
Chapter 454 Falling asleep, poisoned by Gu!

Chapter 454 Falling asleep, poisoned by Gu!
In this way, the thousand-faced scholar left the Five Poisons Sect with his wounded body.And Tong Yan's next focus is naturally all on the three-star view.

I don't know if Du Long and Tang Jun are really resting, or discussing something behind Tong Yan's back.

Tong Yan waited until the afternoon, and then the two of them entered Tong Yan's room belatedly.

"Brother Tong Yan, how is your rest? When are we going to Sanxing Temple?"

Tong Yan was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing, when he heard Dulong's voice, he immediately opened his eyes.

"Brother Dulong, Brother Tang, you are here. It seems that you have already discussed it. Are you going to the Three Star Temple?"

Tang Jun chuckled and said: "I don't care, after all, this matter has nothing to do with my Tang Sect. But the leader of the poisonous dragon asked me to go with you, so I can only accompany you on this trip."

The poisonous dragon smiled slightly and said: "The whereabouts of my teaching holy beast is unknown. I sent my disciples to search around, but found no clues. Since the town beast bell finally fell into the hands of the Taoist priests of the Sanxing Temple, this trip to the Sanxing Temple is a must. Yes. Brother Tong Yan, I heard that Brother Xu has already left. I think you don’t have any worries anymore, let’s go to the Sanxing Temple immediately, what do you think?”

Of course Tong Yan was willing, to be precise, he wished that the heads of the two poison sects could accompany him.In this way, even if they encounter any difficulties, they can take care of them.

The three reached a consensus, and then rushed towards the Samsung Temple.

Samsung Temple is near Wuyi Mountain, not far from Baihua Valley.Although Tong Yan didn't know the exact location of the Sanxing Temple, Du Long and Tang Jun did.

The two of them each brought five disciples, and they didn't dare to bring more, lest there would be side effects.However, what made Tong Yan a little depressed was that Huang Jiao, the daughter of Huang Tianhu, the head of the Qisha Sect, also went with her.

Tong Yan is Huang Jiao's father-killing enemy, and the enemy is naturally jealous when they meet.Tong Yan didn't want to pay more attention to her, and the two of them didn't say a word along the way.

From the Five Poisons Sect to the Sanxing Temple, it is a distance of two thousand miles.But fortunately, the Five Poison Sect had already taken care of everything. The few people had just left the valley where the Five Poison Sect was located, and got into a rather nice stretched luxury car.

The Five Poisons Sect has been operating for so many years, so naturally it has considerable financial resources.I guess it would not be too much to buy a private jet.

But having said that, for "jianghu people" like them, they really don't pay much attention to those imaginary things.

The car was driving fast on the highway, but the car seemed very quiet.Both Du Long and Tang Jun dozed off against their chairs, while Tong Yan watched the scene fly by outside the car window.

As for Huangjiao, her eyebrows never moved away from Tong Yan's face.She bit her lip lightly, hatred in her eyes.

Tong Yan naturally noticed her unfriendly gaze, but as long as he kept silent, he pretended not to see it.

But he didn't speak, but it didn't mean that Huangjiao didn't speak.

She stared at Tong Yan for a while, and finally couldn't hold back the hatred in her heart, and immediately said coldly: "Tong Yan, your hands are covered with blood, aren't you afraid of retribution? Let me tell you, one day, You will pay for what you did wrong."

Hearing this, Tong Yan just shook his head lightly, without even looking at Huang Jiao.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Huang Jiao continued to sarcastically say: "Oh, I see, people like you are not afraid of retribution at all. You are a lonely person, even if you die, it is nothing. However, the retribution is estimated to fall to People who are close to you. Whoever is closer to you will suffer a terrible death. Just wait, your friends and relatives will suffer for you. Bai Jing is your friend, right? Her death, It was you who did it."

Tong Yan became a little angry, this little girl hated herself, and even hurt the deceased.He really couldn't bear this.

"Huangjiao, people have self-knowledge. You said that if you commit evil things, you will be punished. Have you never thought about why your father died? Your seven killings have ruined my family. I will spare you. I have made an exception. If you continue to not repent, I will never let you go."

Hearing this, Huang Jiao laughed and said, "Okay, then you come and kill me? Anyway, I have nothing now, so I don't have to suffer so much after I die. Come on, kill me, kill me ..." At this point, her eyes became blood red, and tears fell down from the corners of her eyes unconsciously.

Tong Yan looked at her, then sighed softly: "You feel this kind of pain, and do you know how I survived those years? At least you can still live healthy and healthy. I couldn't even walk Can't go. If you really can't let go of your hatred for me, then work hard to improve yourself. I'm waiting for you to kill me, I'm waiting for you to avenge your father!"

The two of them spoke a little louder, and Du Long and Tang Jun, who were dozing off, opened their eyes one after another.

Du Long glanced at Huangjiao and Tong Yan, then laughed and said, "Both of you, there is a saying that it is better to resolve enemies than to tie them together. Why bother clinging to the past? Now that we are sitting in the same car, it means We are friends now. Between friends, stop fighting. If you want to vent, wait until Samsung Temple, and you will have a chance to do it."

Huangjiao snorted coldly and turned his head aside.

Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to continue looking out the car window.

Du Long laughed dryly, then winked at Tang Jun.

Seeing this, Tang Jun hurriedly said: "Master Dulong, your car is so luxurious, why didn't you prepare any drinks?"

Hearing this, Du Long laughed and said, "Of course it's ready. Since Sect Master Tang said, let's have a drink. If we drink too much, we can sleep well. When we wake up, we'll be at Sanxing Temple."

Having said that, he turned sideways and took out a bottle of liquor from the refrigerator in the car, and moved the desk in the car to the middle of several people.

Tang Jun took out the wine glass from the camera obscura next to the chair, and they drank like this.

Although Tong Yan wasn't in the mood to drink, but they were drinking, and he couldn't justify not drinking himself.

This person is in a bad mood, and the wine tastes bitter.He insisted on drinking a few cups, and gradually he felt drowsy, leaning against the armrest of the chair, and slowly fell asleep.

When Du Long and Tang Jun saw that Tong Yan was asleep, they both had smug smiles on their faces.

"Master Poison Dragon, your skills are really high. I admire you!"

Du Long chuckled lightly and said, "I just messed with the wine a little bit, and it's better for you to cooperate with Master Tang."

Tang Jun laughed and said, "The leader of the poisonous dragon is too modest, what should we do with him next?"

The poisonous dragon smiled coldly and said: "This boy made me lose the five poison banners. If you don't give him some trouble, he really thinks that my five poison sect is easy to provoke. Let him taste the Gu that I refined recently. Let's get rid of the spirit, just take him to test the poison. Haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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