
Chapter 457 I'm exhausted, and it's hard to guard against backstabbing!

Chapter 457 I'm exhausted, and it's hard to guard against backstabbing!
The Daoist said with a masculine face: "Well, I actually don't know about this. Maybe only our head knows. But our head is afraid that we won't see you, so I advise you to give up your mind !"

Hearing this, Du Long smiled slightly and said: "Master Dao, I am a typical person who will not die until the Yellow River, and will not cry when I see the coffin. Now that the head of your sect knows, can you introduce me? Don't worry, the benefits will be sure." You are indispensable. What do you think of this number?"

Having said that, he held out a finger.

Hearing this, the Daoist sighed softly and said: "Although the 10 yuan is not a lot, I have already said a lot of things. If I introduce you to the head of Benguan, I am afraid that people will say that I am blinded by money." , I really can’t bear it if the head of the sect blames me at that time!”

Du Long was still smiling, and then said flatly: "I'm talking about 100 million! 100 million will help me introduce the head of your sect. This deal is not something that can happen all the time."

"One... 100 million? I am a god! Benefactor, why are you so obsessed with Zhen Beast Bell? There are really not many people like you who spend a lot of money!"

The poisonous dragon laughed and said: "For me, money is something outside of me. If I am lucky enough to get the beast-suppressing bell, even if the money is gone, I will never blink. Daoist, I will let my subordinates replace it for me later." Get the cash. I will ask you more when I meet the head of your sect."

The poisonous dragon has already made up his mind, this Taoist obviously loves money, as long as he loves money, there will always be a number that will make him flock to it.Facts have proved that his judgment is correct.The Daoist really couldn't hold back the enthusiasm in his heart, and nodded in agreement continuously.

It is not as easy as imagined to meet the head of the Three Star Temple.Although this expert is the master, but 360 five days a year, it is not bad to be in the temple for five days.Usually, this master master is practicing in a cave in the back mountain. It may be that he has reached a critical moment of cultivation, so he pays so much attention to it.

In fact, in the final analysis, the rise of any big sect is actually directly related to the masters in the sect.The higher the cultivation base of the master sitting in the gate, the higher the status in the world.Perhaps the head of the Three-Star Temple is to make the Three-Star Temple famous all over the world, that's why he is so obsessed with seeking immortality.

The Daoist priest ordered his disciples to arrange a guest room for Tong Yan and the others, and it depends on luck when they can meet the master.

In order to find out the true identity of the man in black, Tong Yan and the others could only temporarily stay in the temple.

The disciples Dulong sent to the back mountain to look for traces of the holy beast had also returned, and the result was not the slightest difference from expectations, they did not find any trace of the holy beast at all.

However, this does not mean that the Sanxing Temple is free from suspicion, because the back mountain is full of ravines and countless hidden caves. It is not difficult at all to hide a holy beast.But judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that the man in black is a three-star view.

Now I can only hope to meet the head of the Three Star Temple, and then ask him about the true identity of the so-called big man.

Tong Yan returned to the guest room carefully prepared by the little Taoist priest alone. This room was very small, only about a square meter.There was almost nothing in it except a bed.The most helpless thing is that there is not even a bedding.Just such a clean plank bed, it seems impossible to lie down and sleep, otherwise, when you wake up the next day, you must have a sore back.

Tong Yan shook his head with a wry smile, raised his legs and walked to the side of the bed, then sat down.

I don't know why, but this mere rush made him exhausted.Before changing it, it was impossible for him to have such a situation with his cultivation base.But he didn't think much about it, he just thought it was because he was under too much mental pressure and he didn't eat well.

Sitting cross-legged, he closed his eyes and began to practice.He may be busy many times, but whenever he is free, he will practice.Nothing is as important as becoming strong by itself.Only when you are strong can you have the ability to protect those you want to protect.

In a daze, he seemed to vaguely hear the sound of the door opening.But because the voice was too soft, he didn't pay much attention to it. He only thought that he was too tired and had an illusion.

But it wasn't until a cold blade rested on his neck that he woke up with a start. This was not an illusion, but someone really sneaked in.

Looking up, Tong Yan couldn't help but smile wryly.The person who came was none other than Huangjiao.This woman was so determined to kill Tong Yan that she even dared to come and plot against him in this highly incensed Taoist temple.

Huang Jiao's dagger was already attached to Tong Yan's neck, as long as she exerted a little force, Tong Yan's head might have to move.

Tong Yan looked at her, then smiled and said, "Miss Huang, you are really haunted. What's the matter? Can't help but want to kill me? If that's the case, then do it!"

Hearing this, Huang Jiao snorted coldly and said, "Do you think I dare not? Let me tell you, Tong Yan, I came here today to kill you. If you have any last words, it's best to say them now, or the next second, I'm afraid your head will have to be moved."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said: "It seems that I really can't escape, so let me just say a few more words. Everyone has their own meaning in life, but I didn't expect that I was doomed to Hate ran all my life. I don’t regret what I did, and I don’t regret whether I would really die in your hands. More than once I wished that my fate could be rewritten. If everything could start all over again, I would rather choose to be born In a normal family. I think you are like me, we are all the same kind of people, we are all blinded by hatred, we live for revenge. There is nothing wrong with dying, it is not mine The end point is a kind of relief. Living is painful, right? So, you can do it. Kill me, and you can live like a normal person. And I can reincarnate, maybe I can You can go back to your normal life.”

Tong Yan didn't say these words in order to influence Huang Jiao, but he really thought so.He was really tired, no one would be willing to live in revenge forever.But he had no choice, he had to keep going down.If Huangjiao really killed him today, it would be considered as ending everything for him.In this way, he might be able to truly give up everything.

But...but Huangjiao didn't do that, she put down the dagger in her hand, and then smiled bitterly.

"Want to get rid? It's not that easy. I want to see you get retribution, and I want to see that your life is worse than death! I'm afraid you don't know it yet, you have been poisoned by Gu, and one day, you will be poisoned by that Gu insect." Get into your brain, and at that time, you will definitely want to kill yourself. Haha...haha..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan seemed to have sensed something.His fatigue and sleepiness may not be caused by excessive mental stress. Could it be that he was really poisoned?The first person that appeared in his mind was the poisonous dragon, and Gu poison is one of the poisons that the Five Poison Sect is best at.And this also means that from that moment on, he has a new enemy.

"So what if we are enemies of the world? Then I will kill them all one by one!"

(End of this chapter)

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