
Chapter 464 I have fulfilled you, sooner or later the war will begin!

Chapter 464 I have fulfilled you, sooner or later the war will begin!
The old Taoist priest was unconscious, so Tong Yan couldn't just walk away.He helped the old Taoist up and led him directly into the cave.After waiting for half an hour, the old Taoist finally slowly opened his eyes.

"Old man, what's wrong with you? I woke up and found you unconscious in front of the stone statue outside the cave. What's going on?"

Looking at Tong Yan with an innocent face, the old Taoist smiled wryly at first, and then covered his face and burst into tears.While crying, he scolded himself: "Retribution, this is all retribution. I'm so stupid, I'm such a pig. How could I believe that fairy's words, she was lying to me, she was lying to me. But I... ...But I just believe it. Little brother, you may not know that my cultivation cultivation base has been ruined."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in bewilderment, "Old man, what did you say? Your cultivation has been ruined? How is this possible? Your cultivation is so high, how can you say that you will destroy it?"

The old Taoist inadvertently wiped away the muddy tears on his old face, and said painfully to Tong Yan: "It's ruined, it's really ruined. I don't have a trace of true energy in my body now, and my whole life's cultivation is completely destroyed. That's right... that's right How do you feel? All my true energy should have been injected into your body, has your cultivation improved? Has it?"

Although Tong Yan didn't want to tell the truth, he was afraid of making the old Taoist even more sad, but he insisted on asking.Then he could only truthfully say: "Yes, my cultivation has indeed improved a little bit. I thought it was the Qiongqi curse that made me improve my cultivation, but I didn't expect that you gave me all your cultivation. Senior , I’m really sorry. But you don’t have to worry, if your cultivation base is ruined, just start practicing again, there is no unparalleled path!”

Hearing this, the old Taoist laughed and said, "There is no end to the sky? My road has come to an end. I'm afraid I will die in a few days. Little brother, it's not your fault. I did it myself. I can’t live. I deserve it! No matter what, you have helped me. Although the result is disappointing, it can be regarded as fulfilling you. As a reward, I should give you a little gift.” As he said, he slowly stood up, and then walked to the side of the stone wall.

He stretched out his hand and groped for a while, as if he had touched some mechanism, and a secret compartment appeared immediately.He reached in and pulled out a straight copper-colored stick.

"Little brother, this is a thousand-year-old ebony wood. It is useless for me to keep it, so I will give it to you! You can find a master to refine the magic weapon for you, or you can make it yourself. In short, this thousand-year-old ebony wood is very It’s rare, but don’t disappoint my kindness.”

Tong Yan happened to have the essence of a three-eyed white ape on his body. This essence can be eaten by demons, and it can be used to refine weapons.Use it to refine a magic weapon, if it succeeds, it is a spiritual weapon.The old Taoist probably learned from Tong Yan's memory that he had the essence of a three-eyed white ape, so he gave him the thousand-year-old ebony wood as a gift.

Tong Yan was actually quite embarrassed to accept it, after all, he was doing a disservice, and he got a big deal for himself.But if he doesn't accept it, I'm afraid the old Taoist will feel uneasy.

After hesitating for a while, he finally reached out to take it. "Old senior, thank you very much. Then the junior will not refuse!"

The weight of this millennium ebony wood is not light, even though it is wood, it is by no means lighter than steel pipes.Although the old Taoist priest's cultivation base is ruined, there is no problem in picking up a "steel pipe".

Seeing that Tong Yan accepted it, he nodded in satisfaction. "Okay, you can leave here now. If you return to my three-star temple, please let me know and let everyone in the temple come to me. I have something to explain, or when my time is approaching, I'm afraid it's too late."

Hearing what the old Taoist said, Tong Yan felt inexplicably sad.But life is inherently fickle, who knows whether he will live or die in the next second?

In this way, Tong Yan took the thousand-year-old Wujinmu to bid farewell to the old Taoist priest and left the cave.At the entrance of the cave, he found that the fairy stone statue smiled even brighter.I don't know if it has something to do with his mood, or he has an illusion.

Wanting to leave here, crawling is not only labor-intensive but also time-consuming. Tong Yan's injury has recovered a lot after his cultivation has improved, but if he uses too much force, he may aggravate his injury again.Fortunately, he had the Black Flood Dragon. When the Black Flood Dragon was in the Netherworld of Blood, he had demonstrated its ability to lead Tong Yanfei, and now he could only rely on it.

"Xiao Hei, come out. Take me out of this valley!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden bracelet on his wrist immediately turned into a little golden dragon more than one meter long.Tong Yan clearly remembered that Xiao Hei was only half a meter long, why didn't he grow so much in a few days?

"Master, shall we leave now?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, thank you for your hard work. But Xiao Hei, why do I feel that you have grown up a lot?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei smiled and said: "Master, I'm all thanks to you. I am your natal magic weapon, and I will also get some benefits when your cultivation level improves. When you ascend to immortality one day, I will be Immortal beast! Hehe..."

It turned out to be such a thing. It seems that the allusion that one person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven is not nonsense.

"Okay, then I will work hard and strive to turn you into a golden dragon! Haha... that's fine, let's go!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei immediately flew at Tong Yan's feet.Looking at it like this, it wants Tong Yan to stand up.

Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, then raised his legs and walked up.As soon as he stood firmly on his side, Xiao Hei flew high with him on his back.

How can we know that it is not a blessing if it is a blessing in disguise?Tong Yan almost laughed out loud.

A few minutes later, he returned to the Three Star Temple smoothly.Du Long and others from the Five Poison Sect were waiting anxiously. When they saw him come back, they rushed to greet him immediately.

"Brother Tong Yan, why have you been away for so long? Then the temple master didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "No, the old temple master is a leader in righteousness, how could he make things difficult for me, a younger generation? I already know who the current owner of the beast bell town is, are you interested in knowing?"

Hearing this, Du Long hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"The owner of the Qilin Pavilion, Nangong Yun!"

Hearing this, Du Long's face instantly became ugly. "What did you say? Is it the master of the Nangong Pavilion? There is no mistake, right?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "This is what the old temple master himself said, how could it be false. The holy beast of your Five Poison Sect is probably in the hands of Nangong Yun."

Du Long let out a sigh, and then smiled awkwardly: "If it is in the hands of Pavilion Master Nangong, I don't have to worry too much. I think Pavilion Master Nangong will definitely return it to me after it is used up."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned deeply, what does this guy mean?Could it be that he has a deep relationship with Qilin Pavilion?
But looking back, it's actually nothing.Anyway, Tong Yan would not let any of these guys off!Let's not move them today, after reuniting with Qing Ming and the others, it will be time for him to settle everything.

But at this moment, Qingming and the others are still trapped in the ancient tomb.What is in that mysterious ancient tomb?

(End of this chapter)

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