
Chapter 443 Running in the forest, it is chasing after me!

Chapter 443 Running in the forest, it is chasing after me!
A large living person turned into blood in an instant, which caused everyone present to fall into a tense atmosphere.

The guard of the poisonous dragon stared at the blood on the ground, and immediately asked him: "Master, do we need to go out and have a look?"

Hearing this, Poison Dragon frowned and said: "The holy beast contains no less than a thousand kinds of poisons, let me go and see for myself. Everyone, you can stay here. There is a change in the church, and I have to deal with it. Excuse me!" With that said, he got up and was about to walk out of the lobby.

But at this moment, another disciple of the Five Poison Sect rushed in.

"Master, that holy beast... the holy beast has gone after the people in Baihua Valley."

"What? Chased the people from Baihua Valley? Why did it chase them?"

The disciple shook his head and said, "This subordinate doesn't know, so I hurried back to report to you!"

Dulong nodded and said, "Okay, I got it! Help me summon a few guardians, and I must chase the holy beast back."

"Yes, this subordinate will notify you now."

Tong Yan didn't want to meddle in this kind of nosy business at first, but he didn't expect that holy beast to go after the people from Baihua Valley.The poisonous dragon attaches so much importance to it, it can be seen that this holy beast is definitely not an ordinary beast, and it might be a big disaster.Now it is chasing the people in Baihua Valley, which means that Bai Jing and Xue'er will be in danger.

After Dulong gave his orders, he raised his legs and was about to walk out of the lobby.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly said, "Brother Dulong, can I let my younger brother go with you?"

Hearing this, the poisonous dragon said puzzledly: "You want to go with me? Not everyone can get close to the holy beasts of our sect. Aren't you afraid that they will turn into blood like my disciples?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Poison Dragon, what am I afraid of with you here? Besides, since the holy beast is the one who went after Baihua Valley, I have some connections with Baihua Valley. I can't just ignore it, right? "

Tong Yan's ability to plead for Baihua Valley already shows that he has a very close relationship with Baihua Valley. Now that Baihua Valley is in trouble, it is reasonable for him to want to see it.

Du Long hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, then you go with me. You wait for me here for a while, and I will go prepare."

Tong Yan smiled and nodded, then watched Du Long walk out of the lobby.

As soon as Dulong and his guards walked out, the heads of various poison sects on the table began to discuss in a low voice.

"I heard that the holy beast of the Five Poison Sect is a refined product of a thousand kinds of poison. Let alone touching it, even if it is more than ten meters away, it is very likely to be poisoned."

"Is it really that powerful? Why did the Five Poison Sect cultivate such a poisonous beast?"

"Brother Ziwen, isn't this simple? With this poisonous beast here, whoever wants to attack the Five Poison Sect must weigh it carefully, right? This is called deterrence."

"It makes sense, hehe..."

Listening to their conversation, Tong Yan felt a little uneasy.Why did the sacred beast of the Five Poison Sect target the people in Baihua Valley?This fact is a bit strange, I just hope that Bai Jing and the others are still safe and sound.

There was a wave of ups and downs, and Tong Yan was really depressed.

After a while, Dulong came here with several guardians from the teaching.These people are not ordinary people at first glance, they have a strong aura, and they are serious.It can be seen that in the Five Poisons Sect, there are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Tong Yan saw the object in Du Long's hand at a glance. It was a long strip, which he purposely wrapped in black cloth.It looks like it should be a weapon, but why is a weapon so mysterious?Maybe it's because I don't want to show it in front of others.

When Du Long arrived here, he immediately said to Tong Yan: "Brother Tong Yan, come with me. It's not too late, don't delay too long."

Hearing this, Tong Yan quickly responded, "Okay, then let's set off."

Unexpectedly, Tang Jun and Huang Jiao also made a request to travel together.Their relationship with Du Long is naturally extraordinary, even Tong Yan has brought them, so naturally they will not be put down.

The few people no longer hesitated, and immediately walked towards the outside of the classroom.

Besides, Bai Jing and the others, what happened to them now?

In the forest, Bai Jing and the others have already left the Five Poison Sect, but they still haven't completely left the Five Poison Sect's sphere of influence.A group of people hurried along the path in the forest, everyone's face was full of seriousness.After finally getting out of the tiger's mouth, it is natural to return to Baihua Valley earlier to make people feel at ease.

Xue'er is still half-human and half-snake at the moment, because she is weak and unable to walk, so she is specially held by the scholar with thousands of faces, and the little fox transformed by Tan Yu is in Xue'er's arms.

Bai Jing walked at the front of the team. As she walked forward, she urged everyone: "Hurry up, everyone, if the Five Poison Sect suddenly changes its mind, it will be dangerous."

Everyone responded in unison, and their pace unavoidably quickened a bit.

But walking in the forest, there are many trees and branches blocking the way, even if you want to go fast, you can't go as fast as running on flat ground.Besides, the disciples of Baihua Valley are not all high-powered people, some of them are very fast, but some of them walk more and more slowly, panting.

Although Bai Jing was anxious, she couldn't ignore those disciples who walked slowly.They are all members of Hundred Flowers Valley, and they must be treated equally.

Thinking about it now, Bai Jing also felt a little regretful.She shouldn't have brought so many people this time. Her original intention was to bring more people here so as to show off the prestige of Hundred Flowers Valley.But thinking about it the other way around, the more people there are, the easier it will be to hold back.

Just as they were hurrying on their way, they never thought that there would be a roar of "Aw" from behind.

Hearing this, Bai Jing couldn't help frowning her eyebrows, and urged again: "Everyone, work harder, this roar is weird, it is very likely that it is the ghost of the Five Poison Sect. As long as you rush out of this forest, you will be out of the Five Poisons." The scope of the Poison Sect. At that time, even if they want to poison us, they have to weigh it."

After she said this, for the sake of safety, the two disciples with good cultivation in the Valley of Life went to the back to have a look.If it is really the ghost of the Five Poison Sect, it is better to prepare in advance.

After the two disciples took their orders, they immediately turned around and ran towards the rear.But in less than 2 minutes, they heard their screams.

Bai Jing listened to this and kept it in her heart. She knew that the two disciples in the valley had been murdered.

Now that things have come to this, she can no longer let the disciples in the valley take risks, so she immediately decides to join the elders as the rear.Even if the people from the Five Poison Sect came after them, they could resist for a while.

But just when she and several elders were going to move to the back of the team, unexpectedly, a strange looking beast suddenly rushed out from the forest.

At the same time, the drowsy Xueer suddenly opened her eyes wide, and said timidly: "It... it found me, it came after me!"

Could it be that the it that Xue Er mentioned was the holy beast of the Five Poison Sect?Could it be... Could it be that the holy beast came for her?

(End of this chapter)

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