
Chapter 460 There is a hole in the sky, the fairy turns around!

Chapter 460 There is a hole in the sky, the fairy turns around!
Tong Yan's mind is a little messed up now, he really didn't expect that the Zhenshou Bell would fall into Nangong Yun's hands.Could it be that the man in black who kidnapped Xue'er and Tan Yu was really him?If the old Taoist didn't lie, then what was Nangong Yun's purpose in doing this?

This reminded him unconsciously of what happened to Qing Ming before, and the culprit who caused Qing Ming to lose control and hurt Nangong Jin'er was also Nangong Yun.What kind of medicine is sold in this guy's gourd?Does he have some ulterior conspiracy?

Tong Yan's brows were tightly furrowed, his mind was spinning rapidly, no matter what, it seemed that he had to go to Qilin Pavilion for a walk.

Although he doesn't want to be an enemy of Qilin Pavilion, judging from the current situation, it seems that this hidden enemy has already existed, and it's only now that it has completely exposed its fangs.

The old Taoist stared at Tong Yan, then smiled slightly and said, "I've already told you what you want to know, and now it's time for me to show you the soul-searching method. Do you still have any objections?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said: "Since we have an appointment first, I will naturally not break my word. I didn't kill anyone from your three-star temple, so I am not afraid of you performing the soul-searching method on me. Come on , you can do it now."

The old Taoist smiled slightly, and then said: "You can't use it here, you follow me!" After saying that, he turned around and walked down.

Seeing this, Tong Yan had no choice but to raise his legs to follow.

Tang Jun hesitated for a while, then immediately said: "Well... Brother Tong Yan, I won't go with you. I will wait for you in the temple. If you are safe and sound, come join us in the temple. .”

Tong Yan turned to look at him, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

The old Taoist walked unhappily, probably because he took special care of the injured Tong Yan.Tong Yan received a firm slap from him. Although a few ribs were broken, the internal organs were not injured.It seems that the old Taoist kept his hand on purpose before.Otherwise, with his strength, one palm might be enough to kill Tong Yan.

Tong Yan is very skeptical now, what level has this old Taoist priest's cultivation reached?Presumably, it should be no weaker than the existence of the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals. The sudden emergence of Sanxingguan and quickly becoming one of the great sects must have something to do with the cultivation of this old Taoist priest.

And this also made him affirm one thing, whether it is the Demon Sect or the Sly Sect, if he wants to lead them to rise again, as the suzerain and sect master, the key to improving his own cultivation is the key.Only when he becomes stronger, no one will dare to be his enemy.

But improving his cultivation is not easy. He has stayed in the current state for a long time. Maybe he should absorb as much inner alchemy as possible from the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree, but he has been so busy recently that he has been devastated. enough time to practice.Of course, he still has another choice, which is to take the Ascension Pill that Grandma Long gave him.But he has already made up his mind to leave it to Tan Yu.

It was because Tan Yu saved him that he got to this point. He owed too much to Tan Yu. If he could see Tan Yu transform into a human again, it might make him happier than his cultivation.

In the end, there is another option, which is to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sect and continue to retreat to practice the remaining realms.But until the moment of last resort, he would not dare to go to the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sect.If the heart demon comes back from the dead, by that time, he may fall into the devil's way again.

Just thinking wildly like this, before he knew it, he had followed the old Taoist priest to a bottomless ravine.

I don't know how this gully was created, and it was pitch black inside, as if the earth had automatically opened a crack.

The old Taoist stopped in front of the ravine, then turned his head and said to Tong Yan, "My cave is right below here. You are the first outsider who is lucky enough to come to my cave. I hope you can leave alive!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled bitterly and said: "If you want to kill me, even if I am not the murderer of your disciple, you will not let me go. So whether I can leave alive, you should not ask me, but ask yourself!"

The old Taoist chuckled and said: "Although you are a member of the Demon Sect, I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If the person who killed my three disciples was not you, I will never make things difficult for you. You can rest assured about this! Let's go!" Come on, I'll take you down right now!" As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Tong Yan's arm, leading him directly into the ravine.

Hearing the "huhu" wind in his ears, Tong Yan didn't know how many meters he fell.But with the help of an old Taoist priest, he didn't have to worry about being thrown to death.

After falling down like this for about ten seconds, Tong Yan found that the gully was getting bigger and bigger until he and the old Taoist fell to the ground.He suddenly discovered that there was a hole in the gully.It's like a triangle, the more you go down, the bigger the space.

The real name here should be the valley, an extremely hidden valley.The valley is full of maple trees. Although it is not autumn, the maple leaves in the valley are as red as blood.

This is really amazing. The plants in the valley are not affected by the seasons. It can be seen that the aura here is not as strong as usual. Maybe there is a dragon vein below it.

In fact, think about it, no matter which big sect is open-minded, it will deliberately choose to be above the dragon veins.The mountains and rivers with dragon veins have always been full of aura, and the richness of aura is very important to practitioners.

In places with strong aura, it is easy to grow spirit grass and spirit beasts.It is understandable that there are some out-of-season things.

The two didn't talk about anything, and after walking for a while in the maple forest, they saw a cave on the side of the maple forest.The entrance of the cave is not big, almost the same as the door of a normal room.And beside the entrance of this cave, there is actually a stone sculpture in the shape of a human.Upon closer inspection, the stone carving turned out to be a peerless beauty with a smiling face.

This old Taoist is a monk, and it is really interesting to put a stone sculpture of a beautiful woman at the entrance of the cave.Could it be that the person carved in this stone carving is his former lover?Because he didn't win the heart, he became a Taoist priest in a fit of anger?
This is all possible, who has never been young, who has never had a girl he likes.

The old Taoist pointed to the cave in front of him, and then said to Tong Yan: "That is the cave where I usually practice, and inside it is the magic circle I set up a long time ago. As long as you sit in the magic circle, I can ask you Use the soul-searching technique!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, seniors are in charge of everything. By the way, seniors, I don't know who is engraved on that statue?"

Tong Yan also just asked casually, but unexpectedly, the old Taoist sighed softly and said, "She is a fairy I saw when I was young, but for some reason, she turned into a stone."

"Fairy?" Tong Yan was a little dazed, since she was a fairy, how could she fall into the mortal world and turn into a stone?
Just when he was quite surprised, unexpectedly, the stone sculpture unexpectedly turned and faced him directly...

(End of this chapter)

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