
Chapter 441 Bickering and fighting wits, I won't scare you to death!

Chapter 441 Bickering and fighting wits, I won't scare you to death!
Tong Yan's laugh immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The disciples of the Five Poisons Sect standing beside him were all stunned, probably puzzled, what is wrong with this kid, and he still doesn't want to live anymore.

When Du Long saw that he was a disciple of the Five Poison Sect, he laughed, and immediately said fiercely: "Come here, drag him out and feed him to the holy beast."

The disciples of the Five Poison Sect around Tong Yan heard this and wanted to step forward.

Huang Jiao looked at Tong Yan coldly, then shook his head and chuckled, "He's not from your Five Poison Sect, he's Tong Yan, the young master of the Demon Sect!"

When this statement came out, everyone was lost.

Tong Yan's name can be said to resound throughout the Jianghu, as long as there are people in the Jianghu, there are almost few people who don't know him.However, what everyone didn't expect was that such a legendary figure would appear in the Five Poison Sect, and he was wearing the costumes of the Five Poison Sect disciples.

"Deputy sect master Huang, please stay safe. I didn't expect you to hang out with these scoundrels without repentance after the Seven Kills sect was destroyed. It seems that you really echoed the old saying that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. If I had known this earlier, I should not have been a woman's benevolence back then, and spared you death."

Huang Jiao heard this, and said viciously: "Tong Yan, the hatred of killing your father is not shared. As long as I can get revenge, I will do anything. It's good if you show up here today, so that I don't have to look for you again. Take your life Come!" At this point, she flashed her figure and attacked Tong Yan first.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately slapped out a palm without saying a word.With his current cultivation base, how can this yellow pepper be able to compete.

With this palm, the strong wind of the palm immediately repelled the rushing Huangjiao. His strength has already proved his formidable power.

Huangjiao was repelled by the palm wind, gritted his teeth and was about to step forward again, but was dragged down by Tang Jun.

"Master Huang, you are not his opponent, so why bother to humiliate yourself? Now that brother Tong Yan is here, why don't you ask him why he came. Brother Tong Yan, I have heard of your name a long time ago, and I saw you today , As expected, you are extraordinary and personable. Today is the day of the leaders of the major poisonous sects in our Jianghu. I don’t know what wind brought you here? Can you wait for us and answer your doubts?”

Tong Yan took a step forward, then said with a slight smile, "Just now I heard the owner of Baihua Valley call you the head of the Tang Sect, you must be the head of the Tang Sect in Sichuan. I have long heard that the Tang Sect has two specialties, and one unique mechanism has a hidden weapon that shocked the world. , Erjue uses poison to crown the rivers and lakes. I have long wanted to get acquainted with Tang Sect Master, so I didn’t invite myself.”

Tang Jun chuckled and said: "Sect Master Tong is just joking. My Tang Sect is not as powerful as the rumors. It's just the absurd praise of people in the Jianghu. As for Sect Master Tong who came here just for me, I'm really flattered. Sect Master Tong, tomorrow People don’t speak secretly, so you must have other intentions when you come here, right? Please speak up, so that everyone can clear up their doubts.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "Master Tang is not only highly capable, but also extremely intelligent. Anyway, since you all want to know, then I'll just say it straight. I came here for one thing. Master Poison Dragon, I don't know Can you give it away?"

Du Long knew that Tong Yan was a powerful character, so naturally he didn't dare to underestimate him, so he laughed and said, "Sovereign Tong, you have given me enough face by visiting my Five Poison Sect. Of course it's okay if you want something. But I don't know why. Things? As long as it's not too much, I, Dulong, are still willing to make you a friend."

Seeing what Du Long said, Tong Yan immediately smiled and said, "I heard that the Five Poison Sect has a treasure called the Five Duan Banner. I came here just for it."

Hearing this, Du Long's expression changed immediately, and he said awkwardly: "Sovereign Tong, since you know the Five Poison Banner, you must also know how important he is to my Five Poison Sect? It's not that I, Du Long, don't want to make friends with you. , but what you want is related to the foundation of my Five Poison Sect, please forgive me for not being able to fulfill it."

Hearing this, Tong Yan made a soft sound, and then asked back: "You also know the principle of not doing to others what you don't want to be done to others, so why did you force the owner of Baihua Valley to hand over her formula of Baihua Valley? As the saying goes, with It is convenient for others to be convenient for yourself. If you don’t give convenience to others, how can others give you convenience? Master Poison Dragon, you have to forgive others and forgive others, can you sell the face of my Demon Sect and let Baihuagu go, how about it?"

Since Tong Yan said that, his purpose was very clear.He came for Baihua Valley, so it can be seen that he has a very close relationship with Baihua Valley.

But then again, Du Long and Tang Jun have been planning for so long, can they stop with Tong Yan alone?
Du Long didn't categorically refuse, but he had put away his smile, and it seemed that he was a little displeased.

Huang Jiao looked at Dulong, and immediately added fuel and vinegar: "Master Dulong, his demon sect has been wiped out by the tricks. He is just a polished commander now. Even if he is killed today, no one will avenge him .Why do you buy his account?"

Before Du Long could open his mouth, Tong Yan said first: "Deputy Master Huang, who doesn't know that I destroyed your Seven Killing Sect. You want to use the Five Poison Sect to get rid of me. This trick of using a knife to kill people is really powerful. But There is one thing that you may have forgotten. I have returned, and my Demon Sect has regrouped. You gathered here, don’t you know that the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals in Longhu Mountain were killed? To tell you the truth, those days An old thief died at my hands. I have a stubborn temper, if anyone makes me unhappy, I will uproot him and let him never be reborn forever!"

His last words were not only addressed to Huangjiao, but also to the poisonous dragon of the Five Poison Sect and Tang Jun of the Tang Sect.

Du Long and Tang Jun are not stupid, of course they heard Tong Yan's implication.This is a blatant threat, and this is a stern warning.As long as anyone dares to make trouble with Baihua Valley, Tong Yan will regard anyone as an enemy.

Gritting his teeth with poisonous dragon spirit, his whole body seemed to be burned with anger.

He has already made concessions to the owner of Baihua Valley, and now he has unexpectedly killed "Cheng Yaojin" halfway, is he really going to stop?

When he was in a dilemma, Tang Jun took the lead in responding.

"Sect Master Tong, I know that your Demon Sect is powerful, and I also know that you have excellent strategies. But no matter how powerful you are, are we all afraid of your failure? You want to keep Baihua Valley, so let us stop here. Is it difficult for the strong? Besides, this is the territory of the Five Poison Sect, and outsiders are not allowed to run wild here!"

Tong Yan tried to use the name of Mozong to get them to let Baihuagu go, but now it seems that this idea is not very wise.

But how could he only make this preparation?Since he dared to enter the Five Poison Sect alone, he had prepared himself for the worst.

"Master Tang, what you said is correct. But you also said that this is the territory of the Five Poisons Sect. It is true that I am an outsider, but you are also an outsider. If you dare to set fire in other people's back rooms, I will You dare to kill people in your backyard. Do you really think you can hide the good deeds you sent people to do in Baihua Valley? Similarly, I also sent people to Tangmen. As far as I know, your canyon in Sanmen Mountain The people living here are all real disciples of the Tang Sect, right? If you angered me, have you ever thought about those innocent disciples? My Demon Sect has always been ruthless. If it is vicious, I am afraid that ten Tang Sects are not as good as you ?”

Hearing this, Tang Jun couldn't help but tremble all over, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

He was really scared, the real location of his members of the Tang Sect was known to no one except Tang Sect members, but how did Tong Yan know?

(End of this chapter)

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