
Chapter 451 The fairy enters the body, what are you smirking about?

Chapter 451 The fairy enters the body, what are you smirking about?
"Saint, can you really invite the Five Poison Fairy? You must know that since you left the Five Poison Sect, the Five Poison Fairy has never visited the Five Poison Sect again."

Hearing this, Grandma Long smiled slightly and said, "The saint is the only one among the Five Poison Sects who can see the Five Poison Fairies, and my departure means that the Five Poison Sect will no longer be protected by the Five Poison Fairies. But it’s still considered polite by you, a junior, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to return to the Five Poisons Sect in my life.”

Hearing this, Du Long hurriedly said: "Saint, although this junior will succeed you as the leader of the Five Poison Sect, I understand that you are the most respected person among our Five Poison Sect. That's why this junior wholeheartedly invites you to go back. Then you can re-enter the ranks of the strong and continue to carry forward.”

Grandma Long snorted softly and said, "Whether the Five Poison Sect can flourish or not is up to you, the leader. My saint is only responsible for offering sacrifices to the gods, and I don't care about other things. Alright, give me the Five Poison Banner. I'm going to invite the Five Poison Fairies right now!"

Grandma Long knows so many things, Du Long has already confirmed her identity.Since he is a saint, he will not have any problems handing over the Five Poison Banner to her.

I saw him reaching out to grab the weapon wrapped in black cloth on his back, and took it off with a single upward stroke.

"Saint, the five poisonous flags are here, and I will leave them to you."

The saintess was also polite, she reached out and took it immediately.

"Okay, you guys just stay here. Please don't be disturbed by outsiders when the Five Poison Fairy comes into the world. I will inform you when I invite the Five Poison Fairy!"

When everyone heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Seeing the saintess walk into the house with the Five Poisons Wrapped in black cloth, Tang Jun casually said to Dulong: "Master Dulong, this is the saint of your Five Poisons Sect? She is really extraordinary. But why did I come from I haven't heard of it, but your Five Poison Sect also has Five Poison Immortals?"

Hearing this, Du Long chuckled and said, "The Five Poison Immortals are the spirits that our sect has supported for generations, just like Taoism's offering to Sanqing, and Buddhism's offering to Buddha. It's just that my Five Poison Sect is low-key, and it's normal if you don't know."

Tang Jun heard this, smiled and said nothing more.

Now everyone can only wait, other than that, they can't do anything.

Tong Yan only hopes that the matter here can be settled as soon as possible, so that he can go to rescue Xue'er and Tan Yu as soon as possible.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was already midnight in the blink of an eye.Until now, the poisonous smoke has never visited Xiaozhai again, and it is not known whether the white dragon grass fell asleep or everyone was lucky.

Tong Yan changed his breath several times before and after, he knew how powerful the poisonous smoke was, so he didn't dare to be careless.

This Grandma Long said to invite the Five Poison Fairies, but after inviting them for so long, she didn't respond at all.Everyone couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. After all, it was the first time I met this Grandma Long. Who knew what she was thinking in her heart?Could it be that after getting the Five Poison Banner, he left quietly?

Dulong lost his composure, he turned his head and shrugged his shoulders to the guards behind him. Seeing this, the latter spread out and got as close to the house as possible, trying to find out what was inside.

But before a few people approached the house quietly, there was only a "bang" sound, and the closed door of the house was kicked to pieces.Immediately afterwards, Grandma Long was seen swaggering out from behind the door holding a stick wrapped in colorful cloth strips.

Although this Grandma Long has a good cultivation, she is a woman after all, and her personality is not like a violent person, so how could she smash the door of her own house with one kick?

Looking at her walking posture, she walked with a horoscope, which is really weird.

Du Long frowned, as if he suddenly thought of something, and then quickly walked towards Grandma Long.

Grandma Long stopped, glanced at the poisonous dragon, and then said in a man's voice: "Are you the current head of the Five Poison Sect?"

Upon hearing this, Du Long knelt down on his knees and shouted: "Disciple Du Long, pay homage to the Five Poison Fairies!"

Five Poison Fairy?At this moment, Grandma Long has become a five-poison fairy?

Tong Yan took a closer look, and then confirmed his thoughts.No matter what she said or how she behaved, Grandma Long became a completely different person.

Presumably at this moment, she is no longer her, but possessed by the so-called Five Poison Fairy.

This matter of inviting God to the upper body is actually quite common.In the Northeast, there is the theory of jumping gods or shamanism. In fact, they let what they think are gods go to the body to cure diseases and save people, or to harm people and do evil.

There are too many of these things in the folks, but they don't know what kind of thing these five poisonous spirits are.

The upper bodyed Granny Long raised her hand to the kneeling poisonous dragon and said, "Get up, take me to see that white dragon grass now. Get rid of it early, so I can go back sooner."

Hearing this, Du Long quickly stood up, and then said to Tong Yan who was looking at the place, "Brother Tong Yan, where is that poisonous weed? Please take my fairy to have a look."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately raised his legs and stepped forward, then bowed respectfully and said, "Fairy is above, please accept the next obeisance. The white dragon grass is in the southwest corner of the village, please come with me!"

Grandma Long nodded and said: "Okay, lead the way ahead. As for the rest of you, stay here. When I kill the poisonous weed, I will definitely return here."

The Possessed Grandma Long said so, Dulong and the others dared to refuse, so they could only watch Tong Yan and Grandma Long disappear into the night.

Tong Yan held his breath and walked quickly ahead, followed by Grandma Long.

After a while, the two walked through the woods and came to the front of the ancient well.

Looking up, good guy, the white dragon has grown more lush.Although the height is almost the same as that of ordinary trees, the range is extremely wide.With the ancient well as the center, the ground 20 meters outward is covered with white branches.The clusters of clusters are pretty good-looking, but it's a pity that whoever inhales the poisonous smoke it emits will not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Tong Yan no longer dared to speak, for fear that he would accidentally inhale the poisonous smoke into his body.He just pointed to the white dragon grass in front of him, and he had completed his task of leading the way.

Grandma Long also didn't say a word, she stared at the white dragon grass in front of her, and then slowly raised the stick wrapped in cloth in her hand.

When the distance was a little closer, Tong Yan realized that the stick was engraved with strange patterns, and with these strips of cloth, it might be the sacred object of the Five Poison Sect, the Five Poison Banner.

But with just such a stick, can it really get rid of the White Dragon Grass completely?
Tong Yan just watched quietly, but he really wanted to see who this so-called Five Poison Fairy was, and how capable it was!
But the next scene made him a little confused.The Five Poison Fairy actually laughed strangely...

(End of this chapter)

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