
Chapter 469 Claiming to be a mountain spirit, the entrance is open!

Chapter 469 Claiming to be a mountain spirit, the entrance is open!
Tong Yan climbed up from the creek, then frowned and said, "What are you? A monster?"

I saw this black humanoid creature about one meter tall, and its whole body was black, like a child who just climbed out of a chimney.Its head is very large, almost the same as its round belly.It also has human-like facial features, but the facial features are very crowded, no matter how you look at it, it feels uncomfortable.

Its upper body was bare, and its lower body was covered with black wild animal skin.The most surprising thing is that it not only has four fingers, but also four toes.

It just bowed its waist and looked at Tong Yan and the thousand-faced scholar, with a slightly horrified smile on its face.

Facing Tong Yan's question, it first smiled, and then said in a sharp voice: "I... of course I'm not human. I'm actually the spirit of this mountain. It's this mountain that gave birth to me, so No one knows this mountain better than me. Since you are here, you must want to enter the fairy tomb, right? I heard that there are many treasures there, you must not miss it."

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "You are a warm-hearted person. Did a group of people enter this fairy tomb half a month ago? Do you know?"

"I know, many people went in together, and I helped them in! What's the matter? Do you know each other?"

It seems to be right, Qing Ming and the others are now in the Tianshi Tomb.And the stone slab in the creek is the entrance to the Tianshi Tomb.But how did they get in?Could it be that this monster who claimed to be a mountain spirit really helped?
Shanling is so enthusiastic about sending Tong Yan and the others into the Tianshi Tomb, its intention is really doubtful.As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.What's more, is it a monster who is so courteous?

But no matter what its purpose is, this Tianshizhong Tongyan must enter.Let's see what it does first!

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately said: "I do know the group before, since you sent them in. Then please help us open the entrance of this fairy tomb!"

Hearing this, Shan Ling laughed and said, "Okay, then wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go!" Saying this, it climbed up the stone wall like a gecko, and then climbed up from the stone wall to a tree. Until it disappears without a trace.

After the mountain spirit left, the thousand-faced scholar hurriedly said: "Young Sect Master, why do I feel that this mountain demon has some malicious intentions? Could it be trying to trick us into the Tianshi Tomb and kill us?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "Even so, do you think we have other options? Qingming and the others don't know what's going on in the tomb. The top priority is to enter the Tianshi Tomb as soon as possible. Let’s talk about things after saving people!”

The Thousand Faced Scholar frowned and said, "I'm afraid that we have fate to enter, but no fate to exit. Sigh..."

Tong Yan said with a free and easy smile: "There is no unparalleled road in the sky, I don't believe that there is no entry and no exit in this Tianshi Tomb. If it is really destined to die in it, it is also God's will."

At this moment when the two were talking, Shan Ling had already gone back with the rope on his shoulders.

Looking at the rope on it, Tong Yan's mouth curled up unconsciously.This rope is very new and strong, maybe it is the one that Qing Ming and the others used when they opened the passage.

It is very difficult to open the stone door with brute force in the water. The best way is to tie a rope to the foot of the stone door and drag it outside.In this way, with a point of strength, the stone gate can be pulled up no matter how heavy it is.

Looking at the dagger pinned to the mountain spirit's waist, Tong Yan suddenly understood.I'm afraid it wasn't it that helped Qing Ming and the others enter the Tianshi Tomb, but it was it that cut Qing Ming and the others from their way out.

Why does Tong Yan think this way?The answer will be revealed soon!

After Shan Ling returned, he immediately took out the rope on his body and threw it on the ground, then walked to the stone wall on his own, and directly inserted the dagger at his waist into the dent left on the stone wall middle.

Seeing that it inserted the dagger in without any effort, it can be concluded that the dent on the stone wall was originally left by the dagger.

After it stabbed the dagger into the stone wall, it immediately returned to Tong Yan and the scholar with thousands of faces.

"Who of you uses this rope to tie the stone slab in the water, and then tie one end of the rope to the dagger on the stone wall, so that you can enter the fairy tomb. Hehe... am I smart?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "This idea is good, you are indeed very smart. Brother Xu, please go into the water."

After hearing this, Qianmian Scholar did not delay, unloaded his backpack, picked up the rope on the ground, and plunged into the water with one slam.He purposely left one end of the rope on the shore, so that as soon as he tied it, Tong Yan could forcefully pull up the stone slab on the shore.

Tong Yan bent down and held the rope, waiting for the thousand-faced scholar in the water to emerge from the water.

Shan Ling watched with his hands behind his back, like an audience eating melons and watching a show, full of leisure.

Tong Yan glanced at it, and then asked tentatively: "Why are you so kind to help us? Don't you want some benefits?"

Hearing this, Shan Ling laughed and said, "One good deed every day will earn three thousand merits. I do good deeds and don't ask for anything in return! Hehe..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said: "In this way, you are really a great kind person. In this case, I think you are not as good as a good person who will go to the end and send the Buddha to the west. I don't know much about the fairy tomb. You come with us Enter the tomb, how about it?"

Upon hearing this, Shan Ling hurriedly shook his hands and head and said, "No, no... I can't go down, you should go in by yourself."

Tong Yan chuckled and said: "You also said that the tomb is full of treasures, don't you want to get them? Or is there something terrible in this tomb that you dare not go in?"

As soon as his words fell, the thousand-faced scholar in the water had already tied up the stone slab and got out of the water.

"Young Sect Master, I've tied it up. You can try it and see if I've tied it firmly. If it doesn't work, I'll go down and tie it up again."

Hearing this, Tong Yan withdrew his gaze from Shan Ling's body, then grabbed the rope in his hand and pulled it back forcefully.

The rest of the rope was very long, and it was not difficult at first, but when the rope was tightened, it became more and more difficult.

Tong Yan clasped his hands tightly, took a deep breath, and pulled back suddenly, only to hear a "pop", first a huge bubble popped out of the stream.Immediately afterwards, a huge vortex appeared in the stream.Seeing the water level drop rapidly, Tong Yan knew that the entrance to Tianshi Tomb had finally opened.

However, the mountain spirit standing behind him showed a ferocious smile with malicious intentions.

Is it really as simple as Shanling?What is it hiding?

(End of this chapter)

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