
Chapter 452 In order to obtain this treasure, ride a dragon and leave!

Chapter 452 In order to obtain this treasure, ride a dragon and leave!

Just when Tong Yan thought that Grandma Long was going to show off her skills, she didn't expect her to giggle weirdly.

"Hey Hey……"

Tong Yan felt baffled by her smile.What is this guy laughing at?Got hit with a laughing hole?

He wanted to ask a question, but he swallowed the words back.He didn't dare to open his mouth. If poisonous smoke entered his body, he would be unable to speak for the rest of his life.

He didn't speak, but he didn't expect that Grandma Long would actually speak with a smile.

"You must be wondering why I am laughing, right? To tell you the truth, I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Now that my wish is about to come true, I can't help but laugh out loud. It makes you laugh Don't be nervous, this white dragon grass will not emit poisonous smoke anymore, because it has grown up."

When Grandma Long spoke to Poison Dragon before, she still had a male voice, but now she has recovered a female voice.In addition, listening to what she meant, it seemed that some wish had been fulfilled.Could it be... Could there be another reason for this?

Tong Yan hesitated for a while, and finally plucked up the courage to say: "Grandma, you haven't been caught by the so-called five poisonous spirits, right? Your previous performance was actually a deliberate act. The purpose is to get the five poisonous spirits. Poison streamer. Right?"

Grandma Long was taken aback when she heard this, then nodded with a smile and said: "It seems that you have seen through it, you are really smart. That's right, what you said is right. I am indeed acting, just to get the Five Poison Banner But speaking of it, I have to thank you for all of this. If it weren't for your kindness and wisdom, my wish would not have come true so smoothly. How about this, didn't you want to get the Ascension Pill before? You helped me For such a big favor, I will give you this Ascension Pill, and it is my repayment to you."

Having said that, she reached out and took out a small jade bottle from the cloth bag on her waist, and handed it directly to Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hesitated a little, but when he thought of Tan Yu, he still reached out to take it.

"Grandma, I don't understand. Why are you so deliberate in getting the Five Poison Banner? What use is it to you?"

Grandma Long smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to know what it is useful to me. You just need to know that you have taken advantage of me, it is better to run for your life as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Dulong finds out that he has been cheated , I will definitely not forgive you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned and said: "Grandma, let's not worry about these for now. Even if I want to leave, there are still some doubts that bother me. I wonder if you can answer them for me?"

Feeling the expectation in Tong Yan's eyes, Grandma Long finally nodded and said, "Okay, then you should hurry up and ask."

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked straightforwardly: "I heard that the beast-suppressing bell was in your hands before, but where is the beast-suppressing bell now? Why does anyone own it?"

Grandma Long frowned, and then said in puzzlement: "Why are you asking this? Why? You want to get the beast-suppressing bell?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "No, this junior is not coveting this treasure, but just wants to know who the current owner of this treasure is. Mother-in-law, if you know, please tell me anyway. It's so important."

Hearing this, Grandma Long let out a sigh, and after thinking for a while, she replied: "Then baby, it should be in the Three-Star Temple! When I left the Five Poison Sect, I met an evil person who called himself the Three-Star Temple on the road. He saw I wore the token of the Five Poison Sect, and fought with me. Although we fought on equal terms, the town beast bell fell into his hands accidentally. I didn't want to reveal my whereabouts, so I abandoned the town Beast Bell escaped here."

Samsung Temple?Tong Yan frowned unconsciously.He faintly felt that he had heard the name of this Taoist temple somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Wait... Samsung Temple?Isn't this three-star temple that Gao Qian set fire to the three-star temple of others' Buddhist scriptures?I didn't expect that the town of beast bells was related to Sanxingguan. Could it be that the villain who manipulated the holy beast to kill Bai Jing and kidnapped Xueer and Tan Yu was from Sanxingguan?

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, he is going to fly away to the Three Star Temple.

Seeing that Tong Yan stopped talking, Grandma Long said casually, "Is there anything else to ask? Since I don't have any, then I should go about my own business."

"Wait...Grandma, the people in this village have turned into worms. Is there really no way to rescue them? They are all innocent!"

Hearing this, Grandma Long smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, when I pull this white dragon grass out of the soil, it will release a fragrance again. That fragrance is a detoxifying substance, and it just waits for the fragrance to permeate the whole small area. Fortress. All poisoned people will be safe."

Hearing what Grandma Long said, Tong Yan finally felt relieved.It seems that it is impossible for him to persuade Grandma Long to return the five poisonous flags to the poisonous dragon.That being the case, it doesn't make much sense for him to stay here.

It's better to just walk away and go straight to Samsung Temple.But when he thought about it again, he felt something was wrong.Because the thousand-faced scholar is still recuperating in the Five Poison Sect, if he leaves like this, then the poisonous dragon might kill the thousand-faced scholar, and then the thousand-faced scholar will be harmed.

He thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Grandma, will you never come back after taking away the Five Poison Banner? Will you return to the Five Poison Sect? After all, it is your home!"

After hearing this, Grandma Long sighed softly: "I wanted to go back, but I can't do it now. After I finish what I have to do, maybe I will go back!"

Although Tong Yan didn't know what Grandma Long was going to do, but with her words, he might be able to go back and give Dulong a perfect explanation.

"Okay, if that's the case, then the younger generation will leave first. Mother-in-law, it's my luck that the younger generation has the honor to meet you. See you in the future!"

Grandma Long heard this and nodded with a smile.

Tong Yan didn't stay here any longer, he turned around and walked towards the stockade.

Grandma Long looked at it and didn't stop her, but started what she was going to do.

She just waved the five poisonous banner in her hand vigorously, and immediately after that, five colors of light flashed on the five poisonous banner.

The light slowly detached from the stick, and finally converged into a five-color light ball.

Grandma Long slapped out her palm, and the ball of light immediately flew towards the white dragon grass with a "swish".

White Dragon Grass seemed to sense something, a big mouth appeared on the thick stem, and swallowed the five-color light ball in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, something unbelievable happened.

After the White Dragon Grass swallowed the five-color light ball, white crystal-like scales appeared all over its body.

As soon as Tong Yan walked out of the forest, there was a deafening dragon chant behind him.

He looked back suddenly, and at a glance he saw Grandma Long riding a white dragon soaring into the sky.

White Dragon?White dragon grass?Could it be that the white dragon grass ascended to transform into a dragon?
(End of this chapter)

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