
Chapter 449 Returning to the Miao Village, the restaurant makes strange noises!

Chapter 449 Returning to the Miao Village, the restaurant makes strange noises!

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "Brother Poison Dragon, haven't you Five Poison Sect ever tried to find a saint? She is a member of your Five Poison Sect after all!"

Hearing this, Du Long smiled wryly and said, "Of course I want to go and look for it, no matter if I find her tomb. To be honest, after her, my Five Poison Sect has never set up a saint again. Knowing her life and death, it's not good for us to create another new person like this. She is too important to my Five Poison Sect. She greeted her back in style. But after so many years, where can I find her? Sigh..."

After confirming that they would not do anything evil to Grandma Long, Tong Yan finally said truthfully: "Brother Dulong, before I came to your Wudu Sect, I met a mother-in-law named Long. She was the one who told me about the five poisons. The specific location of the sect, and told me that she was originally a member of the Five Poison Sect. I was wondering, could she be the missing saint of your Five Poison Sect?"

When Du Long heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he said in disbelief: "Brother Tong Yan, have you really met such a mother-in-law? Where is she? Can you tell me, I want to meet her, if Possibly, I would like to invite her back. After all, she is the saint of my Five Poison Sect, and this is her home!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said: "Yes, but she is worried about one thing now, I hope you can bring the five poisonous flags to help her once."

Hearing this, Du Long laughed and said: "Of course it's no problem. She is the saint of my Five Poison Sect and my elder. If she can help her, I will definitely do my best! Brother Tong Yan, let's see when we leave ?”

Tong Yan is a vigorous and resolute person, since he wants to find Grandma Long, the sooner the better.

"Brother Dulong, let's leave later. The village where she is located is more than 200 miles away from here. If you rush there earlier, you can rescue the people there earlier."

Although Dulong didn't know what the saint wanted him to do, but now that the whereabouts of the five poisonous holy beasts were unknown, he was equally anxious.

"Alright, then wait for me for a while, and I'll go get ready right away. Brother Tang Jun, do you want to come together too?"

Hearing this, Tang Jun smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, it's fine to stay here, why don't we go with you to meet the saint. Then we'll meet outside the door later."

The three reached a consensus, and Tang Jun and Du Long immediately walked out of the room and prepared to go.

Tong Yan looked at the scholar with thousands of faces, and then sighed softly: "I don't know if I can find some clues this time, so you can rest here to recuperate. Maybe there will be a fierce battle in a short time."

Tong Yan's guess was indeed correct. The identity of the man in black is not simple. After learning all the truth, a big battle is inevitable.

But after 10 minutes, Du Long and Tang Jun had gathered outside Tong Yan's room with their men.

When Tong Yan heard the movement outside the door, he raised his leg and was about to walk out.

Seeing that Tong Yan was about to leave, the thousand-faced scholar hurriedly reminded: "Young Sect Master, these two people are not on the right path after all. If you are with them, you should pay more attention to yourself."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's on my mind! Then let's see you later!" After finishing speaking, he walked out of the room directly.

After reuniting with Du Long and the others, the group quickly walked towards the Miao Village where Grandma Long was.

It was almost evening at this moment, and when everyone arrived at the Miao village, the moon was already high and the night was filled.

Standing outside the village, Tong Yan said to Du Long: "There is a dry well in the southwest corner of this village, and there is a huge poisonous weed in the dry well. When I left, the poisonous weed had already come out of the well. Enter the small village later, It is very likely that you will encounter poisonous fumes that can turn people into white worms. I remind you that it is best to hold your breath, so that you can be prepared.”

Du Long and Tang Jun looked at each other, and immediately took out the anti-du pill for their subordinates.

Seeing that they were ready, Tong Yan held his breath and walked in first.

The moon is big and round tonight, even though it is night, you can see everything in the village clearly.Of course, even in pitch darkness, Tong Yan's spiritual eyes can still see clearly.

At this point in time, the people in the village should have fallen asleep.The whole village was so quiet that it gave people a sense of splendor.

When passing by the restaurant, I didn't expect that the door of the restaurant was still open.It was dark inside, and I don't know if the proprietress forgot to close the door, or went out to visit relatives.

Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, and continued walking in the direction of Grandma Long's house.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, the kid who was kept in the small restaurant ran out of it.

As soon as Tongyan saw him, he immediately called out, "Little guy, where are you going at night?"

Upon hearing this, Du Long and the others looked at Tong Yan in bewilderment.Maybe everyone is wondering, who is Tong Yan talking to.

Tong Yan pointed to an open space in front of him, and motioned them to look with their eyes.

Du Long and the others were highly cultivated. Seeing him gesticulating like this, they already understood that there was a foreign object, and immediately opened their spiritual eyes.After they saw it clearly, they were all a little puzzled.

Tong Yan ignored them, but raised his legs and approached the little devil, and then said softly: "Little guy, where is your mother? Have you rested already? You should go back quickly, and don't come out to run around again. In case you meet to the ghost catchers, and you'll never see your mother again."

The little guy was stunned for a while, and then said in a childish voice: "Big... big brother, do you know... do you know where my mother is? I'm hungry!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned, and immediately asked in puzzlement, "What? Your mother isn't at home? How long has it been since she fed you?"

The little guy thought for a while, and then answered: "It's been a day, anyway, I'm very hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

This kid should be Gumantong, and Gumantong feeds on incense.

Tong Yan stared at the open door, smiled slightly at the kid and said, "Come with me, I'll get you something to eat." Having said that, he turned his head to look at Du Long and the others, and told them: "Everyone, wait for me here for a while, I will be back in a while."

Du Long and the others nodded, and then he led the kid into the room.

The room is a bit messy today, and there are still leftovers that haven't been cleaned up on the table.Tong Yan still remembered that when he first came here, the small restaurant was cleaned spotlessly, which shows that the proprietress is a diligent person.

The restaurant is so messy now, maybe something happened, or the proprietress was in a hurry to do something, so she was delayed.

Tong Yan took a rough look, then walked into the bedroom, and lit a few sticks of incense for the little ghost on the altar.

After dealing with these, he turned around and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this very moment, the knocking sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, oh" and the subtle cry of "Ziziaoao" sounded.

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned, then raised his legs and walked towards the kitchen where he couldn't see his fingers.

Is there anything in this kitchen?

(End of this chapter)

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