
Chapter 462 Horrible curse, unreasonable request!

Chapter 462 Horrible curse, unreasonable request!

Although Tong Yan couldn't figure out why the old Taoist stopped him from leaving, it must have something to do with the Wu family.

No need to guess, the old Taoist priest discovered the secret that he was a descendant of the Wu family from Tong Yan's memory.It was precisely because of this that he suddenly changed his mind and prevented Tong Yan from leaving.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then said again: "I don't care if you have any problems with our Wu family, but you should know that I am here to save people. If I stay here for a long time, my friends may die If there is really something wrong with them, you are their accomplice to their death. If you really want me to answer your doubts, please ask me directly. If I know, I will never hide it. If I don’t know , please let me go!"

He is very anxious now, he is not sure what the old Taoist's intentions are, if it is to delay Nangong Yun's time, then he can only fight to the death.Although he knew that his chances of winning were slim, letting him sit and wait for death would be better than death.

The old Taoist stared at Tong Yan, motioned him to sit down, and sat down on the stone chair not far away.

"Little brother, please believe that I have no malice towards you, and I have no enmity with the Wu family. But as far as I know, the pure blood of the Wu family has unimaginable power, so I hope you can help me busy."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Senior, you are really interesting. Although I am not deeply involved in the world, I also know that you can't be coerced or tempted when asking for help. You are a senior, I think you understand this truth better than me. .Since you have asked me for something, and you still want to put me under house arrest, do you think I will really submit obediently?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist said with a little apology: "Little brother, if the old man misunderstood you just now, please forgive me. When I found out that you belonged to the Wu family, I was a little anxious, so I didn't choose what to say. But the old man really I want to ask you for help, if you can help me, I will thank you very much."

Tong Yan's character is a typical one who takes soft things but not tough ones.He is a warm-hearted person, willing to help others, and he has done too many things like this.

In fact, if the old Taoist begged sincerely at the beginning, Tong Yan would definitely not refuse.Although he also intends to help the old Taoist now, he always feels a little unhappy.

Seeing the anticipation on the old Taoist's face, he finally softened his heart and said, "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you? What exactly has troubled you for hundreds of years?"

The old Taoist sighed again, and then took off his Taoist robe in front of Tong Yan.

As soon as he took off his Taoist robe, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.I saw a fierce beast tattooed on the old Taoist's chest.After careful identification, this beast looks like a fierce tiger, with a pair of fleshy wings growing on its back. If it is not Qiongqi, one of the four fierce beasts, what is it?

Qiongqi is a ferocious beast, and normal people would never tattoo ferocious beasts on their bodies.But why did this old Taoist have such a tattoo on his body?Could it be... Could it be that he is a follower of Qiongqi?

Tong Yan was full of puzzlement, and immediately asked, "Old man, is this tattoo on your body a ferocious beast?"

The old Taoist nodded and said, "That's right, it's exactly this thing! Do you know how it came from?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "How could I know, isn't it you who tattooed it yourself?"

The old Taoist shook his head and said, "That's not true, it's a curse! A curse from Qiongqi!"

"Curse?" Tong Yan was a little confused, this was the first time he had heard of such a curse.

"Old man, you said this is a curse? How could you be planted with such a curse?"

The old Taoist glanced out of the cave again, and then told Tong Yan about his past.

This old Taoist was not a member of the Taoist sect when he was young, but a cowherd boy from a landlord's family.One day, while grazing cattle in the forest, he came across a strange tree by chance.This tree is not tall, only more than two meters, and the lines on it are vertical and horizontal, like scales.The strange tree is thick and has limbs.The two flat trunks are like wings.

The tree is full of red fruits, which makes people salivate.Herding cattle at the landlord's house, life is naturally embarrassing, not enough to eat and not warm.The old Taoist priest was a little hungry, so he picked the fruit and ate until he was full.

The fruit is sweet and lingering.So the old Taoist would go to this strange tree to pick fruits every day when herding cattle.Strange to say, every time the fruit of this strange tree is picked, it will bear new fruit the next day.

The old Taoist thought it was a reward from God, so he didn't think about anything else.Time passed quickly, and it was already a year later.During this year, no matter the seasons changed, or it was windy and rainy, the fruit on the strange tree never broke.

After eating for a whole year, the old Taoist has grown a lot taller.But suddenly one day, his chest itched unbearably, and he didn't want to see a doctor.He could only stand firm until the tattoo of the beast Qiongqi appeared on his chest.Only then did he realize that he might be poisoned.

It happened that he met a wild Taoist priest in the days of herding cattle. The wild Taoist priest had no apprentices and saw that he had good aptitude, so he accepted him as a disciple.From then on, he began to travel around with wild Taoist priests, and finally knew that the tattoo on his chest was Qiongqi, one of the four fierce beasts.

After the tattoo grew, his chest no longer itched, and he gradually forgot about it.

Suddenly one full moon night, he was quietly cultivating alone in his room.There was a sudden pain in his chest. When he looked carefully, he didn't expect Qiongqi's tattoo to flash a faint red light.

A cold voice also sounded at this moment.

The voice told him that after eating the Qiongqi fruit, he was Qiongqi's servant, and he had to obey Qiongqi's orders before he could live in this world.

Of course the old Taoist didn't believe it, so he told his master about it.His master looked carefully at the tattoo on his chest, and told him that he was cursed by Qiongqi.

This curse would haunt him for the rest of his life. Every night when the moon was full, Qiongqi would come to torture him.

However, the master of the old Taoist priest said again that any evil spirits are afraid of righteousness, as long as they have cultivated the supreme Qi, this Qiongqi will not dare to come to cause trouble.

After hearing this, the old Taoist practiced harder and improved a lot, but that Qiongqi would still chatter in his mind endlessly when the moon was full.

He asked Qiongqi what he was asked to do and how to let him go.Qiongqi said that he needs to release himself, and when he regains his freedom, he will not trouble him again.

After some investigation, the old Taoist finally found out that Qiongqi was trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the Wu family.If you want to release him, you have to enter Wu's house.

He has tried, but the Wu family has a lot of experts and is heavily guarded. After several efforts, not only failed to save Qiongqi, but he himself almost lost his life.

He thought it was an impossible task, so he gave up.

But what I didn't expect was that Qiongqi not only quarreled with him every night when the moon was full, but also intensified his intention to manipulate his mind.

Just when he was about to be unbearable, he met a fairy outside the cave.Although the fairy steadied his mind for him, she still couldn't completely remove the curse of Qiongqi.

The fairy saw that he was pitiful, so she pointed out the maze to him, and wanted to completely get rid of this strange tattoo, which must be done by the Wu family.The person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell, and only a person of pure blood from the Wu family can help him get rid of the curse.

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked in puzzlement: "What do you need me to do?"

The old Taoist hesitated for a moment, and then said surprisingly: "I need you... I need you to help me pass the curse on to you!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan couldn't help being shocked.This old Taoist actually thought so, which is really a bit shameless!
(End of this chapter)

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