
Chapter 471 Half-truth, half-false, weird everywhere!

Chapter 471 Half-truth, half-false, weird everywhere!
Shan Ling glanced at the stone statue casually, and was about to bypass it directly, because there was a stone gate behind the stone statue.

But Tong Yan opened his mouth and stopped it directly. There are some things, it's better to ask clearly, who knows what kind of medicine is sold in this guy's gourd, what if it is poison?

"Shan Ling, don't leave in such a hurry. Come and take a look at this stone statue, doesn't it look familiar to you?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shan Ling couldn't help but tremble all over, and then retracted the steps he took.It calmed down a little, and finally turned around slowly.

"Hey... Daxian, what are your orders?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "I'm pretending to be mean to you, right? Do you think it's convenient for you to ignore such a big stone statue?"

Hearing this, Shan Ling said in embarrassment: "Oh, you said this stone statue. Well, this stone statue is well carved. Huh? Why is it so similar to me? It's really strange, Daxian, what do you think it happened What's the matter?"

Tong Yan quietly watched it pretend, he wanted to see how long this guy could pretend to be crazy.

Seeing Tong Yan's half-smile face, Shan Ling gradually couldn't pretend anymore, and then slowly lowered his head.

Seeing this, Tong Yan asked, "Shan Ling, Ming people don't speak dark words, since your stone statue has appeared here. I think you'd better explain it clearly. If you can't treat each other with sincerity, I'm afraid I don't consider you a friend either. And I've never shown mercy to potential enemies. You know what I mean, don't you?"

Shan Ling bowed his head and remained silent for a while, knowing that he couldn't hide the truth, finally said with a sad face: "I... I don't want to hide it from you, but... I just said it because I'm afraid you will kill me. Now that I have reached this point, I also There’s nothing I can’t say. To be honest, I’m actually... actually the tomb guard of this fairy tomb! Because I was unwilling to stay in this dark tomb, I sneaked away when someone entered the ancient tomb Go out. I'm used to wandering in the mountains and forests, so I don't want to come back here again. However, I ran into you, and I still couldn't escape after all."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed secretly in his heart.Even now, the mountain spirit still refuses to tell the truth.Half of what it just said should be true, but the other half is absolutely false.

It said that it was the tomb guard beast of the Tianshi Tomb, which should be true, after all, there is a stone statue specially carved for it.But it said that it sneaked out of the ancient tomb because of boredom, which is probably false.Just imagine if it really doesn't want to go back to the ancient tomb.Then why does it help others, or lure others into the ancient tomb?

If you really hate a place, you can't wait to get rid of the relationship completely.But it doesn't do that, so what does that mean?

According to Tong Yan's speculation, it is very likely that it was entrusted by the owner of the tomb of the Tianshi Tomb to trick people into the ancient tomb so that those people would never be able to get out of the ancient tomb.

If the speculation is correct, there are several possibilities why the owner of the tomb let him do this.For example, the owner of the tomb wants to eat people's souls and blood; for example, the owner of the tomb is lonely here and wants people to accompany him to sleep here; Greed, someone who intends to hunt for treasure in the tomb.

Any possibility exists, but there is one thing that can't be wrong.That is, this mountain spirit is the dog leg of the owner of the tomb of the Tianshi, and everything it does is for the owner of the tomb.

Although Tong Yan had seen through everything, he didn't say it directly.Because he knew that it was meaningless to talk about it now, and it was impossible for him to really get rid of the mountain spirit, after all, he had to count on it to lead him the way.In contrast, it is a good policy to follow the plan.

He rolled his eyes, then said with a slight smile: "Forget you are sensible, well, this matter has been turned over, let's continue to lead the way!"

Feeling relieved, Shan Ling immediately nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, I obey!" After speaking, it quickly walked around the stone statue and walked to the stone gate behind.

Tong Yan glanced at the stone statue one last time, and then led the scholar with thousands of faces to follow.

However, what he didn't expect was that just as the three of them walked around the stone statue, the huge mountain spirit stone statue... actually showed a strange smile!This is really unbelievable. Could it be that there is a secret in this mountain spirit?

Standing in front of the stone gate, Shan Ling stretched out his finger and said, "Great Immortal, through this stone gate, you will really enter the fairy tomb. You have to be more careful, even I may be tricked. In short, Please be blessed!"

This mountain spirit does not seem to need to exaggerate, perhaps it is a kind reminder.

Tong Yan smiled lightly: "Don't worry, we will be more careful, open the door!"

Shan Ling nodded, and then stretched out his hands with only four fingers each, and pressed them on the stone gate.

The stone gate was so tall and big that Tong Yan was really worried that the mountain spirit, which was only one meter high, would not be able to push it open.But it turns out that he was overthinking.There is a saying that is good, what is concentrated is the essence.Although this mountain spirit is small, his abilities are not small at all.

With the sound of "chuckle" friction, the huge stone gate with a height of five or six meters was slowly opened.At the same time, white smoke poured out from behind the door like a flowing cloud, quickly engulfing Tong Yan and the others.

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, seeing the fog coming, Tong Yan's first reaction was to hold his breath.Not only did he hold his breath, but he also promptly reminded the thousand-faced scholar behind him.

But I have to say, he worried too much.This white smoke is not poisonous, as for the purpose of its appearance, it will be known soon.

"Daxian, let's move on! The smoke is not poisonous, so don't worry."

Although it said so, Tong Yan did not dare to relax his vigilance.Be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter.

The smoke was so thick that the visibility was less than two meters.Tong Yan followed Shan Ling closely, with it leading the way, even if there were any traps, he would be able to detect them immediately.

The three of them walked forward in the smoke. After walking for about five or six minutes, Shan Ling suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Tong Yan asked puzzledly, "Why don't you leave? Is there no way ahead?"

Hearing this, Shan Ling said without turning his head: "There is a way, but...but the maze ahead has been triggered. Should we wait for them to die before moving forward? Otherwise, we have to Trapped by the maze!"

Is there a maze ahead?Was it triggered?Could it be... Could it be Qing Ming and the others?

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately said: "Keep moving forward, I want to see what maze can trap me!"

Shan Ling hesitated a bit when he heard this, and reminded again: "Great Immortal, this labyrinth is not easy, or...or we should wait here. Why bother asking for trouble?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "To tell you the truth, I came here to break the formation. If I don't join the formation, how can I break the formation? Stop talking nonsense and continue to lead the way!"

Shan Ling really obeyed Tong Yan. He had seen someone who was not afraid of death, but he had never seen someone who was so fearless.Knowing that there is a cliff ahead, he still insists on jumping. This is really not something normal people can do.

There is no way, although Shanling is 1 unhappy, but it has to move forward now, who told him to fall into Tong Yan's hands?
Just after the three of them continued to walk forward, a big face slowly emerged from the white smoke.This big face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, not crying but not crying, and there was something weird about it, which made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts...

What will Tong Yan and the others meet next?What shocking secret is hidden in this mysterious celestial master's tomb?
(End of this chapter)

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