
Chapter 465 A big hit, the tomb of the celestial master!

Chapter 465 A big hit, the tomb of the celestial master!
Hearing Dulong's meaning, his Five Poison Sect would definitely not go to Qilin Pavilion with him again.But in this way, Tong Yan's wish was followed.

This poisonous dragon can poison himself when he is drowsy, who knows if he will defect in battle?For a despicable person like them, allying with them is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

Tong Yan looked at Du Long, sighed softly and said, "Since Big Brother Du Long has other arrangements, I can't force it. I will leave here later, and when I have a chance in the future, I will definitely visit the Five Poison Sect."

Hearing this, Du Long nodded and smiled, "Okay, okay, welcome anytime. But Brother Tong Yan, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "But it's okay to say!"

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. I know that your Demon Sect is very powerful, but if you want to move the Qilin Pavilion, I advise you to think twice before doing so. The Qilin Pavilion will hold a unicorn competition every hundred years. You have a very close personal relationship. If you make an enemy of him, it is equivalent to making an enemy of the whole Jianghu. So, if you can bear some things, you can bear it. Why do you have to fight to the death? Are you right?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Dulong's words are very true, I will think carefully about it. I still have a little matter to convey to the temple master, so I will excuse you first." Then, he raised his leg and walked directly towards Sanqing Hall go.

Whether it's Dulong or Tang Jun, Tong Yan knows that they are not friends.Although it hasn't completely torn face, sooner or later there will be a battle.They secretly poisoned themselves, and this revenge will be avenged no matter what.

Tong Yan's turning and leaving had actually sent a signal to Du Long and Tang Jun.The two looked at each other with complex expressions in their eyes.

Tong Yan walked into the Sanqing Temple and told the elders who guarded the Taoist temple what the old Taoist told him to convey, and he left the Sanxing Temple alone.

There is a saying, different ways do not conspire with each other.He and Dulong Tang Jun are not in the same way, since they are not in the same way, there is no need to say goodbye, and there is no need to continue to be hypocritical.

It's not too far from Baihua Valley. If you hurry, you should be able to arrive in a few hours.

But after he entered the Valley of Hundred Flowers smoothly, he found that the entire Valley of Hundred Flowers was plunged into unspeakable grief and indignation.

The poisonous flowers were burned and they were not replanted.The yard is full of fallen leaves and they haven't cleaned it up.Tong Yan knew in his heart that this was because of Bai Jing's death, which had dealt a heavy blow to them.

Bai Jing must have died at the hands of Nangong Yun, if she wanted to avenge her, then Nangong Yun would have to pay with his life.Tong Yan didn't know if he could really avenge Bai Jing, but no matter what, he had to try.

But now, he needs to cheer up the people in Baihua Valley, he can't just watch Baihua Valley be destroyed like this.

Walking to the house in the valley, Tong Yan looked around, and then shouted loudly: "Where are people? Are they all dead? Are there any living people?"

His loud voice immediately attracted the attention of the people in the valley.Seeing people from the valley surrounding him, there was no smile on his face.

People in the valley are no strangers to Tong Yan.A considerable number of them were rescued by Tong Yan.Therefore, Tong Yan is the benefactor of Baihua Valley and their "own person".

Elder Sun walked out of the crowd first, seeing that it was Tong Yan, he hurried up to meet him.

"Sect Master Tong, you are here. I heard from Xu Ruilin that you are investigating the murderer who killed our Master Gu for us. Have you found out? Who is the murderer?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Why are you asking this? Just you bastards, even if you know who the murderer is? Can you avenge Bai Jing?"

As soon as these words came out, Elder Sun blushed and lowered his head in shame.

Tong Yan looked around at the crowd, and then said loudly: "When Master Baigu was alive, the Hundred Flowers Valley was in full bloom, and no one dared to invade. She has only passed away for a few days, did the Hundred Flowers Valley die with her? Take a good look at you Yourselves, take a good look at everything in this valley. Ask yourself, are you worthy of her? Are you worthy of her risking her life for you, and also wanting to preserve your kindness? You people really disappoint me, and let Master Bai not rest in peace .”

Tong Yan asked loudly, but didn't give them any favors.At this time, these people in the valley need a blow to the head to wake them up completely.

Seeing that no one said anything, Tong Yan said again: "I know that the death of Master Baigu has hit you hard. However, she would rather sacrifice herself than preserve Baihua Valley. What is she doing this for? Not for you, In order to live up to the thousand-year-old foundation of Baihua Valley? Baihua Valley has encountered a catastrophe. You don’t know how to revive Baihua Valley, but live in depression every day. If this continues, Baihua Valley will really die. Do you really have the heart? , Seeing that the Hundred Flowers Valley no longer exists? Do you have the heart to see the painstaking efforts of the white valley owner go to waste? Say, do you have the heart? "

As soon as he finished speaking, there was finally a response from the crowd.

"Sect Master Tong, even if we can't bear it, what can we do? The owner of the valley is gone, and our Hundred Flowers Valley has already existed in name only."

What the people from Baihua Valley said is indeed the truth, this is the current status of Baihua Valley.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "You are right, the White Valley Master is indeed gone. But you can choose a new Valley Master, and you will continue to pass on the Hundred Flowers Valley. If you really If you want to avenge the owner of the white valley, you must cheer up from now on. Elder Sun, the owner of the white valley is not here, and the status in this valley is the highest. You elect a new valley owner now, and let everyone plant poisonous flowers again. It will not take a few days. A big battle is coming, and the time left for you is running out."

Although Tong Yan is not from Baihua Valley, his words still have a certain weight here.

Hearing this, Elder Sun nodded and said: "What Sect Master Tong said is very true. I should re-elect the Gu Master. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have someone to choose, just report your name. As long as you are dedicated to revitalizing my Hundred Flowers Valley, as long as you can be the leader of the White Valley Master revenge, the old man appointed him as the new valley master!"

Although there was a lot of discussion among the crowd, no one dared to take on this great task.

Just when Tong Yan felt helpless, a little girl about seventeen or eighteen years old suddenly came out timidly from the crowd.

"I... can I be the owner of the valley?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes turned to her.

Tong Yan looked at the little girl carefully, and was suddenly inexplicably shocked.

I don't know why, but this little girl gave him the feeling like a lotus flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained.What a flower, could it be that it was preordained by God?If she takes over Baihua Valley, maybe Baihua Valley can really rise again.

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? How can you be the owner of the Hundred Flowers Valley?"

As soon as the words were finished, the thousand-faced scholar walked out of the crowd quickly.

"Young Sect Master, this is my younger sister. She is ignorant, so please don't take her words seriously. Young Sect Master, the subordinates did not know that you had returned to Baihua Valley and did not greet you. Please forgive me, Young Sect Master!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I think your sister is competent, why don't you show her?"

The thousand-faced scholar was a little embarrassed, and then quickly stepped forward, and then whispered: "Young Sect Master, the owner of the Hundred Flowers Valley, let them choose by themselves. There is a very important matter that my subordinates must tell you. Qing Ming and the others... they have been trapped in the ancient tomb for more than ten days, and they are waiting for you to rescue them."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan asked anxiously, "Ancient tomb? Which ancient tomb?"

"It seems to seems to be the Tianshi Tomb!"

(End of this chapter)

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