
Chapter 444 Super Holy Beast, Life and Death!

Chapter 444 Super Holy Beast, Life and Death!
Qianmian Scholar was rushing forward with Xue'er in his arms, when he heard Xue'er say this, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Xue'er, what are you talking about? Him? Which one?"

Xue'er just said in horror: "It's here, Brother Xu, it's coming to eat me!"

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar hurriedly comforted: "Xue'er, don't be afraid. With Big Brother Xu here, no one can hurt you." As soon as he finished speaking, there was an ear-splitting howl immediately behind him.

He couldn't help but looked back, and at this look, he was completely shocked.

Could this monster be the one that Xue Er mentioned?
I saw that this monster was colorful all over its body, as if it had fallen into a big dye vat. It had a head like an eagle, a body like a bear, but its feet were like those of a hippopotamus. Wing, what's even more astonishing is that it has egg-sized sarcoma all over its body, and the sarcoma is full of cracks, as if it will split open at any time.

It stood like a bear, staring at the people in front of it with those eagle eyes.

What could such a four-dimensional image be?

Bai Jing stared closely at the monster in front of her, with cold sweat unconsciously breaking out on her forehead.Others don't know what this monster is, but she does.

This monster is nothing but the holy beast of the Five Poison Sect.This monster was created by the first leader of the Five Poisons Sect at the beginning of its establishment. Its purpose was originally to test poisons. Later, it was discovered that no matter what poison the monster ate, it would be safe and would absorb the poison. It can be released at any time, so it was named a holy beast, and became the most feared existence in the Five Poison Sect!
The Five Poisons Sect has been passed down for more than a thousand years. Over the past 1000 years, this monster has absorbed countless poisons. Now there may be thousands of kinds of poisons on its body.Being found by it is tantamount to being targeted by the ghosts of the underworld, and I am afraid that there is only one dead end left.

"Master Gu, could this monster be that... the holy beast of the Five Poison Sect?"

Bai Jing nodded and said: "That's right, it should be it. I really didn't expect that the poisonous dragon would release it to deal with us. This villain is determined to get rid of my Baihua Valley completely. I have written down this vengeance. In the future, I, Baihua Valley, will definitely avenge today's blood revenge! The disciples of Baihua Valley obey the order and return to Baihua Valley quickly. If I die here today, you will fight hard, and one day you will definitely take these five poisons Teach blood to pay blood!"

In fact, she misunderstood, this holy beast was really not released by the poisonous dragon.As for why it came, it might have something to do with Xueer.

Xue'er is a descendant of Nuwa, but all the strange beasts in the world want to get the inheritance of Nuwa.It is not known whether this holy beast is for Nuwa's inheritance, but Xue'er said that it wants to eat her.From this point of view, it must be because of Xue'er that it has chased here today.

Bai Jing was determined to die, and she knew in her heart that this holy beast was by no means something mortals like them could deal with.So she decided to fight against the beast with her own strength, and buy time for the people in Baihua Valley to escape.

"Valley owner, you can't do stupid things. You are the owner of our Hundred Flowers Valley. If you die here, my Hundred Flowers Valley will be completely finished. The old man and others are willing to fight against this beast. Please lead the valley owner to lead the disciples in the valley." Get out of here."

As soon as the words fell, all the elders knelt down one after another.It looks really sad.

Bai Jing smiled bitterly and said: "I understand your painstaking efforts, but you can't stop it at all. Elders, I order you now as the owner of Baihua Valley, to leave this place immediately. If you disobey, immediately Expelled from the Valley of Flowers!"

When everyone heard this, they all showed pain on their faces.But the owner of the valley has an order, how can they not obey?

I don't know if this holy beast has a mind, but it is watching carefully with both eyes at the moment, as if it is looking for something.

Bai Jing looked at it intently, feeling very puzzled in her heart.The holy beast was obviously chasing them, but if it caught up, why didn't it do it?

At the moment when she was puzzled, the holy beast suddenly flapped its wings on its back and flew into the air.

It was in mid-air, and a pair of eagle eyes were still looking carefully.

Finally, it saw Xue'er in the arms of the scholar with thousands of faces, and then, it bent down and rushed towards Xue'er immediately.

The thousand-faced scholar originally thought that Xue'er was sick and confused, but now he believed it, this monster came for Xue'er, and it wanted to eat Xue'er!
The speed of this holy beast was extremely fast, and it came to him in the blink of an eye.

The thousand-faced scholar didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately ran away with Xue'er in his arms.While running wildly, he shouted: "Master Gu, help, this monster wants to eat Xue'er!"

Hearing this, Bai Jing couldn't help but tremble all over.It seems that she was really wrong, now that Xueer is in trouble, how can she just ignore her death.

Apart from anything else, Bai Jing jumped up, and after a few overturns, she chased after the thousand-faced scholar who was running wildly and the holy beast who followed him.

While chasing after her, she shouted: "You go back to Baihua Valley first, there must be no mistakes!"

Everyone wanted to follow, but the owner of the valley had spoken, so they had to go around and leave through the forest.

The thousand-faced scholar ran with all his strength, but how could he run as fast as the holy beast?After a while, the holy beast had already chased after him.

Strange to say, this holy beast is covered with poison, but it seems unwilling to use poison. Maybe it doesn't want to turn Xue'er into blood directly, otherwise, it won't be able to eat anything.

Only a roar of "嗤" was heard, and the holy beast landed heavily, directly shaking the thousand-faced scholar who was running wildly into a big somersault.

When the thousand-faced scholar fell, Xue'er and Tan Yu, who were in his arms, also fell to the ground.

The holy beast stared at Xue'er, and then stepped forward step by step.

Seeing this, Qianmian Scholar quickly got up from the ground, and dodged to protect Xue'er.

"Nie Yi, get out of here immediately. If you dare to take a step closer, I will fight you." After saying this, his momentum was obviously weaker.

The holy beast ignored it and continued to walk forward.

The thousand-faced scholar knew in his heart that this monster was determined to eat Xue'er.Now only he can save Xue'er, even if he dies, he will never give up half a step.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and pulled out the iron fan at his waist. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards the holy beast immediately.

But before he got close, the holy beast slapped out with a paw.This claw was not only extremely fast, but also powerful. Even though Thousand Faced Scholar was very strong, he still couldn't dodge it.

With a sound of "pa", he was directly fanned by the holy beast more than ten meters away, hitting two big trees along the way.

The thousand-faced scholar still wanted to protect Xue'er, but now he was seriously injured, trying to get up but couldn't help but spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

The holy beast walked towards Xue'er step by step, with a greedy look in his eyes.

Xue'er looked at it, her body trembling unconsciously.

At this moment, who can save her?Is she destined to die in the mouth of this evil beast?
(End of this chapter)

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