
Chapter 463 Something went wrong, harming others and myself!

Chapter 463 Something went wrong, harming others and myself!
"Old man, you also know that this curse may swallow your mind. Haven't you thought that if this curse is passed on to me, will my mind be swallowed too? There is a saying, do what you want Do it to others. I'm sorry, although I really want to help you, but I can't say yes."

Seeing Tong Yan's refusal, the old Taoist looked a little ugly, but he still refused to give up and said, "Little brother, I know this is very embarrassing for you. But I'm afraid no one can help me except you. Your body With the purest blood of the Wu family, Qiongqi can't do anything to you. And don't worry, I will never let you help me for nothing. As long as you can help me get rid of the curse on my body, I am willing to use cultivation methods, panacea, or even Spirit artifacts in return."

Tong Yan didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically, "If I don't agree, will you let me go?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist laughed lightly and said, "Little brother, you are a smart person, I think you will not let me down. One more friend is better than one more enemy, right?"

Threats, pure threats.The old Taoist couldn't hold back after all, and Tong Yan seemed to have no other choice.If he chooses to give it a go, he will probably die at the hands of this old Taoist priest.Only by choosing to compromise, he might be able to leave alive.

But he couldn't be sure whether this strange curse would have a fatal impact on him.If it really only happens on the night of the full moon, it doesn't seem so terrible.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tong Yan finally made up his mind. "Okay, I promise you. I am willing to be your friend, and I hope you can be honest with me."

Hearing this, the old Taoist said ecstatically: "Little brother, don't worry. As long as you help me, from now on, you will be my best friend. If there is any difficulty, as long as you say a word, I will definitely help you with all my strength. "

Tong Yan expressed doubts about the character of this old Taoist priest, but if he was kind to him, maybe he could really help him in the future.

But how to transfer the curse to Tong Yan?

I saw the old Taoist priest take out a black jade pendant from his waist. The jade pendant is transparent, and black threads can be faintly seen wandering in it.Although I don't know what kind of jade pendant this is, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Tong Yan stared at Yupei, and then asked, "Senior, what is the method of transfer?"

The old Taoist lifted up the jade pendant in his hand, and said with a slight smile, "This is the psychic jade pendant, with it as the medium between you and me. I will force the power of the curse out, and you will succeed if you inhale it into your body." gone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't say any more nonsense, and immediately followed the old Taoist's instructions and sat cross-legged on the round platform.

The old Taoist sat down in front of him, and then motioned him to extend his palm.Tong Yan had no choice but to follow suit.

The old Taoist also stretched out his hand, and the two palms faced each other, and the psychic jade pendant was placed between their palms.

"Close your eyes, no matter what you feel, don't refuse. Do you understand?"

Tong Yan heard this, nodded, and then closed his eyes.

The old Taoist didn't recite the mantra, but channeled the true energy in his body, and then channeled it out along his arms.As soon as the true energy entered into the psychic jade pendant, the latter immediately burst into black light.As if stimulated, the black thread in the jade pendant immediately spun rapidly, turning into a black vortex.

The old Taoist just wanted to inject a trace of true energy to stimulate the jade pendant, but he didn't expect that the jade pendant was like a hungry wolf, absorbing his true energy violently without stopping.In order to completely force the curse out of his body, he didn't care so much.

More and more true energy flowed from his body into the psychic jade pendant, but the power of the curse was nowhere to be seen.

Time passed bit by bit, and Tong Yan gradually became tired.He knew that this was the outbreak of the poisonous dragon that the evil dragon had cast on him. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't do anything, so he just sat and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly an extremely powerful warm current poured into Tong Yan's body like a heat wave.Under the stimulation of the warm current, he suddenly woke up.He knew he couldn't resist, maybe it was the power of the curse in the old Taoist priest.

As soon as the warm current flowed into his body, it quickly circulated in his meridians, and it actually merged with his own true energy.A sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before filled him with strength.But he was also full of doubts, how could the power of this curse be faintly improving his cultivation quickly?

He continued to absorb it foolishly, until there was no more warm current pouring into his body, and then he fell asleep again.

This time I slept in the dark and the sky was very dark, and I slept very comfortably.When Tong Yan opened his eyes again, he suddenly discovered that his cultivation had reached the astonishing eighth level in one fell swoop from the sixth level of Yue Ling Jue (promoted to the sixth level in Youming Mountain)!You must know that there are only nine levels of Moon Spirit Art, if you can break through to the ninth level, you will be able to live freely in the world without being a god.

But in fact, the ninth level of the Moon Spirit Jue is the realm of the immortal.So that is to say, as long as Tong Yan improves, his cultivation will be almost the same as that of the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals.At that time, he can also be like the five immortals of the dragon and tiger, flying through the sky with his sword, and soaring in the sky.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan's heart was filled with excitement.But what the hell is going on?He was obviously helping the old Taoist to transfer the curse, so why did he accidentally increase his cultivation?

He looked around, but the old Taoist priest was nowhere to be seen.He stood up puzzled, and looked at his chest deliberately. There was nothing on his chest, but it stands to reason that the curse was transferred, so shouldn't he also have Qiongqi's tattoo?

This made him more and more confused, so he had no choice but to lift his legs and walk out of the cave. Perhaps only an old Taoist priest could solve this question for himself.

But what he didn't expect was that just after he walked out of the cave, he saw an old man with disheveled hair fainting in front of the stone statue beside the cave entrance.

He turned the old man over and realized that he was an old Taoist priest.But the old Taoist priest at this moment is completely different from before. If Tong Yan saw him for the first time, he was immortal and extraordinary.But now, he is just an old man in his dying years.

What was even more incredible was that his face was originally rosy and smooth, but now it was covered with age spots and big bags under the eyes, as if he had stayed up all night.

Looking at the old Taoist priest, Tong Yan's doubts intensified. "What happened before? My cultivation base has greatly increased, and this old Taoist priest has become what he is now. Did something go wrong?" Tong Yan thought to himself.

But how did he know that this old Taoist priest has passed on his lifelong cultivation to him, and this old Taoist priest may not be much different from a useless person now.

This is really in line with that sentence, harming others will eventually harm oneself!It seems to be predictable, what kind of mournful face this old Taoist priest will have when he wakes up!Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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