
Chapter 450 Whole Village Meatworms, 5 Poison Fairies!

Chapter 450: Quanzhai Flesh Insects, Five Poison Fairies!
He lifted his legs and walked slowly inside, and quietly pulled out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle behind his back.

Gumanthong said that his mother was not at home.What would be in the kitchen at this time?

He didn't turn on the light, but continued to walk forward. He wanted to see what was going on in the kitchen.

Opening the door of the kitchen, he walked in step by step.Unexpectedly, the kitchen suddenly fell silent.

He looked around, but didn't see anything wrong at a glance.He was a little puzzled, but still raised his leg and continued to walk a few steps forward.

Finally he saw the thing making noise in the kitchen, it turned out to be... It turned out to be a huge white bug.This bug was the one he had seen in Grandma Long's house.

Unexpectedly, there are also here at this moment.

The white worm was hiding behind the stove, next to it were metal pots and pans.It is precisely because of its peristalsis that these pots and pans collide with each other and make a sound.As for the cry of "Ziziaoao", it must have come from its mouth.

Tong Yan originally thought that all the white bugs were in Grandma Long's house, but it seemed that was not the case.

He stared at the worm, and finally had no choice but to back out.He couldn't save it, maybe after getting rid of the poisonous weed.The most urgent thing now is to go to see Grandma Long as soon as possible. Only in this way can these innocent villagers be saved.

Lifting his legs and walking out of the restaurant, Dulong and others who were waiting immediately approached him.

"Brother Tong Yan, is the matter over?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Yes, I'm just a little depressed. There are more and more people in this village who have turned into bugs. Let's go see Grandma Long quickly."

Hearing this, Du Long comforted him and said, "Don't worry, if the mother-in-law you mentioned is the saint of our sect, then she must have a way to save these villagers. Alright, let's lead the way!"

Tong Yan didn't say anything more, and immediately led everyone to quickly walk towards the direction of Grandma Long's house.

After a while, everyone arrived at Grandma Long's house smoothly.

The courtyard door of the house is closed tightly, and I don't know if Grandma Long has rested now.

Tong Yan walked up to him, and knocked heavily on the door a few times in front of him.Following the sound of "dong dong dong" several times, I saw a white figure walking out of the room slowly.

Taking a closer look, this beautiful white figure is none other than Grandma Long.

Seeing Grandma Long, Tong Yan immediately said enthusiastically, "Grandma, it's me. I'm back, not only that, I also brought the Five Poison Banner. This time, the village is saved!"

Although Grandma Long came towards the courtyard gate, there was no joy on her face.It seems that whether she brought the five poisonous banners or not has nothing to do with her.

"Son, your kindness is indeed admirable. But I have to tell you that you are late. Everyone in the village has turned into worms, and even I was almost poisoned."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over, and immediately asked in doubt: "How could this be? They were all fine when I left? What's going on here?"

Grandma Long stretched out her hand to open the courtyard door, and said helplessly: "Not long after you left, the white dragon grass released a large amount of poisonous smoke. None of the people in the village were spared, they were all poisoned. I tried to rescue They, but it's too late. Sigh..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.Although he came here to inquire about the whereabouts of Zhen Beast Bell and who it belongs to.But he also hopes to save this village that is persecuted by poisonous weeds.The people here are kind and simple, and they shouldn't be subjected to such indiscriminate disasters.

Unfortunately, he was still late.Just like he failed to arrive in time to rescue Bai Jing, his heart was full of regrets.

Grandma Long turned her head to look at Poison Dragon and the others, then asked puzzledly, "Who are they? You brought them here?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly came to his senses, and then introduced to her: "Grandma, this is Brother Du Long, he is the current leader of the Five Poison Sect. This is Tang Jun, the head of the Tang Sect. Disciples in their respective sects."

When Grandma Long heard this, anger suddenly appeared on her face. "Well, you brat, what do you want to bring them here? Do you want them to trouble me?"

Tong Yan actually considered this before coming here, but he thought that if he could save someone, it would be nothing.Now people can't be saved, but it makes Grandma Long angry.

"Mother-in-law, I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully. But please believe that my original intention of bringing them here is really for the villagers here. As for the entanglement between you and the Five Poison Sect, I really ignored it, sorry!"

As soon as the fairy tale was finished, Du Long immediately took a step forward and said, "Senior, is your surname Long? Your name is Long Lixue? Junior Du Long is the current leader of the Five Poison Sect. Since I took over as the leader, I have always adhered to the last wish of my ancestors and wanted to Invite the saintess of our sect to ****. Why have I searched so hard to no avail, please tell me, senior, did I make a mistake this time?"

Grandma Long glanced at the poisonous dragon, and wanted to reprimand her or drive him away.But Du Long's words made her feel a lot.The Five Poisons Sect is her home, so why doesn't she want to go home?

"You... are you really the current leader of the Five Poison Sect? Why did your Five Poison Sect ask me for a bad old woman? I have nothing to do with your Five Poison Sect anymore."

When Grandma Long said this, it meant that she admitted that she was the saint of the Five Poison Sect.

Hearing this, Du Long didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately knelt down on one knee and said: "Disciple Du Long, I have seen the saint. The saint is the soul of my teaching. If the soul is lost, how can I not look for it? The disciple knows all the things about the saint in the past. , but the leader has been passed down for several generations, and the leader who had a grudge against you has long since passed away. As the saying goes, things are people and things are not things. I hope that the saint will abandon the resentment in her heart and return to the five poisons. I sincerely welcome you!"

With him as an example, the disciples of the Five Poison Sect behind him also knelt down and shouted in unison: "We welcome the saint to return to the religion!"

Although I don't know if the poisonous dragon sincerely asked Grandma Long to go back, or if he had other plans, but at this moment, he did touch Grandma Long.

She stared blankly at the disciples of the Five Poison Sect in front of her, hesitated for a long time, and then sighed softly: "I won't go back, let's not talk about it for now. You should get up first! The villagers here have been poisoned and turned into insects. The matter started because of me, how can I leave if I don’t finish the matter here? Have you brought the five poisonous flags?”

Hearing this, Du Long hurriedly replied, "I'm reporting to the Holy Maiden, the five poison banners have been brought. Do you want to use them?"

Grandma Long nodded and said, "That's right, now I can only pin all my hopes on the Five Poison Banner. I hope I can use it to invite the Five Poison Fairies, so that the catastrophe in this village can be resolved!"

Five Poison Fairy?Is it a fairy?Could this mother-in-law want to invite God?
(End of this chapter)

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