
Chapter 446 Don't give in, remember me!

Chapter 446 Don't give in, remember me!
"Papa... Wonderful, really wonderful! Even the Holy Beast of the Five Poison Sect can be imprisoned. You are worthy of being the owner of the Hundred Flowers Valley. It's amazing!"

When Bai Jing and Xueer heard this, they immediately followed the sound.

A man in a black Chinese tunic suit and a black cloth covering his face came out of the forest clapping his hands.The man was about 180 centimeters tall, and his long hair was casually draped behind his head. Apart from that, his face could no longer be seen clearly.

Bai Jing stared at this person, and then said coldly: "Who is your Excellency? You have been lurking in the forest without being discovered by me. It seems that you are definitely not someone who is waiting for you. If you are not someone who is waiting for you, why not?" Don’t you dare to show your true colors?”

Hearing this, the man in black chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can save you and this little girl. Are you really willing to die here? Or, do you really think Can you save this girl?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing sneered and said, "Your Excellency's words are really interesting. The holy beast of the Five Poison Sect has been bound by me. We are out of danger, so why do we need others to rescue us? In addition, you cover your face with a black cloth, and you must He is a man of dignity, I dare not entrust my life to someone like you."

The man in black didn't get angry, and chuckled lightly and said: "It is said that the owner of Baihua Valley is a hero among women. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation. But there is one thing you probably don't know. You think you really tied up those five Is it the holy beast of the Poison Sect? I advise you to take a closer look!"

Bai Jing frowned, and immediately looked at the holy beast.

Seeing this, her heart trembled suddenly.In just such a short time, the silk that bound the holy beast solidly melted bit by bit.You know, this is jade silk, even if it is burned with fire, it cannot be destroyed.What exactly did this holy beast use to melt it?
Originally thought that the crisis had been turned into safety, but now it seems that this is just a moment of tranquility.

Bai Jing didn't hesitate anymore, she gritted her teeth, and hugged Xue'er who was on the ground.

But at this moment, only a roar of "嗤" was heard.Then, there was a sound of "boom boom" breaking.

I saw that the sacred beast had completely broken free, and several cancerous tumors on its body burst open. Yellow mucus immediately flowed out from the cracked cancerous tumors, and the pungent stench quickly spread in all directions.

As soon as Bai Jing noticed it, she quickly took out two pills from her pocket, one for Xueer, and the other for the little fox beside Xueer.

This stench is poisonous gas. Bai Jing has dealt with poisons since she was a child, and ordinary poisons can't hurt her.But Xueer and the little fox may not be able to resist.What she gave them was the anti-poison pill, although it couldn't avoid all the poisons, but it could block the ordinary poisons.

But she forgot about the seriously injured Thousand Faced Scholar not far away, he was lying on the ground already foaming at the mouth, probably poisoned.

However, what surprised Bai Jing was that the man in black was also safe and sound.It seems that this guy came prepared, but then again, what is his real purpose here?

The holy beast roared, and immediately rushed towards Bai Jing with a roar.It already hated Bai Jing to the bone, as if it wanted to eat her raw.

Seeing this, Bai Jing hurriedly took out a magic sword from her pocket, and was about to meet the enemy. Unexpectedly, the man in black who appeared unexpectedly made a move first.

This guy's movements were extremely fast, almost blocking the way of the holy beast in a blink of an eye.

The holy beast didn't care so much, it swung its sharp claws and grabbed at his face.

After the man in black held it with one hand, the other hand suddenly shook.Only a few "dangdang" sounds were heard, and then something unbelievable happened.

This ferocious holy beast... unexpectedly stopped, and... and slowly curled up on the ground.

What the hell is going on here?What happened to this holy beast?
After taking a closer look, I suddenly discovered that the man in black was holding a small black bell in his hand.The sound just now came from the bell.

It can make a ferocious holy beast suddenly become as cute as a pet, this bell is by no means an ordinary thing.

Bai Jing frowned and looked at it for a while, then asked tentatively: "Could this be the famous beast-suppressing bell?"

Hearing this, the man in black turned around slowly, then nodded and smiled and said, "That's right, it's the beast-suppressing bell. I didn't expect the owner of Baihua Valley to recognize it. It's really impressive."

With the confirmation from the man in black, Bai Jing's face became more and more ugly.

"Suppressing Beast Bell is the most precious treasure of the White Tiger Clan. How did you obtain it? Who are you?"

The man in black laughed and said, "Master Baigu, if I could tell you my identity, why wait until now? I have already tamed this holy beast, so you owe me a favor. Now, it's you It's time to return the favor."

Hearing this, Bai Jing gritted her teeth and said, "Favour? What do you want me to do?"

The man in black pointed at Xue'er who was half held in Bai Jing's arms, and then smiled slightly: "I want... her! As long as you give her to me, it will be considered as a repayment for my kindness."

Bai Jing stared at him coldly, and said fiercely: "You want the girl in my arms? What do you want her to do?"

"She is a descendant of Nuwa, and there are too many secrets about her. I want to get her, not to harm her, but to study and research. Don't worry, I will never kill her. Kill the descendants of Nuwa I can't bear such a big crime."

Bai Jing snorted coldly and said, "Your Excellency, what if I say no?"

Hearing this, the man in black immediately burst out laughing. "Master Baigu, are you joking? Do you think you have other options? I can make this holy beast kneel down, and I can also make it kill you. I don't want to kill you. Who told you that you are a beauty?" What about the son? I advise you to give her to me, only in this way can the beauty be avoided!"

Bai Jing looked down at Xue'er, then smiled slightly: "Xue'er, even if my sister risked her life today, she must protect you well. If I really can't survive, I hope you tell Tong Yan and let me He will always remember me and never forget me."

Having said that, her eyes shot out a look of determination, and she slowly put Xue'er on the ground.

Seeing this, Xueer understood something, and immediately refused: "No... no, sister Bai, you can't do stupid things anymore. Let me go with him, and I am willing to go with him. I don't want you to have trouble, otherwise I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. Sister Bai, please... please... woo..."

Bai Jing just smiled sweetly at her, and then returned to the determination just now.

"Evil thief, I don't know who you are. If you want to touch her, you just can't. I promised someone that I will take good care of her for him. I will not break my promise, I will never break my promise!"

Hearing this, the man in black let out a sigh, and then said with a disdainful smile: "That means, you chose not to betray your friend, but chose to die, right? Okay, then I will fulfill you! Little boy, kill me!" her!"

As soon as he gave an order, the holy beast lying on the ground suddenly straightened up, using all four limbs together, and immediately rushed towards Bai Jing viciously...

Will Bai Jing die?Who is this mysterious man in black?

(End of this chapter)

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