
Chapter 472 Brothers meet again, harboring ghosts?

Chapter 472 Brothers meet again, harboring ghosts?

Tong Yan was almost sure that it was Qing Ming and the others who triggered the maze.According to Shan Ling, even it is difficult to get out of this maze, so it can be seen that this maze is not simple.

Although Qing Ming is a descendant of Qinglong, he has almost no attainments in formations, and most of the Mozong members except him are like this.The only one who knows the formation method should be Chen Xiazi, but he is good at divination, not necessarily good at breaking the formation.They specialize in techniques, maybe they are still trapped in the maze.

If Tong Yan's guess is correct, as long as he enters the maze, he will be able to reunite with Qingming and the others.

Shan Ling is now full of displeasure, although Tong Yan said that he came here to break the formation, but he knew in his heart that he is not a master of the formation, and it is almost impossible to break through the formation.But there is no way, it is controlled by Tong Yan now, whatever Tong Yan tells it to do, it has to do it obediently.Even if you are unwilling, you have no choice.

"Daxian, we are entering the battle now. Be careful!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Shan Ling sighed softly, then raised his legs and stepped into the billowing smoke in front of him.Tong Yan and Qianmian Scholar followed closely behind, and just as the three of them had completely entered the thicker smoke, the surrounding scene changed instantly.

The previous smoke has disappeared without a trace, replaced by a very wide corridor.Both sides of the corridor were lit with the ever-burning lamps that are common in ancient tombs, and everyone's sight became much clearer.

Tong Yan purposely turned his head and glanced behind him, the white smoke was no longer behind him, but turned into a thick stone wall.

He knew that even if he wanted to retreat from here now, it might be difficult, because all of them were recruited without exception.

Now it's not a way to think about how to leave, but to find Qing Ming and others earlier, and I don't know what is going on with them now.Tong Yan was always worried about Qing Ming and the others' safety. After all, this master's tomb is not simple, and any accident may happen.

In the corridor, there is only a way forward, and there is no way back.Shanling doesn't complain now, because it knows that complaining is useless, so don't ask for trouble.

The three of them walked forward along the flat corridor for about ten minutes, when a corner appeared in front of them.

They were just approaching the corner, but they didn't expect a desperate scream to come from the corner.

"Ah... ah... instead of living in such pain, it's better if I hit my head and die here! Don't stop me, don't let anyone stop me, I can't live anymore. It's too painful, too painful, ah... "

Upon hearing the shout, Tong Yan and Qian Mian Scholar frowned.They were almost certain that the voice was made by a disciple of the Demon Sect.

Tong Yan didn't dare to slack off, hurriedly rushed to the corner, and when he looked up, his eyes suddenly widened.

He thought that Qing Ming and the others would be in danger, but he didn't expect that the situation would develop to this point.Dozens of people, until now... until now there are less than ten people.Looking at the bones on the ground and the bones left after gnawing, he already understood what happened here.

I didn't expect such a cruel thing to happen here.

"You... are you all right? I'm sorry, I'm late!" Looking at the weak people, Tong Yan bowed deeply.

As soon as he said this, the people who were still in despair suddenly turned their heads to look at him.

Blind Chen saw that Tong Yan was coming, and he didn't know where the strength came from, so he jumped up all of a sudden.

"Haha... I'm not dreaming, am I? I knew Brother Tong Yan would definitely come. Look... Look quickly, he's here to save us. We're saved! Er..." Before he finished speaking, a His breath was not going well, and he fell to the ground in a faint.

No one paid attention to whether he passed out, everyone's attention was on Tong Yan.

"Young Sect Master, you're finally here. We thought... we thought we couldn't escape anymore. Huh..." At this point, these strong men in the Demon Sect couldn't help crying.

Looking at them, Tong Yan couldn't bear it.These are brothers who accompany him through fire and water, but unfortunately, there are only a few of them left now.

Tong Yan wanted to say something at first, but when he thought of their hungry stomachs, he quickly took off his backpack and said, "Don't cry, I'll bring you something to eat. You must be starving, hurry up and get it!" With that said, he walked quickly towards the crowd with his backpack in his hand.

What everyone needs most now is food. When Tong Yan said that they brought something to eat, everyone's eyes lit up, and they quickly gathered around like hungry wolves.

Tong Yan distributed the food and water in the backpack to everyone one by one, and everyone immediately started to gobble it up impatiently.

"You all eat slowly, don't hold on."

It's a pity that food comes first, and everyone cares about other things.Seeing them all look like they were reborn, the gloom on Tong Yan's face was swept away.

Qing Ming and Bai Wu Ya finally walked up to Tong Yan, their bodies were strange and they didn't need food, so they didn't take what Tong Yan handed them.

"Little boy, it's good if you come. I'm not hungry, so leave something for them to eat. They entered this ancient tomb because of me. If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't..." When he said this, his face Showed the color of pain.

Tong Yan didn't ask any further questions, but reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Qing, the matter is over. Don't worry about it anymore. I'm here, we can definitely get out alive."

Hearing this, Qingming smiled bitterly and said: "In the past? How can I get by? So many brothers starve to death here because of me. I am ashamed of them, I have harmed them."

Looking at the tears in Qingming's eyes, Tong Yan's pain was not much less than his, but he had to persuade Qingming, because he was afraid that Qingming would plant a demon because of it.

"Brother Qing, man's fate is predestined! All of this is predestined by God, and has nothing to do with you. If you insist on entanglement, it's just that you just happened to bump into it. I believe those brothers who died didn't blame you, because They were willing to accompany you in. You didn't force them, did you? Well, now you can tell me, why did you enter this ancient tomb? For the treasure inside?"

Qingming nodded and said: "Yes, I blame my greed. I shouldn't have listened to Chen Xiazi's words, and I shouldn't have brought so many brothers into the tomb together. It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then said in puzzlement, "What did Blind Chen say? He let you in?"

Tong Yan vaguely felt that Qing Ming and the others entered the tomb this time, it might not be that simple.Could it be that Blind Chen deliberately instigated it?But if that was the case, why would he do it?

(End of this chapter)

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