
Chapter 447 Live like a summer flower, die like an autumn leaf!

Chapter 447 Live like a summer flower, die like an autumn leaf!
Half an hour later, Tong Yan, Wu Dujiao Du Long and a group of people finally chased them all the way here.

But after arriving here, the stinging pain in his heart made him miserable, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into a whirlpool and couldn't extricate himself.

He slapped himself heavily, then walked slowly towards the person who fell on the ground in front of him.He didn't want to believe it, but the truth was presented so bloody before his eyes.

Bai Jing died. There was a huge blood hole in her chest. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes forever.The bright red blood not only stained her beautiful dress red, but also stained a large piece of land under her body. Lying there, she was so pitiful and distressing.

Tong Yan walked up to her step by step, and knelt down on the ground weakly.After all, he came too late, and he still failed to save her.

Bai Jing was his friend, and he was the kind of friend who hit it off right away.Although they haven't been together for long, Bai Jing has been taking care of Xue'er and Tan Yu for him.This is Baihuagu's kindness to him, and this is Bai Jing's righteousness to him.

But... But this strong woman left forever after all.

How did she die?Could it be that he really died at the hands of that hateful holy beast?
Tong Yan looked at her body quietly, his heart was full of sadness.

Du Long, Tang Jun and others came to the front, staring at Bai Jing who was lying in a pool of blood, with expressions of regret on their faces.

"Brother Tong Yan, I'm really sorry. Please believe me, I really didn't know that the holy beast ran out. The death of Master Baigu is inseparable from my Five Poison Sect. I will try my best to make up for it and try my best." Let her go on her way in peace."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing wryly, "Make up? People are dead, what else can you make up for? Pay off debts, kill people to pay for their lives. If that evil obstacle kills Bai Jing, it will die. Dulong, I don't care if it is The holy beast of your Five Poison Sect. It killed my dear friend, and I will let it pay for its life. Where is it, you must know where it is, right?"

Tong Yan was angry, and Bai Jing's death made him completely angry.He has only one thought now, and that is to avenge Bai Jing.

Du Long looked at Tong Yan with red eyes, and hurriedly explained: "Brother Tong Yan, we have been together all this way, we have arrived as fast as we can, but it is a pity that we are still one step late. The saint of our religion I don't know where the beast is now. Its breath has disappeared, and I really can't find it. But don't worry, when I find it, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. Now... now we still help Guzhu Bai, please tidy up your appearance. You must send her back to Baihua Valley, right?"

Tong Yan suppressed the sadness in his heart, and reached out to pick up Bai Jing's body.

Unexpectedly, just as his fingers touched Bai Jing's body, the latter turned into air like a bubble.

The holy beast's claws were poisonous, and they penetrated Bai Jing's body, so she was highly poisoned.With a light touch from the external force just now, her body couldn't hold on any longer, and it directly turned into green smoke.

Tong Yan wanted to bring her body back to Baihua Valley so that she could be buried among the blooming flowers.But it is regrettable that this last fallen leaf can't be completed.

Now only the clothes left by Bai Jing are left, and this is her last relic.

"Brother Tong Yan, come and take this anti-drug elixir, and then sort out her belongings. She died from the poison, you'd better be careful." Looking at the elixir Tang Jun handed over, Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, but still refused.

"It's okay, I will be careful. As for the anti-drug pill, just avoid it."

Who knows what Tang Jun'an's heart is, if the so-called anti-drug pill is really poisonous, it will be more dangerous after taking it.He also wants to avenge Bai Jing, so he must let himself live for a long time.

Seeing that Tong Yan didn't want to believe him, Tang Jun couldn't hold on anymore.After all, he could see that Tong Yan was really sad at the moment.

While Tong Yan was carefully arranging Bai Jing's belongings, the disciple of the Five Poison Sect who accompanied him suddenly shouted: "Master, there is still a living person here. It looks like it belongs to Baihua Valley."

Du Long really wanted to make Tong Yan a friend, and now seeing an opportunity to ease the relationship, he hurriedly said: "Hurry up and save him, at all costs, we must save him."

"Yes, your subordinates obey!"

As soon as he heard that no one was dead, Tong Yan suddenly regained his spirits.Perhaps the person who did not die witnessed Bai Jing's murder.He must find out everything. In addition, he also needs to know where the other Baihuagu people went, as well as where Xue Er and Tan Yu went.

He stood up straight away, and immediately looked in the direction of the Five Poison Sect disciple who spoke just now.

Because of the barriers of weeds and bushes, it was impossible to see clearly who the person from Baihuagu was without.So he decided to go up and have a look, maybe it would be an elder he knew.

But after stepping forward, he was suddenly stunned.This surviving Baihuagu man was none other than the thousand-faced scholar who had been taking care of Xueer.

Although he has fallen into a coma now, he may know everything just now.

Du Long stepped forward quickly, took the pulse of Qianmian Scholar himself, and then said to Tong Yan: "His pulse is not stable, he may also be poisoned. Brother Tong Yan, if you believe me, let me take him back. I will definitely save him!"

Bai Jing has already died, and he must not let the thousand-faced scholar have another accident.Now it's not about whether the Five Poisons Sect is an enemy or a friend. Saving talents is the most important thing.

"Okay, then there will be Brother Lao Dulong."

Seeing that Tong Yan finally stopped speaking in a strange tone, Du Long smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda! You guys, if you continue to search Baihua Valley, if you find anything, I will also join you." Bring it back for treatment. In addition, we need to investigate the whereabouts of the five poisonous holy beasts. It will never disappear out of thin air!"

"Yes, I will obey!"

Tong Yan looked around and was sure there was no need to stay any longer, so he returned to the Five Poisons Sect with Bai Jing's belongings and the unconscious Thousand-faced Scholar.

Anyone who uses poison is good at healing people.Although medicine and poison restrain each other, they can also generate each other, just like the five elements generate and restrain each other, which is actually the same principle.

Dulong's medical skills are extremely high. After some treatment, Qianmian Scholar finally vomited out all the poisonous blood in his body.His complexion was no longer as livid as before, and gradually turned bloody.

Tong Yan watched from the side, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After another two hours, the thousand-faced scholar who was in a coma finally opened his eyes.

How did Bai Jing die?What happened during that time?Where were Xueer and the others taken?
When the answer is revealed, it is the moment of full-scale war!Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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