
Chapter 440 Deceived too much, almost got tricked!

Chapter 440 Deceived too much, almost got tricked!
Seeing this, Bai Jing immediately flew into a rage and said, "Dulong, what do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Du Long stood up slowly, and then said with a sneer: "Huh... Bai Jing, don't you know what I want to do? Everyone is a smart person. If you don't want to suffer, just obediently get caught Bar!"

Bai Jing heard this, a cold light appeared in her eyes, and then she said fiercely: "Dulong, don't you just covet my Hundred Flowers Valley's Baicao Poison Code? Let me tell you, you are wishful thinking. It is a dream to want me to catch me without a fight. The elder obeyed the order, if they dare to act recklessly, let them learn how powerful my Hundred Flowers Poison is."

As soon as she gave an order, all the elders accompanying her immediately took out the poison sacs from their pockets, intending to fight to the death.

The poisonous dragon looked at it, and then smiled contemptuously: "Bai Jing, although the poison of your Baihua Valley is powerful, you can only keep the people here at most. Your disciples of Baihua Valley are still in the manor, don't you? Don't you care about their life or death?"

This poisonous dragon obviously made a plan long ago. The reason why he ordered his subordinates to surround the courtyard where the disciples of Baihua Valley lived was to blackmail Bai Jing so that Bai Jing would obediently submit.

But he still underestimated Bai Jing, Bai Jing's character is not weak, on the contrary, she is stronger than many men.Such a woman is a strong woman in today's words, and the word "threatening" is not in the dictionary of a strong woman.

"Dulong, do you think you can blackmail me by taking my disciples from Baihua Valley? Even if the people from my Baihua Valley die here today, I will admit it. Because I will die with them. Let those who come here go on the road together."

When Du Long heard this, he immediately shouted angrily: "Bitch, it seems that you are not willing to compromise. Then let me teach you about Baihua Poison in Baihua Valley!"

If the two disagree, they will use their own poison.Seeing this, everyone present was terrified.You must know that Baihuagu and the Five Poison Sect are among the top three poison sects, and they became famous very early. The poisons of their two sects are poisons that have no cure.

Seeing this, Tang Jun, the head of the Tang Sect, hurriedly acted as a peacemaker to persuade him: "Two, two! You have something to say, and you have something to say. Why do we have to fight to the death? In my opinion, why don't we each take a step back? Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted!"

Bai Jing sneered and said: "Evil thief, do you really think I don't know that you are wearing the same pair of pants? Take a step back each? It's you who want to harm me, Baihuagu, how do you want me to retreat?"

Tang Jun smiled awkwardly and said, "Master Bai Gu, don't speak so harshly. I just have some...some like-mindedness with Master Dulong. Of course, although this incident is a bit unfair to you, but in the current situation , I advise you to keep the foundation of Baihua Valley. Otherwise, your Baihua Valley will be completely wiped out. Don’t you want to hand over the Poison Code of Baicao? Then change the method, you just need to use the first six kinds of poison The formula tells us, we will let you go safely. How about it?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing gritted her teeth and said, "Tang Jun, you are also a leader in Sichuan Tang Sect. I didn't expect you to be willing to be a dog of the Five Poisons Sect. Let me tell you, I will not compromise. At worst, I will fight to the death. .”

Tang Jun's "good words to persuade" had no effect at all, and the atmosphere suddenly fell to freezing point again.

The current situation was unexpected by Du Long and Tang Jun. They always thought that this Bai Jing was just a girl, and they could easily make her submit with just a little coercion.

They didn't think about such a situation at all, and they were stuck in a difficult situation for a while, not knowing what to do.

But how could they easily give up the fat on their lips.

At this moment, Huangjiao suddenly stood up.

She looked at Bai Jing, then at Du Long and Tang Jun, and then smiled slightly: "Three, can you listen to me?"

Hearing this, Du Long nodded his head and said, "Master Huang, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it!"

Huang Jiao smiled, then walked up to Bai Jing, and said with great interest: "It is said that the owner of Baihua Valley is a hero among women, and when we get along these few days, it is true that women do not give way to men. My little girl admires it! However, there is a saying that those who know the current affairs are the best. If there is a stalemate like this, I think it will be bad for both parties. Sister Bai, have you ever thought about this? Even if you really let you leave safely today, don’t you think you are confident? Can you return to Baihua Valley alive? Of course, this sounds bad, but it is the truth. Besides, even if you return to Baihua Valley smoothly, do you think that the Five Poison Sect and Tangmen will let it go? Another point , how can you guarantee that there will be no scum in your valley, secretly stealing the poison mixing method of your Baihua Valley, and selling it to the Five Poison Sect? Since this disaster cannot be avoided anyway, it is better to simply fulfill them. This way Come on, you can continue to inherit the Hundred Flowers Valley. When your strength improves in the future, you can seek revenge from them. I think you should understand the truth that a hero does not suffer immediate losses."

I have to say that the analysis of this yellow pepper is indeed reasonable.

Everything is more important than being alive. Even if the recipe is gone, it can still be reconstituted, but if the person is gone, it's really all over.

It's just that Bai Jing is a little hesitant now, she has never suffered such a loss.If she really handed over the formula, it would be tantamount to confessing.The bad breath in her heart couldn't be swallowed no matter what.

Bai Jing was still thinking about it, continuing to procrastinate would indeed be detrimental to their Baihua Valley.Even if she fought to the death today, she didn't really hurt the foundation of the Five Poison Sect and the Tang Sect, but the Baihua Valley is really over.

Finally, she was a little shaken.She turned her head to look at the elders beside her, and then asked, "Elders, what do you think?"

Several elders looked at each other, and finally it was Elder Sun who spoke. "Master Gu, why don't you just give them a few recipes. If you keep the green hills alive, you won't have to worry about firewood. If you take today's revenge, you can retaliate in the future. Why use Yigu's disciples to be brave for a while?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, since you have also chosen to compromise. Then I will fulfill them. Du Long, don't you want the formula? I will give it to you! But, we must wait until we leave your Five Poison Sect, Then I will give you the recipe."

Du Long knew that the current situation was the best choice. If he refused to agree, he might die with Bai Jing.

"Okay, Master Baigu is really open-minded. Then I promise you! It's just that you want to hand over the formula when you leave. How can I know if your formula is true or not? I don't think it's better than this. You hand over three formulas first. Let's prepare it, if it can really be prepared into the highly poisonous poison you showed a few days ago. The remaining three will be handed over when you leave. How about it?"

Bai Jing sighed softly, and was about to agree.

But what I didn't expect was that at this moment, there was a sound of laughter in the main hall.

Following the sound, it was none other than Tong Yan who was laughing!

Why is he laughing for no reason?Can he help Baihuagu survive this disaster smoothly?
(End of this chapter)

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