
Chapter 468 Water Tomb Gate, Black-faced Monster!

Chapter 468 Water Tomb Gate, Black-faced Monster!
With Tong Yan's leap, the thousand-faced scholar on the opposite side was startled.But after thinking about it carefully, he realized that Tong Yan must have found the real location of the master's tomb.

Not daring to delay, he hurried down the mountain and ran towards the mountain stream between the twin peaks from a place with a slightly slower terrain on one side.

At this moment, Tong Yan has successfully landed beside the stream in the mountain stream with the help of Hei Jiaolong. It is a little dark here, because it is blocked by tall and dense trees, and it is difficult for the sun to shine here.

Tong Yan looked around, and saw the big characters carved on the stone walls on both sides at a glance.Although the handwriting was worn away by the wind and rain, it can still be recognized carefully.The writing styles on both sides are similar, and they should be written by the same person, probably with something like a sword, carved on it.The pen is sharp and uninhibited, which shows that this person has a good cultivation base and a bold and unrestrained personality.

I saw the writing on the stone wall on the left: "Know the destiny, who knows my destiny?" On the stone wall on the right is engraved, "Sigh the way of heaven, die here!"

Looking at the words on both sides, Tong Yan couldn't help thinking secretly.

There is a saying that at fifty you know your destiny. "Knowing the Mandate of Heaven" does not mean resigning yourself to fate and doing nothing, but it is up to people to plan and accomplish things, and to work hard without expecting results.

The previous sentence should mean that the person who carved the lettering had tried his best, but he didn't know his fate.And the latter sentence is easier to understand. He probably knows that the way of heaven is hard to break, so he chose Jue Ming here.

Doomed here?Could it be... Could it be that the person who carved the lettering was buried near here?If this is the case, maybe the tomb of the master is here, and the person who carved the lettering is likely to be the master buried in the tomb of the master.

Tong Yan secretly rejoiced in his heart, maybe he didn't find the wrong place.Now it's time to look for the entrance of the Master's Tomb. Only by entering smoothly can Qingming and the others be rescued earlier.

While he was carefully looking for the entrance, the scholar with thousands of faces also arrived here.As soon as he saw Tong Yan, he immediately asked with concern: "Young Sect Master, are you okay? I saw you jumped directly from the top of the mountain, and I was worried that you might fall and get injured."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Since I dare to jump, I am prepared for any danger. Well, the tomb of the master is here, you and I will look for it together!"

The two stood on both sides of the creek, and they happened to be looking for one side.

From ancient times to the present, there are quite a few people who have entered the Master's Tomb.Since there are so many people entering it, it should not be difficult to find the entrance.Moreover, Qing Ming and Chen Xiazi just entered half a month ago, so it may be easier to find some clues left by them.

The two searched carefully along the stone wall, but within ten minutes, the Thousand Faced Scholar found something.

"Young Sect Master, come over and have a look. There are newly chiseled marks on the stone wall, which seem to be cut by weapons. Do you think it was left by Qing Ming and the others?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurried forward, and leaped directly across the creek.He went straight to Qianmian Scholar's side, and looked at the traces of his fingers.

The marks are deep and very neat, it must have been cut by a weapon, and it is really very likely that Qing Ming and the others left it.But why did they cut the stone wall?Enough support?

Tong Yan stretched out his hand to touch it, and then tapped it with his fingers, but there was no mechanism at all.

Maybe he was wrong, maybe it was really someone among Qing Ming and the others who was full and slashed with the sword.

The stone walls on both sides have basically been inspected clearly, and there is no place that seems to be hiding a secret door or mechanism.

But this is strange, dozens of people entered the Gushi Tomb, how could they not leave any clues?Did it just disappear out of thin air?This possibility is almost impossible. There must be some place in this mountain stream that he has not found.Tong Yan thought to himself, his gaze continued to search without stopping.

After days of rushing, the tired Qianmian Scholar was both thirsty and hungry.It happened that the water in this creek was clear, so he bent down and took a handful and drank it.Needless to say, the water in this creek is cool and sweet, and it is many times better than any mineral water or any tap water.

He gulped for a while to quench his thirst, and then washed his face with the stream water.

It didn't matter that he washed his face, but he discovered a huge stone slab hidden in the stream.The handwriting on the slate has been completely worn away by running water, but there are still many marks left.At least it is enough to prove that someone has carved words on this slate.

"Young Sect Master, come and see, why is there a stone slab in this creek?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly looked away from the stone wall, turned around and looked into the creek.He had been so focused on the rock wall that he had ignored the creek.Could it be that the entrance to the Gushi Tomb is not on the ground, but in the water?

He stared at the stone slab in the creek carefully, and then a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Xu, this stone slab is the door to the Master's Tomb. Just pull it up, and the entrance to the Master's Tomb should appear!"

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar suddenly realized: "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful. The owner of this ancient tomb is really a genius. He even thought of setting the tomb gate in a stream. If you don't look carefully, who will find it."

Tong Yan smiled slightly, and then his eyes fell on the half corroded copper ring beside the stone slab.This pull ring should be the handle to open the door of the underwater tomb, but because of the age, it can no longer be used.

That being the case, if you want to open the stone gate in the water, you can only use brute force.

He took off the mountaineering bag on his back and jumped into the creek.The creek looked narrow and shallow, but as soon as it entered the water, it turned out that it was at least three meters deep.

Facts have proved that the old man was right to tell the children not to play in the river.Because the seemingly shallow place may be enough to drown a large living person.Sometimes what you see with your eyes is not necessarily true.

Tong Yan stabbed to the side of the stone slab with a sudden thrust, he stretched out his hands and groped around the edge of the stone slab, and he finally found a protruding place.He tried to pull the slate upwards, but the slate that was sealed in the water was like the cap of a bottle that had been emptied of air, so it could be pulled apart.

After several attempts, all ended in failure.There is no point of exertion underwater, no matter how strong Tong Yan is, he can't exert [-]% of it.

He had no choice but to get out of the water and think of another way.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the deep mark on the stone wall.Could this be what Qing Ming and the others stayed behind in order to enter the Master Tomb?

Just as he was thinking, he didn't expect the sound of "hehe" to be heard from the big leaning trees above his head.

Immediately afterwards, a black humanoid monster jumped down from the tree, and landed directly in front of Tong Yan and Qian Mian Scholar.

"Want to enter the fairy tomb? I'll take you in? Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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