
Chapter 448 Clear the clouds, is she a saint?

Chapter 448 Clear the clouds, is she a saint?
"Brother Xu, you've finally woken up, how do you feel now?" Seeing the thousand-faced scholar waking up, Tong Yan immediately asked with concern.

Xu Ruilin, a scholar with thousands of faces, opened his eyes and saw that it was Tong Yan, and immediately said with grief from his heart: "Young master, it's my subordinates who are incompetent, and I failed to protect Xue'er and Tan Yu well. I'm ashamed of you, I deserve to die! Woo woo ..." At this point, he, a big man, couldn't help crying.

Tong Yan looked at him, how could he bear to blame him.Tong Yan knew that he had tried his best.However, the strength is not enough, so the holy beast is allowed to succeed.But where did Xueer and Tan Yu go?The two of them, could they have already...

Tong Yan didn't dare to think about it, so he comforted him directly: "Brother Xu, I know you tried your best, so it's no wonder you. But I don't understand, why did the holy beast kill Master Bai? Where did Xue'er and Tan Yu go now?" Woolen cloth?"

When the thousand-faced scholar heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he said in disbelief: "Young Sect Master, what are you talking about? Master Bai Gu, she... is she dead?"

Tong Yan nodded sadly and said: "Yes, she died, there was a huge blood hole on her body, maybe she didn't suffer too much when she died. I wanted to bring her body back to Baihua Valley, but In the end, only the dress was left."

The thousand-faced scholar covered his face and cried bitterly: "Master Gu, I'm useless. I couldn't save you. I'm sorry. You go all the way, and I will avenge you. I will kill that villain. Use him His head is a sacrifice to you."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but frowned, and immediately asked: "Evil thief? Which evil thief? How did Master Baigu die, and what happened to you in the forest? Tell me, tell me everything you know tell me!"

The thousand-faced scholar held back his tears, clenched his fists with both hands, and then told Tong Yan everything about the Holy Beast of the Five Poison Sect wanting to eat Xue'er, and the appearance of the mysterious man in black.

Tong Yan listened carefully, and quickly sorted things out in his mind.

Whether it was the holy beast or the man in black who appeared later, their goal was Xue'er.Xue'er is a descendant of Nuwa, so it is understandable that the holy beast wants to prey.But why did the man in black want to take Xueer away?What is his real purpose?

In the narration of the thousand-faced scholar, he also heard a treasure, that is, the beast-suppressing bell. He himself knew this beast-suppressing bell, and it was said that it was a sacred object of the White Tiger Clan.

The white tiger family is one of the four sacred beasts, how could their sacred objects fall into the hands of ordinary people?Could it be that this man in black is related to the White Tiger Clan?
If this is the case, I am afraid that things will become more and more complicated.

Xue'er and the holy beasts of the Five Poison Sect were all taken away by the man in black, so where did Tan Yu go?Maybe, she is still with Xueer.But if this is the case, then she is still in danger.

If he wanted to avenge Bai Jing and save Xueer and Tan Yu, he had to find out who the man in black was.Only by figuring out his true identity can we know his hiding place.But who is this man in black?

Now there is only one clue from the town beast bell, and only by following the clues can the mysterious veil of the man in black be revealed.

While Tong Yan was thinking secretly, Du Long from the Five Poison Sect and Tang Jun from the Tang Sect suddenly walked in from outside the house.

When they saw the scholar with thousands of faces waking up, they all showed satisfied smiles.

"Brother Tong Yan, this little brother is already awake. I don't know if I asked something?"

Tong Yan looked at the two, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then said: "You two brothers, I wonder if you have heard of the beast-suppressing bell?"

When the two heard this, they immediately looked at each other.

"Brother Tong Yan, of course we know about Zhen Beast Bell, why? Zhen Beast Bell was born again?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, when the holy beast attacked Guzhu Bai and the others, a man in black appeared. It was he who manipulated the five poisonous holy beasts with the beast bell to kill Guzhu Bai. Not only that, he also took my friend away. Now there is only one clue, the man has the beast bell in his hand. Think about it for me, brothers, who is this man in black?"

Du Long frowned and said: "Brother Tong Yan, do you mean that the holy beast of my Five Poison Sect was taken away by that person?"

Tong Yan said noncommittally: "There is nothing wrong, why? Do you know who that person is?"

The poisonous dragon was silent for a while, and finally sighed softly: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect, the beast-suppressing bell was born after all. To be honest, although the beast-suppressing bell belongs to the white tiger clan, it has already been given away Give me the first leader of the Five Poison Sect. Speaking of it, the beast suppressing bell is already a property of our Five Poison Sect. It is because of the beast suppressing bell that our first leader can control the holy beast. But the beast suppressing Bell disappeared with the saintess I taught hundreds of years ago, and since then, there has been no news of it."

Hearing this, Tang Jun frowned and asked, "Master Dulong, according to you, the beast bell is in the hands of the saint you taught? Hundreds of years have passed, and the saint you taught should have already Died. Could it be that she gave that treasure to someone else before she died? "

Hearing this, Du Long said helplessly: "I don't know whether the saint is alive or dead now, but one thing is certain. The person holding the beast bell in his hand has absolutely nothing to do with the White Tiger Clan. If we The clue points to the White Tiger Clan, I'm afraid it's completely wrong."

saint?Hearing this term, Tong Yan unconsciously thought of Grandma Long.That Grandma Long must have lived a long time, and she also said that she was originally a member of the Five Poisons Sect.Could it be that she is the missing saint of the Five Poison Sect?

If this is the case, as long as she is found, the true identity of the man in black will definitely be investigated.

However, Tong Yan did not directly say that he met a mother-in-law Long, but asked Du Long: "Brother Du Long, you said that there was a saint in your sect. Then why did she leave the Five Poisons Sect? Did you take the beast bell away?"

Hearing this, Du Long sighed softly and said, "It's a long story. If I want to talk about it, I have to start with the internal accident of my Five Poison Sect hundreds of years ago. The leader, although he doesn't care about the internal affairs of the church on weekdays, has a high prestige in the church. The saint is holy and pure, so anyone who inherits the position of the saint will not be able to combine with others for the rest of his life. Unexpectedly, the saint at that time The daughter actually fell in love with a Dharma protector in the church. The two often met privately, but they were finally discovered by the leader at the time. In a fit of anger, the leader directly poisoned the protector who fell in love with the saint, and brutally killed him in public. The corpse was broken into pieces. As an example to others. After the saint knew about it, she felt resentful, so she wanted to ask the leader for an explanation. The two disagreed, and finally fought. Although the leader won in the end, the saint who had lost all hope chose Leave. The beast town bell was originally kept by the saint. When she left lonely, she not only took away her own things, but also took away the beast town bell. Before leaving, she uttered cruel words, one day , to make the Five Poisons Sect pay the price. This is about my teaching the saint, of course, I also listened to the previous teacher's lecture. As for the fact that this is the case, I am not sure."

Tong Yan thought for a while, then asked again: "Brother Dulong, what's the saint's name?"

Du Long heard this, smiled slightly and said: "Why do you ask this? Her surname is Long, and her name is Long Lixue!"

Long Lixue?Mother Dragon?Could it be really the same person?Will she know who owns the Beast Bell?

(End of this chapter)

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