
Chapter 458 A chance encounter in the pavilion, hit with your palm!

Chapter 458 A chance encounter in the pavilion, hit with your palm!
Tong Yan didn't think that Huangjiao had any reason to lie to herself. She wished that she would die sooner so that she could avenge her dead father. However, she gave up this idea, which meant that she might really face life. worse than death.

But Tong Yan knew that now was not the time to tear up his face with Du Long and the others.After confirming the true identity of the man in black, it would not be too late to start a war against them.

Watching Huang Jiao walk out of the room laughing, Tong Yan lay down directly on the cold and hard bed.Perhaps, it's time for him to think about it, because things have changed dramatically again.

In the early morning of the next day, Tong Yan walked out of the room as if nothing had happened, and happened to see Tang Jun practicing boxing in the morning.

He greeted him with a smile, then clapped his hands and applauded: "It's really wonderful, I didn't expect Brother Tang to have such skill. This boxing method should come from the Wudang School, right?"

Hearing the words, Tang Jun made a closing gesture immediately, and then smiled at Tong Yan: "Brother Tong Yan, you really guessed wrong, this is a set of boxing techniques from Shaolin Temple. My disciple learned it. But I haven’t practiced for a long time, and I’m a little rusty. Eh? Brother Tong Yan, you look a little bad, did you not sleep well last night? I heard from my disciples, did the master of the Huang family sneak in at night? Sneaked into your room? She didn't do anything to you, did she?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "The lonely man and the widow are in the same room, how can they not do anything?"

When Tang Jun heard it, he smirked and said, "I understand, but aren't you enemies?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "I'm lying to you, she almost killed me last night, but fortunately I took precautions in advance, so I escaped the catastrophe."

Hearing this, Tang Jun sighed softly and said, "Alas... this little girl is a ruthless character in spite of her Wen Wenjing. It's good that you are fine. Let's go, let's see if there is anything to eat. If my stomach doesn’t eat, I really can’t bear it. It seems that I won’t be able to cultivate to the bigu state in this life!”

Tong Yan nodded with a smile, and walked towards the front hall together with him.

When I arrived at the front hall, I happened to see several young Taoist priests eating steamed buns and drinking porridge together.Tong Yan and Tang Jun also saw out, and joined in with a smile.

Maybe I was really hungry, but the steamed buns and white porridge tasted like delicacies from mountains and seas.Tong Yan ate three big steamed buns in one go and drank a big bowl of porridge, and immediately felt energetic and full of strength.

Although Tang Jun was older, his appetite was unambiguous, more than Tong Yan's.The little Taoist priests next to him were all stunned, and once suspected that these two people who looked like dogs in clothes were starving ghosts.

After eating their fill, Tong Yan and Tang Jun thanked them again and again, and decided to take a walk around, they couldn't just wait in the Taoist temple so stupidly.

The scenery around this three-star temple is really good. There are lush greenery everywhere, and you can see huge boulders protruding from a distance. The stones have different shapes, like majestic generals standing with swords. They are heroic and awe-inspiring. Respectfully.Today is sunny, cloudless, green mountains, blue sky, and not far away there is a small river that looks like a white dragon. Together, it is a beautiful landscape painting.

The air on the mountain is very good, take a deep breath, full of comfort, full of relaxation.

Tong Yan and Tang Jun strolled around for a while, and unexpectedly found that there was a pavilion halfway up the back mountain.

The two of them had nothing to do, so they raised their legs and went for a walk.

When they arrived at the pavilion along the path paved with stone slabs, they discovered that there was an old Taoist priest in the pavilion wielding a long sword gracefully.

Those moves seemed slow, but people didn't dare to underestimate them, and they seemed weak, but people didn't dare to approach them.

After staring at it for a while, Tong Yan concluded that this was an expert.Those who practice swords swing their swords so fast that no one else can see them.But there is another way of saying that the faster sword is actually as fast as slow, as quiet as moving.

It seems that he only swung one sword, but in fact it is a sword composed of thousands of sword shadows.There are not many people who can practice swords to this level, except maybe Tianshan Sword Sect.But being able to meet them today is also considered a long experience.

The old Taoist seemed to be aware of the arrival of Tong Yan and Tang Jun, and then slowly held the sword back and closed it with his arms.

Seeing this, Tang Jun hurriedly said with a smile: "Senior's swordsmanship is exquisite, it really opened our eyes. This is the back mountain of the Three-Star Temple. Could it be that the senior is also an expert of the Three-Star Temple?"

The old Taoist priest has white hair and beard, rosy complexion, and a white Taoist robe, just like the gods in the fairyland, which makes people awe-inspiring.

He glanced at Tang Jun, and then smiled slightly: "This fellow Taoist looks at the face, I don't know what sect he is from?" He didn't explain his identity, but asked Tang Jun's identity, which was enough to see that he People are still on guard.

Hearing this, Tang Jun clasped his fists immediately and said, "This junior is just a casual person with no sect."

Hearing this, the old Taoist snorted softly and said, "To be honest, you smell very strong of herbs. If you are not a practitioner of medicine, you should be a person who uses poison. Seeing the sly look on your face, you don't look like a doctor. Then You must be a poisoner! The world is so big, only Poison Sect Sanying is the most famous. Although the people of Baihuagu also use poison, it is flower poison, and the body has the fragrance of flowers instead of herbs. The Five Poisons Sect was created by the Miao people. You are often accompanied by the five major poisons and Gu insects, and you will not be too proficient in herbal medicine. The rest should be the Tang Sect in Sichuan. I don’t know which number you are in the Tang Sect. Why do you come to my three-star temple? thing?"

The old Taoist's analysis made both Tong Yan and Tang Jun's hearts tremble.Just based on the faint herbal smell on his body, he can guess Tang Jun's true identity. This old Taoist priest is really amazing.

Although Tang Jun was right, he didn't dare to admit it. After all, the reputation of the Tang Sect is not good. Who knows if this old Taoist priest will directly attack him to make things difficult for him.

He smiled awkwardly, and then denied: "Senior, you really guessed wrong. I'm not from the Tang Sect, I'm just an ordinary person who likes to collect herbs and make alchemy."

Hearing this, the old Taoist said with a chuckle: "You don't have to be afraid, whether you are or not, you have nothing to do with the old man. I heard from the unsatisfactory disciple in my sect that someone wants to know the whereabouts of Zhen Beast Bell. It should be How about you? But it’s a pity, the old man was entrusted by others and needs to be loyal. Please leave as soon as possible!”

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan and Tang Jun frowned.Could it be that the old man in front of him is the head of the three-star temple?If he didn't want to tell, the clue might be cut off here.

Tong Yan pondered for a while, and then said amazingly: "Old man, if that person did something harmful to the world with the beast bell, would you still cover him? You are a cultivator, don't you even know good and evil?" Can't tell the difference?"

When the old Taoist heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he slapped Tong Yan directly with his palm involuntarily!

(End of this chapter)

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