
Chapter 461 An accident in life, a troubled year!

Chapter 461 An accident in life, troubled for a hundred years!
The sudden turn of the stone carving not only shocked Tong Yan, but also shocked the old Taoist priest.

Tong Yan was stunned for a while, and then asked: "Old man, she... has she turned around?"

The old Taoist nodded and said: "It seems so, but she hasn't moved for so many years, why did she suddenly turn around today? Could it be because of you?"

Tong Yan was a little embarrassed, he had never met this fairy, how could she turn around for him.This is really strange, strange and incomprehensible.

But the stone statue can't speak, so naturally there is no way to know why she turned around.

"Old senior, this junior really doesn't know. Maybe it was caused by a slight earthquake just now, or something else!"

The old Taoist glanced at the stone statue for a few times, and he stopped being entangled, and immediately said to Tong Yan, "Don't worry about such trivial matters, let's prove whether you killed my disciple or not!" In the cave.

Seeing this, Tong Yan had no choice but to follow.However, he still sneaked a few glances at the stone statue unconsciously.The stone statue just looked at him with a smile, which made people's hearts shudder.

Walking into the cave, one can see the innermost end of the cave almost at a glance.The stone cave is really small, about forty or fifty square meters, like a big room, and there are few things inside, except for a stone table, two stone chairs, and a round stone cave. stage.The stone platform is about half a meter high and about 1.5 meters in diameter. There is a huge Taiji Eight Diagrams engraved on it, presumably it should be used by old Taoist priests for meditation and practice.

On the only stone table in the cave, there is a set of celadon tea set.It seems that this old Taoist likes to drink tea, and most people who like to drink tea are peaceful people.

The old Taoist went to the stone table and sat down, then waved to Tong Yan and said, "You sit down too. There is one thing that I should probably explain to you in advance."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sat down in confusion, and then said: "Old man, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Hearing this, the old Taoist hesitated for a while, and finally said: "What I want to perform on you is the soul-searching method. Although this technique can penetrate into your memory, it also has certain risks. After I cast the spell, I went crazy on the spot. I still say that, I will not wrong others, but I will not harm others either. I will cast spells for you later, you should be mentally prepared."

In fact, the old Taoist didn't need to say these things at all, but he still said it, which meant that in his heart, he already believed that Tong Yan was not the real murderer.Along the way, Tong Yan did not show any sense of guilt or panic. On the contrary, his calmness, humility and politeness, and his fearlessness of powerful enemies all left a deep impression on the old Taoist priest.

However, this matter has been decided, and the old Taoist will perform the soul search method no matter what.Only in this way, maybe he can feel at ease and truly let go of Tong Yan.

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "Old man, you don't have to worry. If I'm not mentally strong, I'm afraid I'd have died long ago. I still have important things to do, so you can use the soul-searching technique!"

Seeing that Tong Yan was ready, the old Taoist got up immediately and said, "Okay, then you can sit on that round platform. I'll cast the spell right away!"

Tong Yan agreed, then stood up, walked slowly to the front of the round platform, and stepped up on it.

As soon as he sat down on the round platform, the old Taoist motioned him to close his eyes, and the old Taoist himself formed a mudra with his hands and quickly recited the formula.

"Three souls and seven souls, each has its own appearance. The radiance of the fetus is quiet, and I am content with myself. Only take the refreshing spirit to help me search for the soul. The mind and mind are united, and the past will show up! Be as urgent as a law!" The old Taoist mantra just said Come on, the round platform where Tong Yan was sitting suddenly shone with golden light.At the same time, the old Taoist stepped forward and pointed his finger directly on Tong Yan's forehead.

Then, Tong Yan felt that he was slowly losing his spirit, as if he had fallen into a whirlpool, not only dizzy, but also weightless all over his body, lost in spirit.

This bad feeling lasted for a while, until he heard a cry, and he suddenly woke up.

"I have already read your memories of the past few days. You are indeed not lying. The three disciples of my three-star temple did not die at your hands."

Hearing this, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, then reached out to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, struggling to get up.

"Old man, since you have confirmed that I am not the murderer, can I leave?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist smiled slightly and said: "You are seriously injured now, since it was the old man who injured you. Simply let the old man help you recover from the injury, and you can leave!"

In normal times, Tong Yan would definitely agree.But he has been delaying for too long, he should recuperate while he is on his way.He had to go back to Baihua Valley first, then join Qing Ming and the others, and then head to Qilin Pavilion.Time is too tight for him to waste it like this.In addition, he didn't know if Nangong Yun of Qilin Pavilion would attack Xue'er and Tan Yu. He might feel at ease only if they were rescued earlier.

"Old senior, thank you for your kindness, but I am really in a hurry. I will come to see you when I have time in the future."

It stands to reason that he has said so, and it is not easy for the old Taoist to keep him.But I don't know if the old Taoist priest is out of his mind, he still refuses to let Tong Yan leave.

"Little brother, as I said, you were injured by the old man. The old man doesn't want to owe you, so you have to heal your wounds before you can leave! I advise you to rest here and recuperate. Don't worry, I said not to kill you. You, I will never attack you again." Seeing the old Taoist put away his smile, Tong Yan knew that he was not saying polite words, which made Tong Yan feel deeply uneasy.

The old Taoist obviously didn't want him to go, so he was talking about healing his wounds.But why did this old Taoist do this?Could it be that he discovered some secret from Tong Yan's memory, so he insisted on keeping Tong Yan?

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then said with a sneer, "Old man, why do you insist on keeping me here if you don't speak dark words? You know that I am eager to save people, but you insist on stopping me. Is it possible that you want to save me?" Will I be stuck here forever?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist shook his head and said, "It's not that the old man refuses to let you go, but that I need to clarify one thing before you leave."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in puzzlement, "What's the matter?"

The old Taoist raised his eyes to look outside the cave, and sighed softly: "A matter that has troubled me for hundreds of years, since you are from the Wu family, I think you can help me solve it!"

The Wu family?What does this old Taoist have to do with the Wu family?What is it that bothers him?

(End of this chapter)

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