
Chapter 445 The thread is entangled, and the thief comes again!

Chapter 445 A Hundred Threads Are Tangled, Another Thief Comes!
The holy beast was getting closer and closer to Xue'er, and disgusting saliva flowed out of its mouth.When the halazi dropped to the ground, there was a sizzling sound like fried fruit.

Xue'er became even more timid, after all, she was just a little girl who hadn't experienced much in the world.

The holy beast stood still in front of Xue'er, bent down slowly, and opened its mouth as sharp as an eagle's beak. Is it going to eat Xue'er raw?
At this critical moment, Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, finally arrived.

Seeing that Xue'er was in trouble, she immediately pulled out a white silk from her waist, and waved it vigorously.This white silk is ordinary on the surface, but it is actually made of silk spun out by jade silkworms. It looks soft, but it is actually as sharp as a knife.

The jade silk ribbon was swung by her, and it instantly turned into a long whip, and it was pulled straight towards the head of the holy beast.

This holy beast is full of Xue'er now, so why would it care about other things?There was only a sound of "pa", and the jade silk ribbon was accurately pulled on its head, and it was pulled back three or four meters away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Jing rushed forward, holding a jade silk ribbon to protect Xue'er behind her.

"Xue'er, are you okay? Can you still walk?"

Seeing that Bai Jing came to rescue her, Xue'er hurriedly said, "Sister Bai, you finally came to save me, I thought I was going to be eaten by it. Huh..." At this point, the tears she held back It finally flowed down.

Bai Jing heard this, and immediately comforted her: "Xue'er, don't be afraid, with my sister here, I will never let this evil person succeed. Try it and see if you can walk. I will hold her back as much as possible. Okay?"

Hearing this, Xueer nodded, took a deep breath, and then tried to stand up.

But now she is half-human, half-snake, unable to adapt to this body for a while, several attempts all ended in failure.

But fortunately, if she couldn't stand up, she could at least crawl.Although the speed is slower, it is better than sitting still.

Bai Jing looked at Xue'er from the corner of her eye, although she was worried for her, but there was nothing she could do.

After such a short period of time, the bewitched holy beast has gradually woken up.It stared at Bai Jing viciously, exuding a menacing aura all over its body.

Bai Jing had already made the worst plan. She knew that today she might be close to death. If she could save more people, her death would be worth it.

She looked at the holy beast in front of her, and then said coquettishly, "Nie Zhan, you don't just stay in the Five Poison Sect, but you still want to harm people everywhere. Today I will do justice for the heavens and kill you here. Get ready Die!"

The holy beast seemed to be able to understand human speech, it raised its head and let out a roar, which was a powerful response to Bai Jing.

Xue'er continued to crawl to the distance with all her efforts, and the little fox transformed by Tan Yu followed behind her all the time.

With their speed, it would probably take at least an hour to really get rid of the holy beast.And this also means that Bai Jing has to persist for at least an hour before he can save them.

Honestly, it's hard, but not impossible.

This holy beast is unwilling to use poison, for fear of killing Xue'er by mistake, and the most powerful thing about it is that its whole body is extremely poisonous.It does not use poison, just as wild animals do not use their minions, which is equivalent to losing the most powerful weapon.

In this way, if you want to delay for a longer time, the possibility still exists.

After staring at Bai Jing for a few times, the holy beast finally stopped confrontation, leaped high, and rushed towards Bai Jing.

Bai Jing was waiting for it, and when she saw it pounced, she quickly waved the jade silk ribbon in her hand and hit it head-on.

The holy beast, who had suffered once, naturally knew the power of the jade silk ribbon, and when the ribbon was less than ten centimeters away from it, the evil creature suddenly flapped its wings on the back.When it flapped, not only did its body rise high to avoid the jade silk ribbon, but a strong air wave also fanned out from under its wings, all beckoning to Bai Jing's body.

This is a wave like the wind, even if you see it, it is difficult to avoid it.

Bai Jing knew that she was powerless to dodge, so she had to pull back the jade silk and used it to protect her body.

But even so, the strong air wave still knocked her back again and again, and she retreated to Xue'er's side all of a sudden.

She fought with the holy beast on her side, and Xue'er had just crawled out of such a small distance. Her crawling speed was as slow as that of a tortoise.

Bai Jing didn't dare to retreat any longer, fearing that the holy beast's blast would hurt Xue'er, she hurriedly waved the jade silk ribbon in her hand vigorously, drawing a circle in front of her.

The jade silk ribbon rotated quickly, forming a wall of wind immediately.

The air waves generated by the holy beast flapping its wings were then directly blocked by the wind wall, making it difficult to cross the thunder pond one step.

Seeing that the flapping of its wings had no effect, the holy beast no longer exerted all its strength, but instead swooped with its sharp claws.

However, it did not continue to attack from the front, but took advantage of its ability to fly, and went directly behind Bai Jing.

As soon as Bai Jing noticed it, she hurriedly turned around to fight.But facing the powerful impact of the holy beast, she couldn't stop it this time.

There was only a sound of "poof", just as Bai Jing was slapped away by the claws of the holy beast, she felt a sweetness in her throat, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The holy beast was completely enraged by Bai Jing's twitch just now. Although it is close to Xue'er, it still rushed towards the injured Bai Jing.It seems that it has made up its mind and is determined to kill Bai Jing here.

Bai Jing's cultivation base must be much higher than that of the thousand-faced scholar.Although she is also injured now, she can still stand upright.

Seeing the holy beast rushing towards him, she spit out the blood from her mouth, and immediately said softly: "A hundred flowers are flying, and a hundred poisons are singing together. The flowers move with the wind, and the poison enters my soul. The heart moves as it pleases, and the mind follows the spirit." .Hundreds of kalpas, decree!"

As soon as the imperial edict came out, she suddenly threw up the jade silk ribbon in her hand.As soon as the jade silk ribbon left his hand, it instantly turned into thousands of filaments, winding directly towards the holy beast.

The holy beast is coming fiercely, so who cares about other things.But this is also the nature of wild beasts. If they really have such a high IQ, human beings will not be able to be the masters of this world.

The silk came at a high speed and directly wrapped around the holy beast.The holy beast couldn't break free, but within three or two seconds, it was tightly bound by the silk. With a "plop", the holy beast fell directly to the ground.

Going to see it again, it has been wrapped into a big rice dumpling, just like a mummy in a foreign museum.

Seeing this, Bai Jing breathed a sigh of relief.She reached out to wipe away the blood from the corner of her mouth, and staggered to Xue'er's side.

"Xue'er, my sister will take you away!" As she said, she bent down and tried to hug Xue'er, but her injuries were not serious, and she spurted out another mouthful of blood due to excessive force.

"Sister Bai, are you okay? Does it matter?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing shook her head and smiled wryly, "It's okay, I'm just a little unstable. Let me take a few deep breaths, and I'll help you up."

Unexpectedly, just as she was adjusting her qi and blood, a man in black quietly walked out of the forest.

What's even more unbelievable is that the purpose of his coming also for Xue'er!
(End of this chapter)

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