
Chapter 442: The Holy Beast breaks free!

Chapter 442: The Holy Beast breaks free!
As mentioned above, Tong Yan once went to the deep mountains to find the token of the Guimen, and in the same box was a book that recorded various secrets of the Guimen. In that book, there were records about the specific location of the Tangmen in Sichuan. It's a pity that there are no records about the Five Poison Sect.Otherwise, he wouldn't have to wait so long to finally find the Five Poison Sect.

As for what he said just now, half of it is true and half of it is false.It is true that Tang Sect disciples do live in the canyon of Sanmen Mountain.The truth is that he didn't send anyone to the Tang Sect, because he himself lost contact with the Mozong people.

But regardless of whether it was true or not, Tang Jun was a little panicked.And this also means that Tong Yan's goal has been achieved.

" Tong, I just...was joking just now. Brother Tong is a talented unicorn and the young master of the Demon Sect. I still want to give you your golden face. Master Poison Dragon, if you want me to say, let's do it Right. You see that Brother Tong Yan is here, we have to look at the Buddha’s face as well, don’t we? If we can really make friends with Brother Tong Yan, it will be better than any formula. Right?”

Tang Jun's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change, and it seems that he has completely believed Tong Yan's words.

Du Long had already decided to get rid of Tong Yan, but Tang Jun changed his mind again, which made Du Long really angry.

He gave Tang Jun a hard look, and then said loudly: "Master Tang, what do you mean? It will be windy and rainy for a while, can you still make up your mind?"

Hearing this, Tang Jun laughed and said: "Master Dulong, of course I have made up my mind. I think this time, let's forget about it. The strength of the Demon Sect is so strong, and Brother Tong Yan's ability is so great. I miss you." You should also have heard about it. Why not have one less enemy and one more friend?"

Obviously, this Tang Jun was playing the role of a military adviser, Du Long took his words very seriously.Now that he has said so, it is not easy for Dulong to continue the stalemate.

He gritted his teeth, finally nodded and said: "Okay, Sect Master Tong, I will give you face today. Master Bai Gu, you can take your people and leave. This gathering of the Poison Sect is over!"

Hearing this, Bai Jing could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.Tong Yan was able to keep Gu Nei's highly poisonous formula and escape unscathed.She glanced at Tong Yan affectionately and smiled sweetly.

Tong Yan smiled and nodded at her, and then planned to leave with her.

But at this moment, Du Long suddenly said: "Brother Tong Yan, you finally came to my Five Poisons Sect once. How could you just leave like this? I will order someone to set up a banquet later, and you have to drink with me no matter what." Have a drink. How about it?"

Du Long said it just now, it was for Tong Yan's sake.Now he invites Tong Yan to drink, if Tong Yan refuses, it is not giving him face.Besides, Bai Jing and the others haven't really left the Five Poison Sect yet, it seems that he must drink this wine.

"Okay, how can I refuse the kind invitation from the leader of the poisonous dragon. How troublesome it will be!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Jing hurriedly dissuaded her: "Tong Yan, it's not safe for you to stay here, what if they treat you..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Tong Yan: "Master Baigu, what are you talking about? The leader of Dulong is willing to give me face, so of course I have to give him face. Besides, I also want to get acquainted with Dulong when I come here this time." The leader and the head of the Tang family. You better leave this matter alone, and leave here earlier, and my painstaking efforts will not be wasted." Speaking of this, he deliberately gave Bai Jing a wink.

Although Bai Jing was very worried about Tong Yan, seeing Tong Yan's fearless expression, she couldn't say anything more, so she could only say with concern: "Then you should be more careful, I will take people back to Baihua Valley first. Guzhong is waiting for you."

Tong Yan nodded with a smile, then raised his legs and walked directly in front of Du Long and Tang Jun.

Du Long first asked Tong Yan to sit down, and then whispered a few words to the guards beside him, as if to inform the people of the Five Poison Sect not to make things difficult for Baihuagu.After the guard heard this, he quickly walked out of the main hall.

There are still quite a few people in the main hall now, and the heads of those small sects dare not leave, after all, Du Long didn't tell them to leave too.Since they didn't speak, they had to wait. Everyone could only smile and dare not speak.

"Sect Master Tong, don't worry, I, Du Long, keep my word. Now that I have agreed to let them go, I will never make things difficult for them again. Just take your heart to heart."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Master Dulong was just joking. I have heard a little about you. It is said that Bo Yuntian, the leader of Dulong Cult, regards his subordinates as brothers and sisters. Who in the world would not want to get acquainted with you? It's a pity , little brother, I saw you with my own eyes today. Otherwise, maybe we would have been close friends."

I have to say that Tong Yan's ability to praise people is really great, and he can always make people praise him.

Du Long laughed loudly and said: "Sect Master Tong, it seems that you are also a man of temperament. I Du Long is a rough guy, not as smart as you, but I am a person who values ​​friendship. If you become my friend, your Demon Sect will have more in the future. What's going on, my Five Poison Sect will never stand idly by. Tong Zongzhu, I hit it off with you today, wait a minute, you must have a few more drinks with me. "

Tong Yan said with a chuckle: "Although my younger brother doesn't hold a lot of alcohol, I have to give up my life to accompany the gentleman today. Sect Master Tang, I don't know how you hold alcohol?"

Although Tang Jun said something nice for Tong Yan, it was forced.In fact, in the bottom of his heart, he wished he could tear Tong Yan apart.But he thought this way in his heart, but he said insincerely: "Brother Tong Yan, it's my luck to drink with you. It doesn't matter how bad my drinking capacity is. The important thing is that I will not get drunk today. .”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a seemingly joyful laughter in the lobby.

Not long after, the banquet was ready.Everyone took their seats one after another, and quickly changed their cups.

Huangjiao is the head of the Poison Heaven Sect, so naturally he also has a place.But she didn't say a word the whole time, just staring at Tong Yan coldly.

Of course Tong Yan knew that she hated him to the bone, but he really didn't bother to kill a woman with mediocre skills, so he simply ignored her and treated her like air.

Everyone was drinking lively at the wine table, as if old friends reunited, everything seemed very natural.

But at this moment, a deafening roar suddenly sounded outside the lobby.

Immediately afterwards, a disciple of the Five Poison Sect hurried in.

"Report... Hierarch, something is wrong. The holy beast... broke free from its chains and ran out! Hierarch, you should... ah..."

The disciple hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly let out a scream and fell unconscious on the ground.

Seeing this, the guard beside the poisonous dragon hurried forward.But before they could get close to the fainted disciple, this fellow... actually turned into bones in an instant...

holy beast?Could it be that the disciple's tragic death was related to that holy beast?But what kind of monster would this holy beast be?
(End of this chapter)

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