
Chapter 470 What is the origin of the mountain spirit stone statue?

Chapter 470 What is the origin of the mountain spirit stone statue?
When the thousand-faced scholar saw the water drop, he jumped out of the water and retreated directly to Tong Yan's side.

The underwater stone gate has been opened, and the water of a whole stream immediately rushes into the gate.In just a few minutes, the three to four meter deep stream dried up like this. Except for the silt left in the river bed, there was only the huge stone gate and the bottomless black hole under the stone gate.

I don't know what kind of stone this stone gate is made of, it's so heavy that even an expert like Tong Yan feels a little tired after carrying it for a while.Not only that, there seemed to be a special strong suction between the black hole and the Shimen, Tong Yan tried to move the Shimen aside, but no matter how hard he tried, the Shimen wouldn't budge.

Since it couldn't be moved, it meant that the stone door could only be half-opened like it is now.In this way, the dagger on the stone wall is extremely important.

Tong Yan quickly retreated to the stone wall, and directly tied the rope to the dagger.With the dagger hanging like this, the stone gate couldn't be closed again.

Unless the mountain spirit took advantage of the two of them to enter the Tianshi Tomb, and then secretly pulled out the dagger from the stone wall, otherwise, this stone gate should be able to hold on until they exited safely.

Tong Yan tied the rope, breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his gaze to Shan Ling again.

"Little guy, you really helped us a lot. But I still have to ask you to accompany us into the tomb. Since you said that you are the mountain spirit of this mountain, no one knows this place better than you. Then come with us Go in, don't worry, if there is really a treasure in this tomb, we will never treat you badly!"

Hearing this, the mountain spirit couldn't help but tremble all over. It thought that Tong Yan wouldn't hold on to it anymore because it had already rejected it just now.Unexpectedly, Tong Yan made such an embarrassing request again.

"Um... that big brother, I've already helped you guys. As for entering the fairy tomb, I think it's better to forget about it. I still have something to do with that, so I'll take my leave first!" After saying that, it turned around and climbed up the stone wall, about to get away.

Seeing this, Tong Yan sneered, waved his arm immediately, and shouted angrily: "I want to escape, I'm dreaming! Xiao Hei, take it down for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden bracelet on his wrist immediately turned into a beam of golden light, which shot directly at the mountain spirit at an extremely fast speed.

Shan Ling turned his head to look, screamed strangely in fright, and quickly speeded up.But no matter how fast it is, how can it surpass the black flood dragon?
He only heard the sound of "嗤", and the golden light transformed by the black flood dragon directly bound the mountain spirit tightly.Shan Ling's hands were tied, he couldn't continue to climb immediately, and immediately rolled down from the stone wall like a black gourd until he rolled to Tong Yan's feet.

"Little guy, I have no intention of killing you. But if you don't know the current affairs, then I can only do justice for the sky."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei tied him up even tighter, screaming "Wow!"

"Great Immortal... Great Immortal, spare me! The little one has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, so I ran into you. Please forgive me, Great Immortal!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Of course you can forgive me, then obediently accompany us into the ancient tomb. If you dare to play tricks, I have a thousand ways to die for you to choose from. Scratch your skin and cramps, crush your bones and ashes, we promise to let you die." You can't live, you can't die!"

Hearing this, Shan Ling immediately said with a mournful face: "Great Immortal, it's not that I don't want to accompany you in. It's's just that the fairy tomb is full of murderous intentions every step of the way, and there are many traps. And...and there short, in short, you can't go in. After going in, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out again."

Tong Yan saw that it hesitated to speak, which showed that it knew the Tianshi Tomb very well.Could it be... Could it be that it ran out of this tomb?
Thinking of this, Tong Yan had a fierce look on his face, and then said coldly: "What did you say is in this tomb just now? Why didn't you tell the truth, what are you hiding? Let me tell you, don't challenge my patience, it's gone!" After you, I can also go in by myself!"

Shan Ling saw that he had slipped his tongue, and now he was on the verge of riding a tiger.It struggled in its heart for a while, and finally said truthfully: "In this fairy tomb... there are gods in the fairy tomb. And... moreover, they are evil immortals who eat people's souls and suck people's blood!"

An evil fairy who eats people's souls and sucks people's blood?Tong Yan sneered in his heart, I am afraid that what the mountain spirit is talking about is the corpse fairy in the tomb!He really wanted to meet this corpse fairy, it was much more rare for a corpse to become a fairy than a ghost fairy.

"So that's the case, then I have to go in and have a look. Didn't you say that there is an evil fairy in here? Then I will destroy it with my own hands in front of you! Stop talking nonsense, and lead the way obediently!"

Shan Ling saw that he couldn't hide anyway, so he nodded unwillingly and said: "Oh, I see! Then, Great Immortal...can you let me go first? I'm tied up, and I can't lead the way. .”

Tong Yan smiled lightly and said: "Okay, it's fine to let go of your hands and feet, so let's add a neck collar for you. If you dare to play tricks, I will make your head move!" As soon as the words fell, Xiao Hei understood and immediately melted A golden collar was directly wrapped around Shan Ling's neck.

Shan Ling reached out and touched the collar around his neck, and could only walk helplessly towards the black hole under the stone gate.

Tong Yan and Qianmian Scholar put on their backpacks one after another, and then followed Shan Ling and jumped into the black hole.

Sure enough, as Tong Yan guessed, the suction in this black hole is indeed extremely strong.The person who just jumped into it was like jumping into a well with a stone in his arms. Not only was he extremely fast, but he was also bitingly cold.

After falling like this for a few seconds, only three "bang bang" sounds were heard, and the three of them fell into the water under the black hole one after another.

It was only after they surfaced that they realized that they were in a pool, and on one side of the pool was a dark corridor leading forward.

The three climbed out of the pool one by one, and then walked forward along the corridor.Their bodies are wet, and the temperature here is very low. Fortunately, they are not ordinary people. If they were other people, they would definitely have a serious illness.

The thousand-faced scholar immediately took out the waterproof flashlight from his backpack. The flashlight had just been turned on, but it flickered for a moment, and then went out immediately.

"Huh? That's really weird! I bought this flashlight specially. Why did it break before it was used? I must have been deceived. When I go out, I have to ask the boss for an explanation. It's too bullying!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid it's not that the flashlight is broken, but that there is some special restriction here. Or, there is something here that affects the magnetic field, so all electrical and communication equipment will fail. You stretch out your hand If you touch it forward, you will be able to touch my backpack. I have opened my spiritual eyes and can have night vision, so I will take you away."

Hearing this, Qianmian Scholar hurriedly grabbed Tong Yan's backpack, and then followed him forward bit by bit.

The mountain spirit didn't feel any discomfort. Seeing it walking leisurely ahead, Tong Yan once again confirmed his thoughts. The mountain spirit was very familiar with this ancient tomb, and it was very likely that it belonged to this tomb.

After walking forward for a few minutes, a huge stone statue suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor.Tong Yan stared at the stone statue carefully, and then couldn't help being startled.

It never occurred to him that the thing engraved on the stone statue... was actually the mountain spirit who led the way!
What the hell is going on here?There are still people making statues of this mountain spirit. What is the relationship between it and this ancient tomb?

(End of this chapter)

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