
Chapter 466 The spirit weapon is self-contained, go to the fairy tomb!

Chapter 466 The spirit weapon is self-contained, go to the fairy tomb!

Hearing this, Tong Yan's heart trembled. "What did you say? But that Heavenly Master's Tomb, known as the Celestial Master's Tomb? Why are they going there?"

Hearing this, Qianmian Scholar said helplessly: "I don't know, but the brother who sent the message specifically told me that if they can't return within seven days, something serious has happened. It's been more than half a month now, and probably something really happened Yes. Young Sect Master, my injury is almost healed. When do you plan to leave? I will accompany you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with a solemn expression: "They are really too courageous. How can ordinary people enter the Tianshi Tomb? Not only are there many organs inside, but there are also rumors that there are corpse immortals guarding them. They rushed in like this Going in, it's just nonsense."

The Thousand Faced Scholar sighed softly, " can this be done. Young Sect Master, what do you think we should do next? Save or not?"

Tong Yan frowned and said: "Of course I can be saved, but before entering the Tianshi Tomb, you must make complete preparations. Go to a nearby town and help me buy some things. We will set off tomorrow morning." When he came down, he explained all the things that the scholar with thousands of faces needed to buy, and the scholar with thousands of faces didn't dare to delay, so he left Baihua Valley immediately.

As for the election of the new owner of the Hundred Flowers Valley, it has to be carefully calculated, but Elder Sun has called the disciples in the valley to start planting poisonous flowers again. I believe that as long as they work hard, the Hundred Flowers Valley will definitely get better day by day.

Bai Jing's house was empty, so Tong Yan moved in temporarily under Elder Sun's arrangement.

The thousand-faced scholar has not returned from shopping, so he decides to try to refine a magic weapon by himself.The essence of the three-eyed white ape was put into a small bottle, and a small white ape could be vaguely seen sleeping in the bottle.

This three-eyed white ape is a guardian spirit beast of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, so its strength is naturally no small matter.If he was bombarded continuously by the sky thunder, he would not end up in today's end.

Tong Yan took out the thousand-year-old ebony wood presented by the temple master of Sanxing Temple, and made a small hole in it with a golden drill bit transformed from a black flood dragon, and then took out the essence of the three-eyed white ape from the bottle.

This so-called Jingyuan is actually just a white bead, and the small holes on the ebony wood are made according to the size of the bead.He fiddled with the essence of the three-eyed white ape in his hand, and then slowly stuffed it into the small hole on the ebony wood.

Fearing that the essence of the three-eyed white ape would not stay in the ebony wood, Tong Yan specially carved some spells on the ebony wood.It's a pity that he doesn't know how to seal it. If someone can help him strengthen it with a seal, this magic weapon will be perfect.

Holding the ebony wood in his hand, he swung it vigorously a few times, and the essence of the three-eyed white ape was firmly held inside, so it should not fall.He doesn't know how to refine weapons, but he knows how to inlay treasures on them.

Looking at his masterpiece, Tong Yan decided to name it.He thought about it for a while, and finally decided to call it the Demon Slayer Stick.Spirit beasts are the nemesis of monsters. If this demon extermination stick can be refined properly, it will definitely be a sharp weapon for subjugating demons and eliminating demons in the future.

In the end, he dripped a drop of his own blood on the gap between the three-eyed white ape Jingyuan and Wujinmu.As long as the Three-Eyed White Ape and Wu Jinmu absorb his blood essence, then the Demon Slayer Stick will become his natal magic weapon in the future.

It's a pity that after staring at it for a long time, his essence and blood almost dried up, and the essence of the three-eyed white ape hadn't been absorbed either.

It's normal to think about it, how could such a spirit beast easily recognize its master?Tong Yan casually placed it on the table, suddenly felt drowsy, fell asleep lying on the table.

Probably due to the influence of Gu insects, the frequency of his drowsiness is getting higher and higher.I really don't know what kind of impact this Gu poison will have on him when it fully erupts.

Later, Qianmian Scholar finally bought everything back according to his instructions.There are talisman paper, cinnabar, black dog blood and so on.

Tong Yan's cunning talismans had already been used up, and he had to redraw some to enter the ancient tomb here. As for the black dog's blood and other things, it was to deal with the zombies in the ancient tomb.Although he thinks that his cultivation has improved a lot, there is a saying that is to be careful when sailing for thousands of years, and to prepare more will give you more peace of mind.

The thousand-faced scholar walked into Bai Jing's house and saw Tong Yan sleeping on his stomach. He wanted to put some clothes on him, but he was completely attracted by the ebony wood on the table.

The Three-Eyed White Ape didn't absorb Tong Yan's blood essence at first, but he didn't know what it was thinking, but now it quietly absorbed some.This absorption doesn't matter, it immediately becomes one with the ebony wood that has been infused with Tong Yan's blood essence.When the two merged, the ebony wood seemed to be reborn. Not only did it become longer, but a ball the size of a thumb grew from the part where it combined with the essence of the three-eyed white ape, which completely overwhelmed the three-eyed white ape. In the essence package.

And this also means that a spiritual weapon is born, but as for its power, it can only be known by using it in the future.

Seeing the demon exterminating stick emitting a faint red light, Qianmian Scholar was a little dazed, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to wake Tong Yan up.

"Young Sect Master, look quickly, this... what kind of treasure is this?"

After being patted by the thousand-faced scholar, the sleepy Tong Yan opened his sleepy eyes. He stared at the demon-killing stick in front of him, and immediately said happily: "It's done, my new magic weapon is done!"

From this moment on, Tong Yan has another treasure.I believe its appearance should help Tong Yan and the others rescue Qing Ming and the others smoothly.

Tong Yan drew hundreds of cunning talismans overnight, and the next day when it was light, he and the scholar with thousands of faces set out on the road together.

The Tianshi Tomb is named after the Tianshi, and the person buried is naturally the Tianshi.Everyone in the world knows that the celestial masters of the three sects of talismans are famous all over the world, but they don't know that there are also some celestial masters who live in seclusion in the mountains and forests that are equally powerful.

Among the Celestial Masters, the Four Great Celestial Masters are the most famous.The four celestial masters are headed by Tianshi Zhang, followed by Tianshi Ge, Tianshi Sa, and Tianshi Xu.These four celestial masters are all well-known among the gods. The founder of the three dragon and tiger sects of Fulu is Zhang Tianshi, and the founder of Gezao Mountain is Ge Tianshi.It can be seen from this that these four great celestial masters have countless disciples and became famous early.

Naturally, it is impossible for the four celestial masters to be buried in the celestial master's tomb, because the four celestial masters have already ascended to immortality.But apart from the four great celestial masters, there are still many celestial masters with extremely high morals.

It is said that the person buried in this celestial master's tomb is a peerless celestial master who failed to ascend to the throne and practiced the way of corpse.As for who it is, no one knows so far.It's just that all the major sects sent their experts to the tomb, but no one came out alive in the end.

So far, Tianshi Tomb has become a forbidden place for Taoism.There is only one end for those who seek treasure in the tomb, and that is death!

But Qingming and Blind Chen entered this Tianshi Tomb by chance, and they don't know whether it was on purpose by Blind Chen or if everything was predestined.

Does the mysterious corpse fairy really exist, and what kind of crisis lurks in the tomb of the celestial master?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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