
Chapter 455 In the 3-star temple, there is a demonic aura?

Chapter 455 In the three-star temple, is there a demonic aura?
This time Tong Yan felt that he was sleeping in the dark, if the car hadn't driven into the bumpy mountain road, he might have slept a little longer.

When he opened his eyes, he only felt a headache that was unbearable, and his whole body was dizzy.

He stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, which made him feel a little better. "It seems that when people are in a bad mood, they still don't want to drink. It's even more worrying to use alcohol to relieve your worries!" He thought to himself, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Du Long and Tang Jun were dozing off again, but the yellow pepper was still staring at him.

Tong Yan glanced at her, yawned, and began to appreciate the scenery outside the car window again.However, he didn't know anything about the evil things Du Long and Tang Jun had done to him.

Gu poison is very latent, and the poisoned person will only notice it when the eggs that enter the body grow slowly.

Tong Yan has been worrying about too many things recently, otherwise, with his vigilance, he would never have given Dulong and Tang Jun the chance to poison him.But unfortunately, things have already happened, what kind of consequences will this Gu poison bring to him?

Leaving aside these for the time being, let’s say that the car drove all the way until there was no way to go, then it pulled over and stopped.

The rest of the journey will be on foot.After getting out of the car, after listening to Du Long, Tong Yan realized that he had slept for a day and a night.

Although he was a little hungry, he couldn't care less about traveling because he had to hurry.

A total of two cars came, Tong Yan and the others were in a caravan, while those disciples could only sit in a crappy second-hand minibus.

After the bumpy journey, those disciples who were pampered and pampered on weekdays all looked haggard and lack of energy.With their vigor and spirit, if there is any conflict with Samsung Temple, I really don't know if they still have the strength to do it.

Dulong took the lead and walked ahead, with a smile on his face, as if he had picked up money.

Seeing this, Tong Yan just smiled wryly in his heart and didn't say anything.

After walking for more than three hours, everyone finally climbed up this hill whose name was unknown.

From a distance, I saw a quaint Taoist temple standing on the top of the mountain.I saw the red walls and white tiles of this Taoist temple, and dozens of towering ancient trees were planted around it.This season, the green leaves on the old trees are clustered, which is very eye-catching.

Tong Yan stared at it, then turned to Du Long and asked, "Brother Du Long, is this Taoist temple a three-star temple?"

Du Long nodded and said: "That's right, let's just call the door later. But it's best not to reveal your true identity, otherwise you will inevitably fight."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll write it down!"

Since ancient times, there is no balance between good and evil, the Five Poisons Sect and the Tang Sect are actually heretics in the eyes of the Jianghu people.Using poison to harm people is even more evil.

Only then did Tong Yan realize that Dulong and the others had changed into Han costumes, and their relationship was to hide their identities.

The Three Star Temple is right in front of you, maybe the true identity of the man in black will be revealed soon.

Everyone walked forward along the stone road on the mountain, and after a while, they came to the entrance of Sanxing Temple.

I saw two stone lions placed next to the wooden door full of vicissitudes, and a plaque hung on the door, with three big characters of Sanxingguan written on the plaque.

Du Long raised his leg and walked directly to the door, stretched out his hand and knocked hard on it a few times.

Following the knock on the door, hurried footsteps came from behind the door.

Seeing the wooden door being slowly opened, a young Taoist priest about fifteen or sixteen years old poked his head out of the door.He looked at the crowd, and then asked puzzledly: "Benefactors, what's the matter with you coming to my Three-Star Temple?"

Hearing this, Du Long smiled slightly and said, "My little master, we are passing by here and want to come to worship the gods. I wonder if it will be convenient for us?"

Hearing this, the little Taoist made a soft sound, and then replied: "Several benefactors, you wait here for a while, I will report to Master right away. If he agrees, I will welcome you in again. Okay?"

Hearing this, Du Long immediately smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll have to work!"

The little Taoist smiled, closed the door directly, turned around and went to report.

After a while, the gate opened again, and the little Taoist said with a smile on his face: "My master agrees, you come in with me!" After saying that, he opened the gate a little wider, and the group of people were able to enter in view.

Tong Yan raised his legs forward, looked left and right, but didn't see anyone.According to Du Long, the strength of this three-star temple is close to that of the sect, and it is impossible for the sect to have so few disciples.

But it is not convenient for him to ask questions, after all, the pretense of playing is to worship gods.

"Everyone, are you tourists? We actually have tourists here, but many of them come to take pictures. There are not many who come here to offer incense as sincerely as you."

Du Long smiled slightly and said, "Everyone has different beliefs. We believe in this, so we have to come and say goodbye when we pass by."

The little Taoist smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, those who believe in Taoism will pay homage when they see a Taoist temple. Come on, I will take you directly to the Sanqing Hall. My master is doing homework in the Sanqing Hall."

Hearing this, Du Long smiled and said, "Okay, okay, then go directly to Sanqing Hall. By the way, this Taoist temple is opened in such a remote place, so you and your master are not the only ones looking after it?"

Du Long used an excuse to ask what Tong Yan wanted to ask, which solved the doubts by mentioning Tong Yan.

"Of course not. There are a lot of people in our Taoist temple. It's just that most of the senior brothers and uncles are cultivating in the nearby caves. There are not many people who stay in the temple to clean up. Everyone, please go this way .”

Bypassing a front hall in front, everyone followed the little Taoist priest directly to the main hall behind, which is the Sanqing Hall that is found in many Taoist temples.

It has to be said that this Taoist temple is clean, and the cleaner the Taoist temple is, the more incense it will be.Otherwise, such a large Taoist temple cannot be kept in such an orderly manner with only three or two people.

The Sanqing Hall was built slightly higher, and to enter the main hall, one needs to climb a few dozen steps.In front of the steps is a huge incense burner, which is burning incense at the moment.

Tong Yan said that when they came, they would not really come to offer incense and worship God.But I don't know how to start the conversation, which is really hard to say.If you directly asked them about the beast bell suppression, I'm afraid they would be kicked out before they got an answer.

So you have to think of a good reason, whether it's side-firing or foreshadowing and extension, in short, it can't be too rude.

Walking into the Sanqing Hall, one can see the statue of the Patriarch of the Sanqing at a glance.

The accompanying disciples did not enter the main hall, only poisonous dragon Tang Jun, Huang Jiao and Tong Yan entered the hall.

As soon as the four of them entered the hall, the Daoist inside stood up and greeted them.

"Four benefactors, are you coming to worship God? I have prepared incense candles here, and you can use them as you like. There is a merit box over there. I hope you will do more good deeds."

It sounds so good, but it is actually asking for money.Of course, using other people's incense should naturally give money.

Du Long also understood etiquette, reached out his hand and took out a large stack of banknotes from his pocket, went straight to the merit box, and threw them all in.

The Taoist in the hall saw it, and immediately said with a smile: "The benefactor is fraternal, the Patriarch of Sanqing will definitely protect you."

Hearing this, Du Long smiled slightly and said, "It would be a great blessing to be blessed by the Patriarch of Sanqing. But I don't care about it."

Upon hearing this, the Daoist frowned and asked, "Then what does the benefactor care about?"

The poisonous dragon laughed and said: "What I care about is, why does your huge Taoist temple hide filth? There is such a big monster here, it can't be that there are some demons and ghosts in your temple?"

As soon as he said this, not only the Daoist was stunned, but even Tong Yan was confused.Demons and ghosts?Why didn't he notice it?
(End of this chapter)

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