Jun dares to test the poison himself, it is enough It means that he has known the poison of death for a long time. In one day, unless there is fairy grass, there is absolutely no possibility of cracking these three poisons."

Hearing this, Elder Sun frowned, and then said in disbelief: "Valley Master, what do you mean... there are traitors in my Hundred Flowers Valley?"

Bai Jing nodded and said: "Although I can't be 100% sure, it should be like this. But it's okay, it's nothing to lose the name of the Poison Sect Sanying. Let's go, let's go out. I think they should already be in Waiting to see our good show."

Several elders shook their heads and sighed, but there was nothing they could do. The matter had come to this point, so they could only face it.

They lifted their legs and walked out of the private room, and returned to the main hall not long after.

When Tang Jun saw them coming back, he immediately asked with a smile: "Master Baigu, how is it? Seeing that you have come back so quickly, you must have figured out a way to detoxify it? I don't know which one of our three sects you are solving. Poisonous?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing sneered and said, "I'm afraid we will disappoint the head of the Tang sect. We haven't solved any of them. We, Baihua Valley, admit defeat! The name of the three heroes of the Poison Sect will be left to you three sects. This time The meeting of the Poison Sect has come to an end, and there is no need for me, Baihuagu, to stay here any longer. Master Poison Dragon, farewell!"

With that said, she was about to leave with the elders in Gu Nei.

But what I didn't expect was that the leader of the Five Poison Sect suddenly shouted loudly: "Want to leave? It's not that easy, come here! Take them all down for me!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of disciples of the Five Poison Sect immediately rushed out from the side rooms on the left and right.They all held weapons in their hands, and the ugly faces of the Five Poison Sect and the Tang Sect were finally revealed.

However, among the disciples of the Five Poison Sect, there was an acquaintance, this person was none other than Tong Yan!

PS: The chapter of adding updates has arrived, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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